A 2nd tfl multipack - What maps would you like to see ported?

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Post by iron »

If, and I say IF, we decided to take this on, what maps would you like to see ported from TFL to m2?

Assuming we have author permission (which we'll be seeking if we do this), this is what I'd like to include, in no particular order...

Raisin Barn
Forged North
Unity 2
Alric vs Soulblighter
Wights of Passage
Valley of Ruin

I was late on the TFL scene & didn't get to know many of the 3rd party maps that were popular back in the day, and would still be fun to play now. So ... if you have any to add to the list please let me know. If you disagree with what I've put there already, let me know that too :)

Atm I'm trying to guage whether there's demand for a Multipack #2 before I commit myself to doing the work.
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Post by lank »

tiberium dorf.

not the most well known of tfl plugins, i know, and i ported it once already (albeit wildly inaccurately). i'd like to see it get more play, especially as an accurate port and especially with vtfl now an option. it's always been wacky dorf rioty fun. :)

i'll upload the tfl plug to my uploads folder. iirc it has issues on pcs, however, so that to mac users they appear to be in the game still, but the pc player is actually crashed out. it'll be good to see that fixed by a good m2 port. :)
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Post by Grignard »

When Magma ported a bunch of M2 maps to TFL they added some unique meshes to them that I wouldn't mind playing again. E.g. Venice (Palermo, Milan, etc)
Drowned (Province...)
Deadman's (Eyes, Treasure!...) etc etc.

Also Rocky Mt. Moonshine
Echoes of the Wind Age! <---- ooh yeah!

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Post by Pistol_Pete »

Grig, didn't you see the post where I asked about the ports of the Myth II maps to TFL. I posted here about that ages ago.

If I had a Yeti is a solid map that would be good for the mappack. Stirling is also a classic, but it might raise the size of the plugin too much.
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Post by ChrisP »

There's probably very few people around anymore that have played as much TFL 3rd party maps as I have. As fond as I am of some of them, frankly, most just don't compare to stuff out there for M2 now. A good example would be Sieve. When there weren't many other maps to play, it was great, but now I think it would only rate as mediocre. Anyway, my thoughts on your list:

Raisin Barn - Thumbs up!

Yeti - Two Thumbs down. It has its sentimental value as one of the first Myth 3rd party maps, but it's probably of the worst quality of the maps on this list - with the possible exception of VRPP. Besides, wasn't it ported to M2 already?

Torpinidium - Two Thumbs Up! What a great map. Only downside is that some scripting would be required, and oh, the pumpkins were a dumb feature on an otherwise stellar map.

Forged North - Indifferent.

Unity 2 - Garden could warrent its own plugin. IMO, its THE classic TFL 3rd party team map. Beggar's Canyon (slugfest) is worth porting too. Bears is a simple but fun unit set on a mb too simple mesh, but I dunno if I'd bother. Not much else would be worth porting though, imo.

VRPP - Thumbs down. Sorry, but this is one very dumb map. Course, that wouldn't stop some people from playing it if were ported.

Alric vs Soulblighter - A wonderful and groundbreaking map for its time, or at least till u3's SBR replaced it in popularity. I think if AvSb were ported, UTB, once completed (and yes, I will finish it after LoE), will also one up it.

Sieve - meh. Not a bad map, but not a great one either.

Wights of Passage - meh. I remember when this map was popular, but I think the last time anyone played it was in early 1998. The colormap is actually pretty decent if I remember correctly, but the passibility on the map was pretty screwy.

Valley of Ruin - Thumbs up. The newest map on this list, it never caught on the way it should have for some reason.

I'd add Echoes of the Wind Age mb. It was a weird, but popular TFL classic. However, it uses lots of unique tags that wouldn't jive with vTFL.

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Post by Baron LeDant »

Argh, port Ghol Rugby already!
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Post by Doobie »

Ghol Rugby!

I'm sure there are others i'd like to see added, but i'm at work and I'll have to get back to you on that.
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Post by Aragorn »

Hmm i've been waiting to ramble about this for a while but i'll make it short.

Mazz 1 (But i'd perfer....)
Mazz 2
Goul Rugby
SoulBlighters Revenge
3 dorf arena 2 (I'm sure stratman would let you)

I'll think of more when i look through my TFL folder....
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Post by Aragorn »

Oh my bad lol it would be hard to fit mazz in a map pack. I'd stilll like to see it ported :)
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Post by Subzero »

Mauriac gets my vote mb 5 legends too and mb also fallen legends
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Post by iron »

Actually a 5 Legends port is almost complete :)

As I'm doing the port I'll probably include a few that I personally like (regardless of whether others do) and also avoid some that I don't like. Sorry if this means some miss out that you'd like to see.

Atm my list includes...

Raisin Barn
Yeti (for nostalgia's sake)
Torpinidium (need Fisj's permission)
Forged North (because I like it)
Unity 2 (Garden, Beggar's Canyon)
VRPP (yes there's a port, but to be frank it sux)
Alric vs Soulblighter (UTB will surpass it, but no matter)
Wights of Passage - don't worry, I can fix passability
Valley of Ruin
Tiberium Dorf (lank I need the plugin)
The Magma myth2 meshes that Grig listed
Echoes of the Wind Age (assuming the units can be done)
Rocky Mt Moonshine

I did have a half-done port of Ghol Rugby. Much of the TFL script simply doesn't work in Myth 2, so it would need a ton of work to get it functional. The problem is that in looks and polish (and probably gameplay too) its lacking when compared to Fetchball. Just my opinion, so I doubt I'll put the weeks of work in needed to get it done. Of course if DeadMan wanted to come back & complete the port I'd have no problem including it.

I won't be including either of the old Mazz, nor Mauriac (that needs its own plugin), nor 3DA, sorry. No point suggesting co-ops to me with this as its emphasis will be on multiplayer maps.

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Post by Orlando the Axe »

all the ones listed above are good.
I'd say put sieve in too.
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Post by Orlando the Axe »

also I dont remember their names but those really old badlands maps that had edited units (like balor) on them. I think one was a winter version of trow. Now that I think about it the solo campaign where you control the dark units would be cool too.
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Post by Aragorn »

"nor 3DA, sorry." Pshh... Dorf hater :D
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Post by lank »

Tiberium Dorf (lank I need the plugin)

it's in my uploads, as "TBDF.gor.sit".
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