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Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 5:33 pm
by vinylrake
I don't think zombies would be slowed by the cold, since they aren't really alive. They apparently don't need blood flow to move around, and they can't bleed to death so - if they don't need their blood to get to extremities to move around and their blood isn't flowing (it couldn't flow in an embalmed body anyways as the blood would have been drained out), I can't think why the cold would slow them down.

Given that zombies have an unnatural lifespan equal to however long it takes for their bodies to rot/decay away, cold weather is not your friend as it will prolong how long zombies remain a threat to you. Hot weather is better as it will increase the rate at which dead flesh rots.

You know, I never thought about it before, but if I bet if we didn't pump so many 'preservatives' into people when they are embalmed, there wouldn't be as many zombie bodies left to rise when the zombie apocalypse comes. Maybe that could help one locate a good location to settle down in post undead-rising - find a smallish island in a really hot climate, where the local culture didn't go for embalming or other preservation techniques.

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 2:14 am
by Pyro
Maybe the cold can slow zombies down. Zombies are not likely to wear sweaters/jackets, so their tissue might freeze up in extreme cold where you can get frost bite. Now the question that remains is... if a zombie is frozen completely by extreme cold weather... when (if) it thaws out will it be dead or still undead?

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:45 am
by vinylrake
Pyro wrote:Now the question that remains is... if a zombie is frozen completely by extreme cold weather... when (if) it thaws out will it be dead or still undead?

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:22 pm
by Baak
I think being on an island in the middle of a huge lake which freezes most of the year could be a good place to be. Could pick them off from a distance by shooting them to bits as they fumble and fall on the ice.

This raises another question: how much of a zombie will still come after you? If you dismember it into arms/legs/head/torso, will all the parts try to get you?

And: are zombies smart enough to try to overcome the ice barrier? Do they make a zombie bridge by joining arms or even just walking over each other? Or are they incredibly stupid and just flop around?

Then in the spring/summer, you just be sure the lake is teeming with flesh-eating fish and you're good to go. ;)

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 10:02 pm
by vinylrake
traditionally it's the brain that is the crucial bit that somehow animates the rest of the body or portions thereof. there are exceptions and variations, but generally once the brain is either severed from the spine or damaged in what would be a fatal injury to a living human the body ceases to be animated and the zombie falls out of undeath back to actual death.

I don't think zombies are smart enough to work together for a common goal other than accidently. i could see zombies climbing on top of each other to get over a fence, but i think it would happen accidently, not intentionally with any forethought.

The more I think about it, lacking some kind of outside agency animating the un/dead, the whole premise of zombies really make no sense.

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 12:25 am
by pompey
vinylrake wrote: The more I think about it, lacking some kind of outside agency animating the un/dead, the whole premise of zombies really make no sense.
In the classic universe, it's something supernatural that does this. It ranges from completely unexplained to religious zealotry to nuclear fallout. I'm of the opinion that a zombie-esque contagious outbreak could happen under some different circumstances, but I'll keep them to myself :)

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 9:18 am
by Sonixboom
I think that baak has a point if your lake freezes over than the zombies would most likely just flop around since they have poor motor skills anyways. I also like the idea of flesh eating fish like pirahna or barrucuda... maybe even a shark or two just for fun. Sharks can smell the blood and will probably try to eat the zombies due to the amount of blood caked to the outside of them. OMG zombie sharks that would be freaky... Im going on a rant I'll stop now.


Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 1:12 pm
by vinylrake
Sonixboom wrote: Sharks can smell the blood and will probably try to eat the zombies due to the amount of blood caked to the outside of them. ...

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 3:52 pm
by Arthim
an interesting weapon, flies. Maggots love to eat dead flesh but never eat lifing flesh. Live in a place with a lot of flies and the flies will lay eggs in the zombies and the the zombies will be eaten by the maggots. This is a little slow, but if you have good shelter you don't need to worry about ammo.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:12 pm
by Baak
Arthim wrote:an interesting weapon, flies. Maggots love to eat dead flesh but never eat lifing flesh. Live in a place with a lot of flies and the flies will lay eggs in the zombies and the the zombies will be eaten by the maggots. This is a little slow, but if you have good shelter you don't need to worry about ammo.
Brilliant! :)

Unless...... the flies all become undead flies!!! :shock:

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:41 pm
by pompey
That's from a Fulci movie.. Zombi 2. There was no Zombi 1, but it came out in the era of Italian zombie movies that followed Romero's original. He wanted people to think it was the sequel :) Well worth watching, especially given when it was made.

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 8:39 am
by Sonixboom
no everyone knows that dogs cats and things with wings are immune to the zombie virus. Also a fly is also not going to eat the zombie the maggots are and most of those maggots would die after comsuming the zombie. The only problem would be where to get the original fly's from...a pet store,the jungle.

Another great tool for zombie destruction is motquitoes :twisted: they can suck all the blood out of the zombies. Since its not the blood that turns you into a zombie its the tissue a mosquitoe would be much better for zombie annihilation... dont get my started on big spiders 8)


Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 9:55 am
by Deqlyn
Can anyone say Safety Blimp? Whatup Goodyear

Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:34 am
by Sonixboom
so true till u run out of fuel :)


Posted: Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:42 am
by vinylrake
Sonixboom wrote:...Another great tool for zombie destruction is motquitoes :twisted: they can suck all the blood out of the zombies. Since its not the blood that turns you into a zombie its the tissue a mosquitoe would be much better for zombie annihilation...
But we already established that blood flow isn't essential to zombie locomotion, (remember: embalmed corpses that rise as zombies don't even have any blood, AND destroying a zombie's heart doesn't stop a zombie - which the zombie needed blood flowing then stopping the heart would stop the blood thereby stopping the zombie) so what good is sucking the blood out of a zombie going to do?

ps. I like the blimp idea, but the question of refueling safely comes to mind. A hot air balloon might be simpler/easier to refuel as all you need is some flammable gas - I would imagine you could use propane tanks from bbq grills in a pinch - you also don't need a football field to land a hot air balloon in either like you would a blimp.