A bunch of raving nutters?

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A bunch of raving nutters?

Post by DudeEckes »

Well yes, that's the only explanation.

However thank you very much indeed for the continued effort you put into keeping Myth 2 up to date and giving me and many others the chance to play this great game on decent hardware/OS.

Also enjoying the TFL pack for Myth 2, allowing me to relive the spirit of the game that started the series. I'm quite busy now beating the goods out of the Dark Creatures once again. New challenges lay ahead!

If anybody is interested, I rediscovered Myth2 when I switched to Apple 2 years ago. You know, there aren't THAT many games for OS X, not that I'm still a hardcore gamer.

And joy of joys, the game came in hybrid form. So I set out to search a patch for OS X, installed it, and boy: sure worked like a charm. Don't blame me, but Myth type of games were never my cup of tea, but as I already said: games for the Mac are rare. So I stuck with what I got, and after two frustrating days I suddenly got the hang of it. Was a bit sad when I finished the game, but as my birthday draws nearer, I gave a shot at Myth 3. Downloaded the demo, which was not so easy to find.

What can I say? That I missed the comic style of graphics, animations and sound/speech? That the game looked dull? Well, I chose not to spend 25 bucks, because Myth 3 felt very different.

What I did instead? Found Chimera and gave it a shot. Oh boy, that looks like fun! Discovered the Fallen Maps. Gave them a shot too, and that even looks like more fun!

So, thanks again for all your effort! Must be dashing, I think a Thrall is about to knock my door down. And we don't want stuff like that happening in here, do we?
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Other solo campaigns

Post by Eddaweaver »

Did you know there are solo campaigns for Myth 2 other than Chimera and The Fallen Levels?


There's also The Seventh God, but I don't know where to download that from.

If you've got Myth one, there is Sir Mauriac's Tale.
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Post by Bou »

The Seventh God @ mythaddict.atvcowboy.com
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Post by TarousZars »

As Bou mentioned, Jinn, TSG, and many other solo/coop maps can be found at Myth Addicts. Which sadly seems to be down today, i'll fix it as soon as i get home from work.

Site is back up.

I hope you find some more maps to enjoy. If you find something is too hard, or you feel you are running out of things to play, try going multiplayer. PlayMyth.net is a great server and whether it is cooperative or against eachother multiplayer is a lot of fun.
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Post by DudeEckes »

Thanks for the additional links folks! Seems like there's a whole lot of fun waiting to be discovered :D
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