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Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 6:00 am
by Lugas
Here are my suggestions:

Willow Creek - Bob-B-Q
Salvation - Blaspheme Quarantine
Into The Breach - Bob's Big Date
The Great Library - The Slings And Arrows Of Outrageous Fortune
Gate Of Storms - Ain't Got The Time Pfhor This
Landing At White Falls - Waldo World Arena
Through The Ermine - Where Some Rarely Go
Stair Of Grief - Kill Your Television
Walls Of Muirthemne - All Roads Lead To Sol...
Redemption - Fatum Iustum Stultorum
The Summoner - Six Thousand Feet Under
A Murder Of Crows - Where The Twist Flops
Limbs, Heads, and Smoking Craters - If I Had A Rocket Launcher, I'd Make Somebody Pay

For you Marathon/Myth fans...

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 1:24 pm
by Grayswandir
Since this conversion is really for you guys (and me since I'm a fan of both..) I'd like people's input on this project. Currently, I have the BOB's (warriors...) and VacBOBs (archers...) put into Fear and I'm messing with them right now...It's been a busy week.
But anyway, if there's anything from the previous incarnations made, or something new you'd like to see, post it! It doesn't mean it'll make it in, or that I'll use it, but hey, if enough people like the idea, you never know! Plus, it never hurts to at least ask. :D

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:07 pm
by Death's Avatar
Ambient life would be neat. Its not critical, or even useful, but neat all the same

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 3:24 pm
by Lugas
Maybe you could turn the Ghasts into Ticks (that attack people) or maybe Lookers (from Marathon One)

Also, try not to put aliens (except S'pht and S'pht'Kr) on the same team as humans. SiTH made that mistake, and is less balanced because of that.

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 5:52 pm
by Khadrelt
Are you planning to put in anything from 3rd party scenarios, or just stick with the original trilogy?

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 10:35 pm
by Grayswandir
Are you planning to put in anything from 3rd party scenarios, or just stick with the original trilogy?
The Berserks are going to be AR BOBs (I got permission...) from Rubicon...I was thinking of turning deer into Devlins...just to be an evil asshole...but I'd have to look around at other 3rd party mods and see...
Lugas wrote:Maybe you could turn the Ghasts into Ticks (that attack people) or maybe Lookers (from Marathon One)

Also, try not to put aliens (except S'pht and S'pht'Kr) on the same team as humans. SiTH made that mistake, and is less balanced because of that.
The problem with this is that you'll end up with BOBs and VacBOBs...and a Marine or two...for each and every level. But true, I'll try as much as possible to keep light on light and dark on dark.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 4:38 am
by Khadrelt
I like Rubicon's grenade-tossing Hulks.

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 10:43 pm
by Dethdukk
I just started messing with fear/loathing, and I think I might be able to help get the animations set to the units, being a big fan of Myth 2, marathon 1 and 2. I liked infinity, but never played it much.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 11:17 am
by Grayswandir
HAHA!!! Sweet dude!! I'm about the head to class, but if you can PM me your AIM or whatever you use, we can talk about it.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:11 pm
by Lugas
Khadrelt wrote:I like Rubicon's grenade-tossing Hulks.
If you look carefully enough, they were in Marathon One, except they didn't toss grenades. The Looker and Wasp from Rubicon are also from Marathon One. The Wasps were unchanged (except for skin colour), but the Lookers had a different skin colour, moved slower and didn't detonate the second it was shot. It backed away for a splitsecond and then exploded. The explosion was more powerful than the original Lookers.

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:55 pm
by Khadrelt
I know that M1 had Hulks. I was just saying I liked how Rubicon had them tossing grenades :)

Posted: Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:05 pm
by Grayswandir
I think I'll make Deer into Devilins...mwahahahaha!!!

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:29 am
by Lugas
Grayswandir wrote:I think I'll make Deer into Devilins...mwahahahaha!!!
Eeeep! :oops:

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:42 am
by Grayswandir
I don't know if everything I'd like to do is possible, but I'll list my updated plans anyway:

-Steal the Bacon turned to KTMWTB (Kill The Man With The Ball)
-ball can be picked up
-unit carrying ball moves slower and cannot attack
-ball disappears off of mini-map when it is picked up

-All monsters/units converted into Marathon Infinity creatures/units (coop)
-Special Marine unit for some multiplayer modes
-can use all 9 Marathon weapons (items)
-weapons will use mana and ammo to emulate system used in Marathon
-ammo will act as the total ammo carried(duh...)
-mana will act as the clip of each weapon:
The pistol has a 7 round clip and lets say the Marine can carry 49 max Pistol rounds. If the Marine has a max of 140 mana...each time they fire, they will use 1 bullet and 20 mana. Once they run out of mana, they will have to wait for the mana to recharge...making a psuedo-reloading time. The problem I'm going to have it figuring out the timing on this so that the "reload" for each weapon is different but isn't too long that the player dies because they don't have mana. I'd also need to set it so that the mana doesn't recharge until they run out...As I'm thinking over this idea, I'm not sure how good it'll work in game...If someone has another idea, please suggest it! I'd be grateful!!!

Other stuff:
-all weapons and ammo crates will respawn on map in mutliplayer
-"lava" and "acid" water will do damage to units sitting in them

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:36 am
by Lugas
The KTMWTB hack would only be useful for a plugin that is designed to work with the tagset. I don't think its possible to get it off the mini-map. This kind of thing would take scripting, unless it was the goal to pick up the ball and drop it at the flag. The ball could be used as an Artifact. ie: its Monster Overide Tag changes the Marine into a slower marine. It would be better to use a Bob or Alien cos it would be impossible to have a slow marine that can use many weapons.

Myth 2 units can be easily converted into Infinity units. SiTH also used Marathon One units and sounds (such as the MADD). The Marine might be difficult, because you have to stick the chest and legs together and make sure EVERY image has the same colour table. Otherwise, Amber will not accept it. It would also have to be in one Collection. Apart from that, it can be very easily made using Artifacts. Reloading is a bit confusing in your case, I can't help. :(

The other stuff would require a lot of scripting.