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Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 4:34 am
by Grayswandir
I was playing Mazz6 on Simple last night with some people and we ran into a weird problem like that...
The Electro (I much was going on I started losing track of who was kiling what...) had launched that chain lightning spell and it froze a large group of thrall in flinch animation. It also froze that Eyeball sonnuvabitch ( pisses me off...) in place so we were able to nuke it with the mortar. At the same time, one of those green energy balls that Mazz can launch got frozen in a crater and the only thing that was moving was us and some ghols that had appeared on screen recently...What's weird those is when the Electro did the spell again, the thrall started moving again...I dunno what it was...probably just me thinking something's going on when it isn't, but yeah it was screwy. I'll try and post a film of the game and you tell me what you think.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:02 am
by ChrisP
buckweaver wrote:Isn't it more likely to happen on higher difficulty settings?

It seems there are more monsters casting area of effect spells late in an heroic game than there are late in a timid.
Well, in the sense of higher the difficulties = more monsters = more going on, then yeah, it has a better chance of occuring. We've killed most of the black thrall on heroic twice recently, and have beaten heroic during testing (with a cheat beta that gave us more damage resistant units) and I've yet to see it in a game I was playing.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 11:07 am
by lilrascal
yesterday playing on simple the pyro broke so you could only use regen crystals and the path/immolate attacks until it leveled. fireball/stasis/fountain etc weren't options, only 1 and 4.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 12:04 pm
by Myrd
MAXIMUM_EXPLOSIONS_PER_MAP is 24. In Myth II 1.3, this limit was 16.

I can add that stat to the mapmaking debug feature that displays limits as a game/film is running, but I can't guarantee that this will make it into 1.6 final.

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 7:10 pm
by ChrisP
Only 24? Seems I misunderstood then, but that does more closely match what I was seeing in Truth's fim. Myrd, I assume that's 24 explosions per 1/30th of a second? Or do you know if some explosions can occupy one of those 24 slots longer? For instance, Mazz's Nova explosion which has a very slow expansion rate.

A explosions counter/debugger would be very nice, despite being too late for Mazz VI.

lil' rascal, who knows why these kinds of things occasionally happen. Yesterday, my Paladin's Holy Armor vanished while holstered and I know the timer hadn't run down yet. Mazz 6 has soooo much more going on than any previous Myth map: constant action, thousands of tags and a script so large that it breaks the previous record by 60%. It pushes the Myth engine so much that it's amazing it's as relatively bug free as it is. If you tried to run it on Bungie's original Myth II 1.3, the entire Internet might crash! :wink:

Anyway, sorry for occasional odd bugs. :oops:

Posted: Fri Sep 22, 2006 8:38 pm
by woof •FoG•
The map has no bugs; it has become transcendent! Face it, sometimes magic is powerful, and othertimes the BungieGods bitchslap you back to earth, chain you to a rock, and set carrion to nibble on your soul/liver.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:00 am
by Doobie
you're not sorry, you planned it this way so we couldn't beat it!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:27 am
by iron
CP, it'd be for the duration or the explosion (or area-of-effect projectile). Hence if you've got some that take several seconds from start to finish then they'll certainly contribute to the likelihood of the limit being breached over that time.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:43 am
by Grayswandir
Did anyone notice this (glitch?)?
When you kill an fire-lock they're supposed to create a ring of fire when they die, unless they get bitch-slapped by a forest giant or 'sploded by something (eg: hard death...), right? However, sometimes, even in in hard-death they'll create the ring of fire, but it won't be stationary. It'll create a ring which will then jet off in the direction the forest giant was facing (I have yet to test this with the mortar...). I've been able to time it so I was able to launch ring of fires at incoming waves of enemies because the fire just jets across the map, burning things as it goes. It really isn't too useful. The fire isn't on the enemies long enough to do massive damage, but it does a decent bit. Try it sometime. :twisted:

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:10 am
by Death's Avatar
Glitch? I thought it was a feature!

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 9:08 pm
by buckweaver
Thanks for all your high-tech input on the area of effect glitches, I'm confident we can defeat it now. KILL ALL LICHEN TYPES FIRST>


Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 6:43 am
by :) Da Cid (: McCl
I've got a bug.

Nearly every time I've played the sekret level by myself at (I did so about 7 times to make sure it wasn't a random occurance) all my units do a hard death about 2:30 in. Admittedly, I usually drop all the TBs on most of the units first, but I don't see why that would make all my units fall to bits a few minutes later.


Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:12 pm
by Wismuth
:) Da Cid (: McCl wrote:Nearly every time I've played the sekret level by myself at
Nice find. According to the Mazz Guide this should happen *all* the time, not *nearly* every time. I'm sure Chrisp will investigate if you have the film where it didn't happen.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:01 pm
by Grignard
:) Da Cid (: McCl wrote:I've got a bug.

Nearly every time I've played the sekret level by myself at (I did so about 7 times to make sure it wasn't a random occurance) all my units do a hard death about 2:30 in. Admittedly, I usually drop all the TBs on most of the units first, but I don't see why that would make all my units fall to bits a few minutes later.

Wouldn't be much of a secret level if you could just play it with no prerequisiites, now would it? From the Mazz Guide:
In addition to the regular level, this plugin includes a “Secret Level” played on the same color map as Mazzarin’s Demise V. The Secret Level is nearly identical in gameplay to the standard one except that it also includes new player units (Squires), two to three hundred more enemy monsters to kill, and last but not least, the enemies come at you even faster than before. These elements combine to create the supreme challenge for the most talented players only. In fact, there is virtually zero expectation that enough remarkable players will ever gather to defeat Legendary on the Secret Level, but it’s still there for those who enjoy nearly impossible goals.

Of course the Secret Level doesn’t seem so secret when you can see it in the map list and start it up with no problem. The mystery, however, lies in how to survive for more than a few minutes. Don’t bother trying; it’s totally impossible unless you have the “key”. This key will be revealed only once a champion triumphs in the contest detailed below.
I forgot, no one reads the ReadMe.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:12 pm
by Lugas
:) Da Cid (: McCl wrote:I've got a bug.

Nearly every time I've played the sekret level by myself at (I did so about 7 times to make sure it wasn't a random occurance) all my units do a hard death about 2:30 in. Admittedly, I usually drop all the TBs on most of the units first, but I don't see why that would make all my units fall to bits a few minutes later.

I believe that's supposed to happen, unless you have "The Key".
Grignard wrote:I forgot, no one reads the ReadMe.
I read the ReadMe...

Of course, the secret in the secret level is how to survive longer than 2 minutes.