Experts Champion

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Re: Experts Champion

Post by dac »


google is hilarious Mr. Goddard. absolutely hilarious.
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Re: Experts Champion

Post by vinylrake »

BIG KROK V8 SS wrote:...Big LOL on you bro. Now go deliver some papers.
ooh good one. have we been reading 5 year old blogs again playing amateur detective? if there was ever anyone who 'get a life' applied to, it's you. you and dac have such hopeless mancrushes on me that you've been pathetically stalking me for years trying to figure out who i am, where i live just so you can hook up with me in person. why are you so obsessed, is it because i won't be your friend and you think if you show up on my doorstep i'll see how charming you are and give you the loving your parents never did? sorry, i don't swing that way and it wouldn't happen even if i did.

grow up. it's just a game.
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Re: Experts Champion

Post by vinylrake »

yes. google is quite amusing.

what's even funnier is idiots who think they are so much smarter than they actually are.

speaking of which, how's your new server going?

Can't wait to play on it!
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Re: Experts Champion

Post by dac »

you give yourself waaaaay too much credit there, man. 5 minutes of drunken googling followed by 20 minutes of hilarity does not make years of stalking.

you're right, its just a game. my issue has never been with you - its been with om. i really really really wish i knew who he was so i could target him instead.

i would be the second biggest loser on myth behind him, i mean, who logs onto a server with 20 people on it just to gag people indefinitely for saying a bad word? who would lock the name of somebody for over a year when the intended "victim" laughed about it? who thinks that the former governor of california's last name is too close to a racial slur and locks a name for that?

i dont know. you can call me a loser but only if you call om one first. i'll gladly admit to being second biggest loser, and i didnt even have to lose any weight.
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Re: Experts Champion

Post by vinylrake »

i notice you didn't deny the mancrush.

ps. krok's posted info before that he thought was me. since he's obviously too stupid to find even inaccurate information by himself I figured he must have found someone with half-a-brain to help him. For some reason your name immediately sprung to mind, and since you popped up again right after he posted this time with your own equally inaccurate information I figured you must be the 'half-a-brains' behind him.
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Re: Experts Champion

Post by BIG KROK V8 SS »

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Re: Experts Champion

Post by dac »

well there are so many of them, sometimes i get them confused in the spare-spare time, since the bulk of the spare time is spent dumping hundres of my own hours and thousands of dollars into private investigators to find out who internet people are.

oh, and double posting violates tain board rules.
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Re: Experts Champion

Post by vinylrake »

ps. How's the new server coming along?
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Re: Experts Champion

Post by dac »

the metaserver is exactly where i want it to be!

you think i'd want to field thousands of complaints coming from tens of players daily about inappropriate language in a rated M for MATURE game? nah, i daresay that i have better things to do with my time than setup a server for such an ungrateful community full of such naughty language.

and I'm glad that information is incorrect too. you really cant trust google these days.
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Re: Experts Champion

Post by vinylrake »

so when will the metaserver be up and running?

oh wait, was that you trying to avoid admitting that you can't even get an application up and running when someone gives you the source code?

and here I believed all your stories and actually thought you were a programmer.
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Re: Experts Champion

Post by BIG KROK V8 SS »

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Re: Experts Champion

Post by dac »

awwwww.... somebody's trying to get teachers attention. how precious.

vr you seem pretty upset for somebody with horribly wrong information. suddenly i have a theory!

and im sure you thought of me when kirk had such information because it wouldnt exactly be the first time i figured you out, now would it? and i've responded to your points about the server already, are you ready to say that om is a bigger loser than me for moderating 20 people on a 10 year old game for saying a bad word in the lobby?

im waiting!
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Re: Experts Champion

Post by vinylrake »

i'm upset because you two mouth breathers are obviously *trying* to find out who i am and where i live in real life.

and whether you are successful or not that's called stalking.

and if you seriously believe that everything you find on google is true you are even stupider than my wildest imaginings. (and i have a pretty good imagination)

You haven't addressed the question of WHEN your metaserver is going to be up and running? You can duck and dodge and try to bring in your mariusnet issues to distract but that's just you avoiding the issue.

SO the question that all inquiring minds want to know IS "Is Dac actually going to set up a metaserver or is he running away because it's too much work to get a metaserver running?" [which according to the readme involves all of double-clicking an exe and following the setup instructions, importing one text file, and hexediting a single line of text in a metaserver preference file)
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Re: Experts Champion

Post by dac »

tails between my legs, bro.

and stalking? really? why would i care where you live anyways?

would you like me to send you a postcard?

the metaserver wont be setup anytime soon if ever. its too much work, too little reward, and id hate to take away om's only joy in life of gagging 20 somethings for saying a bad word in the lobby.

by the way, why do you get so upset whenever i say something bad about om?
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Re: Experts Champion

Post by vinylrake »

you are confused dac. see you write posts where you talk directly to me, then you ramble off at the end about mnet and how om didn't change your diapers in a timely manner and when I respond to what you said to ME you somehow think I am responding to your infantile whining.

sorry, i am only replying to what you are saying to me.

I wish I had made that bet back when you started asking about setting up a server that nothing would ever come of it.

I knew it was a sure bet because you'd much rather bitch and moan about how horrible life is rather than do something you (allegedly) have the ability to do yourself to create a new world for you and your friends. Even when someone GIVES you everything you need to set up your own server, you come up with 'excuses' why you don't want to do it. As for your "reasons" - they are just bullshit. If it's your server you set the rules if you don't like rules don't have any. But no, better to stick around so you can be poor martyr dac-the-drama-queen. Just don't expect anyone to take you and your lame ass complaints seriously