Problems playing multiplayer and hosting HELP!

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Chicken Berel
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Re: Problems playing multiplayer and hosting HELP!

Post by Chicken Berel »

VR = has huge stick up her ass.
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Re: Problems playing multiplayer and hosting HELP!

Post by Khadrelt »

Really? Seriously? Can we go two days here without being at each other's throats?
The cake is a lie.
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Re: Problems playing multiplayer and hosting HELP!

Post by Graydon »

Yea what's wrong VR? Got some sand in your pussy?

You're both acting like 3 year olds. It's getting a little boring seeing it in multiple threads day after day.
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Re: Problems playing multiplayer and hosting HELP!

Post by vinylrake »

Look I find that chickRen berel's posts annoy me ok? MY issue. And when he tries to make jokes and replies to things I said which have absolutely nothing to do with him and which he has no need to reply to and nothing constructive to add to the conversation, it really annoys me ok? My reaction to his posts is like the reaction normal people have towards that annoying geek at the party who no one likes and no remembers inviting who keeps butting into a conversation you are having and trying to make jokes and get people to like him. Again MY issue.

BUT, IN THE INTEREST OF KEEPING THE FORUMS CIVIL I stated that it would be better if Ren, oops, I mean 'ChickRen' could refrain from replying to my posts unless there was something he needs to tell me. Is that such a huge inconvenience to ask? Is that so unreasonable? Or are my posts so compelling that ChickRen just feels compusively compelled to reply? Or, does ChickRen just have a such a huge crush on me that he can't let a thing I say go without comment? regardless of his motivation, I wasn't rude, I made a simple statement.. Does ChickRen have to refrain from commenting on or replying to my posts? No of course not, no more than the friendless geek at the party has to use restraint to keep himself from being annoying. It was just a suggestion.

But since both of you seem to either be completely unable to understand civil english a tip I gave that I think will help keep things civil, or understand perfectly and are just determined to fan the flames obviously I am wasting my time trying to discuss things reasonably.

So ChickRen - reply to my posts with your inane comments as much you want, just don't be suprised if I respond sounding annoyed.

And Graydon? You can just go piss off. no one was even talking to you. If you've got some kind of VR-shaped grudge stick up your arse, so can't resist jumping in to conversations that have nothing to do with you - that's your problem. But deal with it, your comment is just adding fuel to the fire that you are complaining about. And if you don't have an issue with me, then just butt out.

*** update a couple of hours later: Objectively in general I can see how a *request* asking ChickRen not to post might have been received more favorably then a statement saying 'it would be better IF', but given the parties involved I don't really have any confidence that wording would have gone over any better.
Chicken Berel
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Re: Problems playing multiplayer and hosting HELP!

Post by Chicken Berel »

Now strike me down with ALL YOUR HATE, and your journy to the dark side will be comPLETE!
Jon God
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Re: Problems playing multiplayer and hosting HELP!

Post by Jon God »

Someone lock this topic, it's gone nuts.
PSN: Jon_God
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