Myth IV

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Post by carlinho »

you guys are all crazy

see what happens when you play too many video games?

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Post by DarthRevan555 »

From what ive seen in the current development for Myth 4 , Im not really impressed at all (feels too much like mazz)

but as for the starting topic

The stuff i would like to see in story is one that connects to Myth 3
If a true (not 3rd party) Myth 4 was made i would like to see

-How the Oghre became enslaved by The Trow
-Mjarin becoming possessed by the spirit of The Leveler
-Moagim when he was the Leveler (Not the resurrected puppet)

one of the major conflits is that
this is what i understand from the cycle of the leveler

???? was defeated by Tierces (Enter the Age of Reason)
Tierces becomes Moagim
Moagim defeated by Mjarin [or w/e the hell he original name was] (before become the Leveler)
Mjarin Becomes the Leveler
Connacht defeats Mjarin
Connacht Becomes Balor
Balor Defeats Alric
Alric ends the cycle by throwing the head into the great devoid

so if myth 4 was made it should be tittle The Wind Age for Mjarin's Story or The Age of Reason for the story of Tierces

or sumthin...
Renwood TWA
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Post by Renwood TWA »

Darth Majarin cant be the leveler like they said in the lame ass myth 3 story because it is VERY WELL KNOWN that the Leveler ALLWAYS seeks ONLY to rule over the blasted lands of the undead NOT be a usurper and take over an empire and rule it like a normal king or some stupid shit.

Darth the more you talk about myth lore the more you show that you started playing myth most likely when myth 3 came out = NOOB

If you were around before that, you have a surprising LACK of knowledge about the myth stories and history. According to YOU Dar,th Moagim CREATED the Myrkridia???!??! ok go play all the levels again...or better yet read some fucking string lists. GG

BTW i only read shit posted by people known to have half a brain on these forums. So to all the haters get a fucking life or make something better then us!! With all due respect SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU NO TESTICLE HAVING BITCH ASSES! your all a buncha babies with very little understanding about anything related to how games are made.

Fucking noobs

Dont make me whip out my MWC 98 first place Trophy again as my avatar.

NOt only would your extreme lack of testicular fortitude make you cower in fear if a 12 year old girl attacked your mothers in front of you

here my impression of you sissies.

O and VR fix your fucking site where it says Butcher sent out the MWC 98 first prizes. ME AND ONLY ME contacted Seropian and told him the first place MWC team members never got their prizes after 5-6 months

Butcher never touched them! i still have the fucking box BUNGIE mailed DIRECTLY to me and evreybody else. when they sent out the hats.

-He who sits in for Wyrd when hes Busy
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Post by Lord Raven »

Having a complete stab in the dark here. Is Renwood's age somewhere between 16 and 19?
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Post by Death's Avatar »

Lord Raven wrote:Having a complete stab in the dark here. Is Renwood's age somewhere between 16 and 19?
Sadly, I think not.
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Post by vinylrake »

Death's Avatar wrote:
Lord Raven wrote:Having a complete stab in the dark here. Is Renwood's age somewhere between 16 and 19?
Sadly, I think not.
Death's Avatar has a tendency to guess too high.
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Post by vinylrake »

Renwood TWA wrote:O and VR fix your fucking site where it says Butcher sent out the MWC 98 first prizes. ME AND ONLY ME contacted Seropian and told him the first place MWC team members never got their prizes after 5-6 months

Butcher never touched them! i still have the fucking box BUNGIE mailed DIRECTLY to me and evreybody else. when they sent out the hats.
Sorry, Ren but you wanked me so I can't read your posts.

ps. If someone else involved in MWC98 who can talk without shouting can confirm this, I'll be happy to change the info.

pps. Ren, happy to see you are reading my site. But if you really want me to change something how about giving me a url? I have thousands of pages on my site, for some reason I am not very motivated by someone yelling "FIX YOUR F-ING SITE" to go find the page you are talking about. Go figure.
Last edited by vinylrake on Fri Apr 25, 2008 11:53 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Lord Raven »

Sorry, Ren but you wanked me so I can't read your posts.

So, this is more of a lover's tiff? :lol:
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Post by gugusm »

Wow, that's crazy... I'm going to not even read articles about Myth 4 anymore. Haven't it all began with arguement about the name of the PLUGIN for Myth 2 (if I'm understanding correctly), which is unfortunately "Myth 4"?

BTW: To be clear, I agree with VR.
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Post by vinylrake »

Lord Raven wrote:
Sorry, Ren but you wanked me so I can't read your posts.

So, this is more of a lover's tiff? :lol:
wank=mute/ignore. server vs. forum lingo.
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Post by oogaBooga »

Im ignoring the topic here and just talking about story:

Darth you seem to be drawing all your myth knowledge from myth 3, which is.. um.. how we say, le suck? Judging from some stuff you said on our main site you need to brush up on myth history.

Real myth history: Mjarin is not the leveller, cannot be the leveler. Has tried to resurrect the level, and thats only in m3 story.

Fact: Muirthemne exists during the wind age. The smiths of muirthemne was forged the tain during the wind age.

Also on our site you said Moagim created the myrkridia - LOL. Do i even need to explain why this is wrong?

Myrks terrorized humanity since pre-history. Moagim ORGANIZED THE KRIDS and made them as war savvy as their limited intelligence allowed.

Fact: the light LOSES in the wind age, although moagim is defeated the light loses militarily.

Fact: Bones of Feros will never be completed, and I have all the collections that could be salvaged. (tres cool i might add)

Also saying you tried some version of our tagset and said it was like mazz - is the funniest thing ive ever heard. Mazz units are typified by: Having the ability to pick up a million random artifacts, and have a million hit points.

Our units are neither - so where is your basis for comparison? Our units have normal myth health, not some jacked up vitality for noobs who take 20 slow-moving fireballs before they decide to move their archers.

Saying that our plugins are in any way similar shows how much you actually bothered to play or notice anything about our tagset.

I read tfl and m2 journals religiously for inspiration, plus tons of asylum stuff - so i lol'ed when revan said he knew more than most people about myth after claiming moagim created the krids.

Anyways, i dont care/wont answer about the main topic because theres no point, but i thought i would get that bit of myth story misconception out of the way so people dont go believing revan knows what he's talking about and is somehow debunking me. You can all go back to insulting each other now.

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Post by vinylrake »

Hey ooga, the comment about Bones of Ferros was meant as a joke. Just one of several examples of what looked like would have been really cool M2 campaigns/conversions IF they had ever been completed.

Now BACK TO TEH W1nd 4G3!! 1 W4N75 70 P|4Y 17!!
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Post by Zeph »

You know what RENWOOD, im serously thinking about NOT letting use the dwarven axe warrior I made for you guys. I think your attitude here is proving to everyone that the guys here arent the morons, YOU are.

So until you change your attitude, you are not allowed to use the unit without further permission. I do not wish my work to be associated with a fucking wank writing 2 pages essays on forum and then daring tell other people to get a life. That just doesn't work. thank you.

Im sorry ooga about this, I know you liked that dwarf but renwood is just being a noob :(

to everyone else : thats an old preview of the unit that wont make it into Myth IV
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Post by oogaBooga »

Lol zeph sorry to break it to ya, but the axe dorfs were cut a while back, even before we had the payment discussion - but you can have the collection i ambered for them - i even added a sprint.

Taken out because they smack too much of m3 (something we wanna avoid). But otherwise, even as pointed and polygonal as m3 units seem to be, they still have frighteningly smooth animations - and are super high res.

But its all good zeph - i'm sure someone will be more than happy to use that cool unit!


also <3 vinyl its all good

as long as everyone sticks to legit reasons to bitch at one another and not randomly slandering the project for no reason i'm cool :P
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William Wallet
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Post by William Wallet »

Talk about a derailed thread.
I thought this was about a hypothetical Myth IV, and not "The Wind Age"?

PS. Woah, that is one cool axeman.
Okay I got the models but now I'm too dumb to do anything with 'em
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