Question and Suggestions

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Post by JJM543 »

You might remember I posted during the beta that ati cards
were not getting more than 30fps. Well it appears nothing has changed as I am still getting 30fps on an x800 xt. So my question is can the ati users expect a patch for this?

I also have some suggestions for autohost if you have the time to work on it.
First with regards to the 4 players must be checked to start the game. I think it would be better to have a message be printed for each player that isnt checked to check in or be booted in 15 seconds. This of course wouldnt start being printed until at least 4 players have entered. This way the game wont start when people are not checked in.

Second is it possible at all to create a voting system within the interface so the players can choose the plugin, gametype, and time/plan time. For instance you could have 5 buttons somewhere on the interface. The host will select 1-5 plugins, 1-5 gametypes, and 1-5 choices for time and plan time. So when the host creates the autohost, he selects if it will be a voting server, or a server that just cycles through maps like we have now. If voting server is selected, 5 plugins are selected and various gametypes and times for each plugin are selected for choice. Then when at least 4 players have entered, a series of messages will be printed. No players can talk in the server during this period to keep the screen from getting cluttered. For example:
Autohost: Please vote for a plugin to enable.
Autohost: 1 - No plugin (regular myth)
Autohost: 2 - WW2 Recon
Autohost: 3 - WW2 Combat
Autohost: 4 - Blue vs Grey
Autohost: 5 - GFGG

Autohost: You have 10 seconds to make a choice.

Autohost: WW2 Combat was voted as the plugin.

Autohost: Please vote for a gametype.
Autohost: 1 - Body Count

I thought of a few other things that should be voted on as well. Number of teams(0-8) 0 for ffa, map enabled, etc...
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Post by JJM543 »

Here, I edited a picture to show you what I mean.

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Post by iron »

Re the 30fps - that was for OpenGL on Windows. We're bringing on board a Windows programmer who knows OpenGL much better than we do, so there _may_ be a chance of a future patch to improve what you're experiencing atm.
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Post by Myrd »

Except that top part of the screen is already taken up by other user interface elements.
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Post by CIK »

We do know that certain video cards perform poorly under the various video renderers on windows, but for most people one of the renderers will give very good performance. As a note: I'm getting well over 100fps with a ATI 9600. 30fps on a XT800 makes no sense, but since none of us have one to test with we are sort of stuck.

As Iron said we hope our new blood will be able to help us out greatly.
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