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Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 9:25 am
U r right about things not working out the way they should. I modded 'If I had a Trow' once so it had a load of wights, deer and satchels in a loooooooooooooong line cuz I wanted 2 c a big explosion. I make it in Loathing, fire up Myth II and what happens? half my wights don't appear in game and it doesn't work.
BAH !! Thats just one of Myths many little limitations, most of which have been increased since 1.5, that almost every mapmaker runs into unless theyve talked to other scriptOrs or found out for themselves that a MAXIMUM of 400 units can be visible at any one time, any more than this and Myth will randomly remove excess units as neccessary to get to or below that 400 unit mark.
I think Fear works fine as it is but Loathing 1.5.1 should be less buggy, less crashy and less EVIL. There should be a choice of simple or hard scripting. Simple u could just type in a trigger 'Baron is killed' and then the reults 'Mission A complete or enemy's spawn and attack'. Like I said before, if any of u ever played Timesplitters or Timesplitters 2, they have a very simple scripting system that works fine. Solo maps suck cuz of the way units are limited to 10 enemy spawn points and no allies but the basic scripting is a really nice system
Well, scripting may be easier in this other game you mention, but I can almost guarantee it cant do nearly as much as Loathing/Myths scripting can do. Ususally the only thing limiting what can be done with Myths script is ones own imagination.

Once you get used to it and learn the ins and outs and various little "cant do's", its actually fairly simple to script things in Myth, even if a bit more time consuming, unless youre trying to get really complicated, then things can get a bit more difficult, but thats to be expected. ;o)

As lank said, I highly doubt the scripting for Myth will be changed anytime sOOn if ever other than to mb add another option or 3 to the MAs we mapmakers can make use of, which is fine by me as I am totally happy with how script is done in Myth. ;o)[/color]

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 8:55 am
by skrew
so if you had 400 units packed together on the screen and there was another type of collection, projectile, scenery, model. would that count?

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 10:10 am
skrew wrote:so if you had 400 units packed together on the screen and there was another type of collection, projectile, scenery, model. would that count?
[color=DFC99B]Aye, 400 Units MAX. This isnt effected by scenery, projectiles or other collections unless you go over the 8,600 something limit I think there is for objects on a map. Since I dont ever seem come close to that particular limit I dont recall for sure though Fe knows the exact number and I think its been posted somewhere here before.

Oh and they dont have to be packed together, its ANYWHERE on the map and only applies to Visible Units at any one time. You can have thousands on the map but they need to remain invisible until needed. :o)[/color]

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:32 pm
by skrew
im talking about 200 units on each team, in an epic, minature battle that you always wanted from AoE but aoe sucked. and i wanted to know if 200 units per team was the max for a 2 team battle

Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 8:57 am
by mauglir
Yes, 200 units per team is possible.

Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 5:50 am
by The Elfoid

Scripting is of high quality on the previously mentioned TS2. You can order enemies to patrol, attack, respawn, freezer, set off alarms and all kinds of stuff. You can make the results of such things stuff like objectives, more enemies appearing, doors opening, keys and items appearing. You can make other script triggers like when you enter a new area or when you throw a switch.

Appart from scale Myth doesn't have much over TS2 on the script making front.

Now I know about the unit max I can begin on 'If I had several Trow'

Posted: Sat Aug 14, 2004 11:40 am
by Hikaru
all I want is to update fear for mac.
and whats more, I wish it will be considered between
Mac & Win conversion.

My plugins work completely on Mac but it clashes on Win.
I learned some about why clashing occurs, while I was testing with my friends.
that were almost dead link or 0.000 values which cannot go unless it determines.
on mac it works sometimes, but win always gets clashed.

and some sounds that linked by monster sounds are not working at one of the two.
priority of plug-in is also different in Mac and Win,
when youre active multiple plugin.
such as using modified unit plugins for once.

all Mac map makers must want too :)