M3 WWII Feedback wanted

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M3 WWII Feedback wanted

Post by Amadeus »

I'm updating M3 WWII and I need some feedback from the community.

http://hl.udogs.net/files/Gaming/%20Myt ... 3recon.zip

So far these are things I've heard:
  • Make the map "lighter" so its easier to see
  • Reanimate and remodel unit entirely
  • Unit reaction time (hopefully this is possible)
  • Units would start disappearing / Bullets will stop firing in large long games
  • Flame Greandes do not use throw animation of solder
  • Flame grenades When in the air, they do not spin/move, and they fly vertically, unlike Myth 2, or even the Myth III recon normal nade.
  • they only explode at rest, while in Myth III they explode the second they touch anything.
  • Improve general effects of explosions etc
  • Nades don't kick up shrapnel
  • Sounds more m2 like
  • Elimination marine facing incorrect way
  • Less boxes (?)
  • Animation Timing for shots like m2
Last edited by Amadeus on Tue Jan 04, 2011 5:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Jon God
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Re: M3 WWII Feedback wanted

Post by Jon God »

Flame grenadesw to not act like Myth 2 Recon flame greandes:

• Greandes do not use throw animation of solder
• When in the air, they do not spin/move, and they fly vertically, unlike Myth 2, or even the Myth III recon normal nade.
• They only explode at rest, while in Myth III they explode the second they touch anything.

The effects could use some work, like, fire and the fire trails from explosions.

More misc things, the nades don't kick up any shrapnel, unlike Myth II, some of the sounds don't work as well as Myth II counterparts, I think.

One time I loaded up elim, and at one of the start points, the marine is facing towward the camera, to the edge of the map, I had to turn him around.

I think there were more boxes, but I could be misremembering.
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Re: M3 WWII Feedback wanted

Post by carlinho »

interesting, is there a link to download the wwII plug for myth III?
Home of ANCIENT and CLASSICAL GREECE plugin on the works.
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Re: M3 WWII Feedback wanted

Post by Amadeus »

carlinho wrote:interesting, is there a link to download the wwII plug for myth III?
I edited the original post to now have this link also
http://hl.udogs.net/files/Gaming/%20Myt ... 3recon.zip
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Re: M3 WWII Feedback wanted

Post by Zeph »

whoa coool, I think I'll reinstall myth III for this!

I don't quite remember, am I the one who did most of the tag work on this ?

Something that'S important to me, try to have the exact same delays on the animation so that the 3 shots are fired at the same speed.
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Re: M3 WWII Feedback wanted

Post by Amadeus »

Zeph wrote:whoa coool, I think I'll reinstall myth III for this!

I don't quite remember, am I the one who did most of the tag work on this ?

Something that'S important to me, try to have the exact same delays on the animation so that the 3 shots are fired at the same speed.
You did a fair amount of it and I think you supplied the character model.

Thats a good idea, I'll see what I can do to those ends. I haven't started reanimating it in max11.
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Re: M3 WWII Feedback wanted

Post by Amadeus »

Zeph wrote:whoa coool, I think I'll reinstall myth III for this!

I don't quite remember, am I the one who did most of the tag work on this ?

Something that'S important to me, try to have the exact same delays on the animation so that the 3 shots are fired at the same speed.
If you are interested in working on this with us, we'd love to have you. For this and a few other projects we have in the works, or whatever you want.

We've got some modern exporters that we will be releasing shortly and I'm writing the scripting ui now for ballistic as well as other features for it.

Whats your email now adays?
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