Dwarven Fear Tournament

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Dwarven Fear Tournament

Post by Zeph »

Go get your beer kegs, it's time for some fearing tournament!

How it works : Posts your application here. Go into fear, duplicate the "dwarf mortar hero" monster tag and then give him as many weird attacks as you like. Upload your local folder in Zephirus' user box under Dwarven Stuff folder. I will then combine all those dorfs into proving grounds and we will battle it out.

A few rules and guidelines must be obeyed.
(wu refers to World Unit)

1. Please use the Dwarf hero object tag. I modified it by giving it a vitality value of 20 and improved paralysing resistance.

2. Artifacts can be used, but the object modifiers must all be set to 1.000!

3. Base movement speed has a maximum of 0.060, absorbed fraction set to 0.000

4. Do not modify default tags.

5. A projectile group may not contain more than 10 projectiles.

6. Make sure you make a "unit" tag with the different string lists(dont forget plural form of your dwarf's spelling for unit trading)

7. Recovery time experience delta = 0.000

Added rules by Pyro

1) Have a maximum range for all attacks : 16.000wu

2) Maximum radius for any attack is 3wu

3) No Charm/Holding/Stone/Confusion damage types of attacks

4) Projectiles cannot be guided, centered on target, lightnings or melee attack.

5) Healing is fine(the attack can be set as melee only if it targets the owner)

Added rules by iron

-The recovery time of an attack in seconds is equal to the maximum damage it can deal divided by 2.

This means an attack that deals 20 damage should have a recovery time of 10.
If the attack projectile promotes into multiple proj's, each doing damage, the recovery time would be half the total of all those projectiles ... hence if it splits into 3 projectiles each doing 10 damage, the recovery would be 15.
-Reflexive attack are permitted. Don't forget the recovery time though.

-Damages that dont affect monsters are not added up to the total damage when counting recovery time. This is to allow the making of deflectors, shields, mines and the likes.
Last edited by Zeph on Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:53 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by iron »

haha, sounds good Zeph :) Pity I can't play online else I'd definitely join in.

... and that gives me an idea. A variant of the competition could be on an FFA map with half a dozen duff heroes per team (Zeph or the TO would have to place them) and a simple ATTA (initially active, expires never, 2 sec trigger, attack all enemies) applied to all the units. After that the game would run on auto in BC mode.

If something like that was done, you'd need a maximum attack range limitation built in to make it somewhat fairer & allow defensive AI tricks to work. Anyway, just throwing it out there for what its worth.

Great idea Zeph, hope you get a bunch of imaginative ppl signing up :D
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Post by lank »

hopefully you'll soon be seeing my "mighty morphine plough arranger" in your db! ;)
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Post by Pyro »

Yes, I agree with Iron, there needs to be more restrictions. Or else I can easily create a dwarf that will beat other dwarves even with the few limitations it may have.

Possible Limitation to Consider Adding:

1) Have a maximum range (and minimum maybe?) limit

2) Have the attack have a damage value limit

3) No Charm/Holding damage types of attacks

4) Attack cannot be "Centered on Target" (Has to be a projectile throw from the dwarf.)

5) No Healing attacks (maybe?)

6) Limit the initial attack recovery

7) Declare Pyro the winner (I like this idea.) :wink:
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Post by Gabba »

why shiver is cheap in pyro's ffa plugin

1) all her atks HURT and KILL quickly (cept for balor and stygs)

2) she has most hp (health) of all the units in your plug (cept mb watcher)

3) she can be healed to FULL hp TWICE

quit being stubborn and face me for once; then tell why u think i am wrong about this (yes, u have told me i am wrong alot)
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Fury IX
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Post by Fury IX »

what is prize?

No artifact can be used at all time?

sounds like too many rules for my tastes...
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Post by Zeph »

I just updated some of the rules.

Fury, those are mainly to prevent someone from making an invincible dwarf or a super nuke of great devoid making.

Trust me, the no melee attack is there, but it's very well possible to dodge such an attack if you know fear.
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Post by iron »

You could still have artifacts ... just put a rule in saying that the artifacts are not to change a unit's object strength. With arties present you could have all kinds of imaginative attacks :)
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Post by Zeph »

ok :) thats good Iron. Artifacts allowed!

::rules changed::
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Post by iron »

Another potential rule that could make things really interesting ...

The recovery time for an attack has to be at least half the attack's maximum damage.

So ... if the attack does 10 max damage, recovery time has to be at least 5.

That way ppl would have to make a choice between really quick attacks that don't do much, or less frequent but more deadly ones.

If the attack projectile promotes into multiple proj's, each doing damage, the recovery time would be half the total of all those projectiles ... hence if it splits into 3 projectiles each doing 10 damage, the recovery would be 15.

If you did the above then it'd still work with higher damage limits & quicker recovery limits.

Oh, and outlawing the use of T without targets sux0rz imho :)

One final suggestion (and I'm sure making a lot for someone who can't take part!) ... disallow projectiles that don't damage the owner ;)
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Post by Pyro »

Yay for artifacts allowed... now I can kill with style! :wink: The max speed should be 0.061 since Fear doesn't allow 0.060 only 0.059 or 0.061.
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Post by Zeph »

i didnt know that.
0.060 and 0.061 both give the same number anyways
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Post by Pyro »

Gabba wrote:why shiver is cheap in pyro's ffa plugin

1) all her atks HURT and KILL quickly (cept for balor and stygs)

2) she has most hp (health) of all the units in your plug (cept mb watcher)

3) she can be healed to FULL hp TWICE

quit being stubborn and face me for once; then tell why u think i am wrong about this (yes, u have told me i am wrong alot)
This thread isn't the place, Gabba. It isn't that I don't face you.. we have played the map together several times! But you do a lot of whining about things that have been changed for the next version. Keep in mind I am not changing things because you tell me to... but because I think it is best to change it from either several people's feedback or because after beating people a lot you can see what attacks make the difference. It is why the plug is not final yet.

And you are wrong about those 3 facts:

1) Her attacks don't kill all units in a few shots. It does usually kill arcs/dorfs/ghols. Any team leader that melees can kill Shiver faster than Shiver can kill them if both are at full health. Shiver has no true melee attack.

2) From the 8 team leading units, Soulblighter is the only one that has less health than Shiver. Although SB is more resistant to damage than Shiver. All others have more health than Shiver.

3) She can be healed more times if have your ghol throw the root at her, if you kill another unit with roots and use them, or if you blow up some bushes/trees/wights since they have a small chance of dropping roots.
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Post by Amadeus »

These were fun back in the day, remember that time I made the bouncing charm feathers zeph and the invincible artifact heh heh heh
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Post by Fury IX »

well, im having some problems... I just know whatever I do will be disqualied, unless I give the dwarf just a flame mort attack that does 2 dmg 3 radius, and unlimited heals...
I feel that if I bend the rules to allow a more powerful attack, you will use your huge list of vague rules to say its too powerful. I guess im just not good enough at fear to be able to plan out what I want, and know all the twists involved to avoid rules.
Would it be a problem to list some of the possible attacks we could use, for us (me) noobs? If we have it bounce, can it bounce no more then 16 WU around dwarf? If its set to continuously detonate, is that more then 2 dmg? a spread attack would be more then 3 radius? Non-electric Repel fields & guided shots? Invisible attacks & mines?
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