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Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 10:38 am
by vinylrake
carlinho wrote:I think it's pretty clear everybody hates renwood for naming his plugin myth 4...
gotta object here. I've been fairly vocal about the reasons I think naming TWA (no not The Wolf Age, the WIND AGE!) "Myth 4" is a bad idea, but I don't _hate_ Renwood, I don't even dislike him. Not even a little bit. And I REALLY want the Wind Age project to be a smashing success.


Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:05 pm
by Point
To single me out here as the reason you felt compelled to respond well whatever

£N makes some good points and has since joining in october though again the basic facts remain and as lank pointed out again the main reason I and most everyone else considers your m4 foolish, selfish and plain wrong is this...

Look at Myth two on game tap... its one of a small group of titles there with a TM after the name... MYTH I TM is another one ... those trademarks are there for a reason its a licensed franchise.. One that was compensated for a place like gametap to provide it to be played.
This community exists and evolves partly because magma is allowed and probably silently encouraged to keep evolving the code. though if you put something out there called myth IV which to me looks clearly to be a violation of the franchised rights then well you put this whole community at potential risk... and even if that potential is small it exists and for that those that care about this community and the game will hold you up to ridicule to the end.

I understand your dreamed motifs but you went about it entirely wrong... You started calling it the wind age after I got on you case about this months ago when you starting promoting M4 I applauded you for that change though you brought back the m4 and I will not support that for the reasons stated above... it simply doesnt make a company think ooh we better buy or support that and release it to make some $$$ its far too premature... it does though add potential risk to what magma is doing and for that no one hates you though if your actions damage this community or game a lot in the community surely will

if you want to make money off your plug great if you want to buy the franchise rights to myth I wish you luck... though the reality is this if you want to make something grand bring all the myth mapmakers coders players together build a entirely community supported Ten year anniversary of myth DVD featuring MYTH the wind age... then pitch it to take II do all the work and all they got to do is allow you to put Myth I, II, and III on one dvd alla chimera
then maybe they would jump on your bandwagon and if it sold like gangbuster who knows maybe someone would come along and support a myth 4 production though after the failings of myth 3 probably not.

Im done posting on this you know my feelings and concerns... read through my posts and others do it with a clear head maybe listen to Ooga as well
understand and move on with your project you can be a divider or a uniter REN I know you want to be a uniter you have just done in a way that could potentially pull this whole house of cards down... respect the TM call it the wind age. respect us as a community and you win twice no exposure to lawsuits and no exposure to critical posts.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 10:55 am
by SamualACarver
Hey Ren

First I want to say I think you have a very cool project going. I cant wait to play it. It sounds like it will be totally kick ass!

I read through almost all of the posts on this thread. I totally understand where you are coming from Ren wanting to name it Myth 4. There are a few main things as far as Take2 or another company taking Myth back that can happen from you naming it this.

It may be as you said they dont even notice or care enough to do anything about it given all the other issues they have going on right now.

They could also do like you say you hope they will do and say hey here is a great nearly finished game for us lets take it on and finish it. Or redo what you have made and make it more modern. That would be a very awesome thing to happen. By you using the name Myth 4 this will probably help to attract more attention to it from Take 2 than just another plugin. Also you are right it is more than just a plugin. And on and on I get all of you ideas you have and reasoning for naming it Myth 4.

On the other hand though. The name is sacred and very important to alot of Myth players. You are doing a very bold thing by naming it Myth 4. In a lot of ways in some peoples eyes you are going to far. Like some other people said. Why dont they start naming every map they do Myth 4 or 5 or whatever. Plus what happens if a company makes a real Myth 4. I dont want to or need to restate all of the points you and other people have made. I see alot of valid points on both sides and things could go either way.

One thing you are doing is creating a very negative atmosphere around you game before it is even out. That is not good for your game. People are going to judge it very harshly (it doesnt matter why) they will. Why would you want to bring your game out with all of this negativity already on it. It will definately hurt your game. It doesnt matter the reason why people are negative to it other than the name. Rather it be jealousy, childishness whatever.

What I am saying is no matter the reason naming it Myth 4 I believe will more likely be a negative effect on your game. Unless it works like you think it will with Take 2 or another company. While what you hope for is totally possible. I think its more likely it will be a negative effect. It seems to me that although Take2 was nice enough to let magma have the source code to work with the game they arent totally generous with it. I think it should be freeware. But it must have some sort of value to Take2 rather it seems so or not. Otherwise they would make it freeware. They could get totally pissed and take it away from us. That would be really bad.

So given all the negative feelings from the community and the possible bad things that could happen with Take 2. I think it out weighs the possible good things that could result. I really think that you need to make a compromise. Even if you are right, because you obviously arent going to change peoples minds that are against it, and it will have very, very bad negative effects on your game. You could build the ultimate Myth game and if you name it Myth 4 it will still face major critisism, you dont want that. You want it to be welcomed with anticipation and open arms so the whole community will embrace it. That is how your game will reach its maximum potential. If you name it Myth 4 it wont reach its full potential no matter how good it is.

My suggestion is that you name it one of these or something similar. Calling it a new chapter in the series, instead of a totally new game in the series. Maybe this has been suggested and I didnt see it but anyway I think that this would be the best idea for your game.

Myth Chapter 4 "The Wind Age"
Myth Chapter IV "The Wind Age"
Myth C-IV "The Wind Age"
Myth Ch 4 "The Wind Age"
Myth (Ch 4) "The Wind Age"
Myth (Chapter 4) "The Wind Age"
Myth (Chapter IV) "The Wind Age"
Myth (Ch IV) "The Wind Age"
Myth (C-IV) "The Wind Age"

Good luck with it.


Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 6:06 pm
by Renwood
Im doing my part! Are you doing yours? Playmyth online at


Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:43 pm
by Horus
Renwood wrote:All the people who dont like the title dont work with us and wouldnt anyways. i have had many new people join the dev team under the working title of myth 4 the wind age.
LOL, good one.

Seriously do you actually believe that?

Do you even listen to ooga?

Damnit man he even posted on here that he didn't like calling it "Myth 4", and he even told you so, so don't bother playing the "you don't like it because you don't work with us" bs card.

Besides my issue with your project has never been with the name, I honestly think Take 2 wouldn't give a rats ass what you call it. What I took issue with was all the BS shoveling.

Calling it a new game, and not calling it a new game at the same time.
Not answering straight questions.
Telling us why you could use it to approach other companies (which btw if you approach a 2nd company with another companies IP is a breach of said IP - approaching the IP owner with a design based on their IP isn't though ala Halo Wars).
Being nasty everytime someone disagreed with you.

What do I want to see?

I want to see you spend more time actually working on your project, rather than posting nasty remarks at people who disagree with your ideas, and using "I quit my job for this" (a stupid move btw, a job = income with which to hire people, it also = money for electric bills, and food) to show your "dedication". Results are what get people involved in your project not conjecture, and personal attacks.

Re: Peaches

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 12:02 am
by vinylrake
Renwood wrote:Gotta go work on more giant coop maps!

Hey Ren, I know you are busy on the project, but I am still looking forward to those screenshots/colormap images you said you'd post!

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 1:46 am
by lank
All the people who dont like the title dont work with us and wouldnt anyways.
as a matter of fact, i think "the wind age" is a great title. you should know by now why i disagree with the "myth 4" part, but if i were invited to/had the time to devote to such a large project/etc., that wouldn't stop me from working on it; i'd just disagree with you over that part of the title from time to time.

i just hope that it's worthy of the title in the end, because the only people who really have the right to call anything myth 4 from the outset are bungie and take2 (the latter only because they paid for that right), and anyone else coming out of the blue and doing that is just being presumptive, imnsho about this. good luck.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:24 am
by Renwood
Im doing my part! Are you doing yours? Playmyth online at

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:04 am
by Truth
Have just started following the progress of the plugin-all the name issues aside sounds like a cool idea. interested to see those screenshots ren!

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 1:40 pm
by Horus
Renwood wrote:Ok Horus mister "I have gotten ahold of bungie's secret plans for their next myth game story, and am using it for TFV."

Your full of shit.
Lol I've never said any such thing in my damned life.

Now who's full of shit?

Renwood wrote:and i notice you NEVER post unless its realted to our project. grow up you poser.
Yeah because I'm trying to help you get past this stage of "if someone says something I don't like about MY project it's an affront to MY honour". I've been there, done that myself, so I damned well know what I'm talking about.

It's once you get past that stage and focus that energy into proving everyone wrong with results, that you start to win people over. Calling people names, and shouting "I don't care what you think" won't get your Myth 4 TWiA done any faster.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:06 pm
by Renwood
Im doing my part! Are you doing yours? Playmyth online at

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 4:15 pm
by Khadrelt
Why are we still fighting about this? This whole thing could have been over ages ago if you all weren't so determined to have the last word.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 5:14 pm
by ozone
this thread officially SUX. Seriously folks. Enough is enough. Stop.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:01 am
by William Wallet
"Now who's full of shit?"

Possibly you! Unless 'Grand Author' is said with tongue-in-cheek.

Can't we just have a big group hug now? 10 pages, it's overkill.

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2007 3:10 pm
by Renwood
:::Hugs evreybody:::

:::passes out Christmass Peaches for all!:::

Peach on earth good will twards RRRennn... he is the peachiest..among them.
Clicking away..all through the niiiiggghhhttt, Giving us all new places to fight.


-Renwood ::Visions of sugarpeaches dancing in his head::