Couple questions

A forum for discussing map making ideas and problems for the Myth series.
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Sam The Butcher
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Post by Sam The Butcher »

Is there anyway to edit films? Like to make like a high lights film. Also to make a whole new unit do you have to have a Mac or is there a program for win? Thanks
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Post by mauglir »

Amber, the tool used to create new collection tags for Myth (2D sprite graphics), is a Mac only tool. There is no Windows equivelent that will help you create an entire new unit, sorry. Your best bet is to find a friend who has a Mac and get him to do the Amber work for you.
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Post by Phex »

Hey Butcher,

It is absolutely not possible to cut myth recordings together, because of their nature:
Myth recordings are nothing else than all commands given by users together with their corresponding time and all the results of random calculations put together and read like a script.
So recordings can be compared to a ordinary myth levels with lots of scripting and no possibility to interact.
This is the reason why you cant jump to a specified point of a myth recording or rewind it.

The only possibility to cut myth recordings together is to convert them into avi/mpg/etc. movies and cut these movies together. You can do this by letting the myth recordings run in myth and record them with a third party program for screenshots and ingame recordings (consult google). Dont forget that the resulting mpg-movie will be *much* bigger than the original myth recording file.

Sam The Butcher
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Post by Sam The Butcher »

Thanks Phex. I will have to look into it. You don't know of any programs that would do this? But you think I could find something on google?
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Post by Pistol_Pete »

You can make movies that way.
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Post by Dio »

I tried Fraps a while ago...didn't care for it.
I messed with it for a week..recording Myth films in 1/2 it all. When watching the archerwould stand still..then 2-3 seconds later he would jump 2-3 inches. Maybe he was a teleporting archer.
I by no means am saying it is a bad program...just not smooth enough for me.
Anyone ever try focusing a good webcam onto their screen?
Does that work?
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Post by Industry »

Sounds like you need to increase the frame rate of the capture. I would try playing it back at 1/16th or increasing the rate of screen shots. At 1/2 speed you need to take 14 screen shots per second to get a good looking film (28 fps).
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Post by dangerella »

Snapz Pro 2 works very well for captures movies
Sam The Butcher
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Post by Sam The Butcher »

Thanks all for the info I will try both of the programs out.
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