oogaBooga wrote:I wonder, is it possible to insinuate any more logical fallacies or did you hit the max on that sentence?
Please enlighten me as to what 'logical fallacies' you see in that sentence.
If I didn't have at least a decent level of programming skillz I wouldn't have been successful in the career I am in. You can dismiss my experiences all you want or say it's irrelevant since it's not specifically 'game-related' but you asked if I had programming skillz. The answer is "Yes, I do - and fairly extensive programming skills, thanks for asking". If you feel you can refute that statement, be my guest - as a non-programmer, please illuminate for me why you feel a) I don't have any programming skillz, b) why you even feel qualified to make that assessment.
Not a single one of those things will help you be a good developer, any more than looking at paintings will improve your ability as a painter. One of the things that tip me off that someone is either (a) a pompous blowhard or (b) full of shit is if they start talking about how much longer they've been doing something than you - anything, even being alive.
I gave my extensive experience of playing, following the industry (I mean the Game Developer industry, not the game industry) as an example of the degree of GAME KNOWLEDGE I have. You are welcome to argue that knowledge doesn't MAKE you a good game developer (which is ironically one of my points of contention with Ren ), but I don't think you are trying to say that you can be a good game developer without a decent level of knowledge about the thing you are trying to create, right? e.g. You can't dismiss my opinion because I have no knowledge about gaming or game development and then when I tell you my knowledge level turn around and argue that knowledge isn't important to being a good game developer. You can argue one or the other, but if you try to argue both you are flip-flopping.
Some people use age as if it were rank. Ridiculous.
I agree, but when you ask how much KNOWLEDGE I have, my experience IS relevant. Experience is a way of accumulating knowledge- and the amount of knowledge I have accumulated is relevant, and the longer time span I have been accumulating that knowledge gives me a broader base of game related knowledge. it's not the kind of knowledge that is going to help me extend the Myth2 engine and give it great new features or code a new game, but I never said it made me a good game
developer, I just gave my experience to show that contrary to Ren's (and apparently your) ignorant opinion, I do actually have some idea what I am talking about when i talk on the topic of games and game development.
I _know_ where renwood stands as a amateur game developer, whereas you can only guess - so when you say you have more knowledge than him in your little finger in an area that you just admitted is not your specialty or even a regular thing you do, you bet your ass im' going to call you on it.
Call me all you want, but speaking of calling BS - The reason I can 'only guess' at Ren's game developer skills is because I'VE NEVER SEEN ANY EVIDENCE OF THESE SO-CALLED "SKILLS". All I've ever seen of the 'game development' skills you and Renwood claim he has is a set of newly rendered/animated/textured units. I readily admit that there is a lot of work involved in developing new high res units (even if the models weren't created from scratch) and in animating them, and texturizing them, and creating the new attack sprites/projectiles/particle systems and getting everything to work right in fear - it's a LOT of work - but my impression is that most of that heavy lifting was done by YOU. BUT even if Renwood did ALL of the work to create The Wind Age units ALL BY HIMSELF that has about nothing to do with being a 'game developer'. That's showing evidence of 3D modelling/rendering skills, and I don't know exactly how I'd categorize Fearing, but Units are NOT a game. A Unit Set is not a game. Lots of people have great ideas for units, and maps and solo campaigns but ideas don't make a person a 'developer'. You have to DEVELOP A GAME TO BE A GAME DEVELOPER. For sake of argument I would be willing to consider a radically different total conversion as a new 'game' - or at least the result of game development skills. But no new total conversion or no new GAME? No Game Developer.
I am sure Ren has a lot of interesting ideas for where he'd like to take the Myth engine, and probably oodles of peachy ideas for a creative new solo campaign (see? I am being nice) but I have YET TO SEE OR HEAR OF ANYTHING Renwood has actually done that is anything remotely like developing or designing a game, so I call BS. Again - no game? No game development.
Feel free to enlighten me.
ps. before you flame me or accuse me of just hating you or ren or your project please re-read what i wrote. I've made several compliments about your project and the work done so far, and to avoid unnecessary provocation and try to keep things more civil i've even avoided using the acronym you both dislike for your project.