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Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 1:46 pm
by The Vile
It was just a "side note". By the way what OS are you running? Not that it matters... but if you are running Windows 2000 or newer you should try running on the Modern build instead of the Classic build which is what you are using. As I said earlier.... its just a side note... won't hurt you either way.

But the issue might be what Myrd has stated. Too many recordings and/or saved games. So rename the "recordings" folder and Myth won't see those recordings.
Mine is Windows XP with SP (Service Pack) 3, and I currently haven't any saved games nor recordings, I usually Shift-Delete them...

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 3:57 pm
by The Vile
Well, I believe the map is still quite unstable, because I managed to run the plugin sometimes, but when I modify some names in Fear the plugin then crashes. For example, in Fear, PROJECTILES folder, when I've changed "fetch's lightning strike" to fetch primary lightning strike" or "myrkridia (small) one arm punch" to "myrkridia (small) one-arm-slash", the plugin fails loading and I can't play it... I think the plugin has some unstability because it's still v1.0, so in a future version perhaps this "bug" may be fixed... I'll try other things meanwhile.

Okay, I'm going for now...

PS: please go to the plugin's download page and see my review about the map.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:53 pm
by Myrd
Did it work before you went in modified things?

Perhaps your changes caused the "bugs".

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:10 pm
by The Vile
Did it work before you went in modified things?

Perhaps your changes caused the "bugs".
Yes, it always worked correctly before some of my modifications through Fear. But simple changes in some simple tags (like translating texts from one language to another or modifying the name of an attack projectile, like I've mentioned previously) should not cause the plugin - only the plugin, not the "standard" missions of the game - to crash, so it's, kind of, a flaw from the plugin, it's not accepting some unharmful changes... Anyway, it's odd. Meanwhile, I'm trying to "determine" and thus isolate which parts of Fear will crash the map (and prevent them to, anyway). Thank you all for this help!

Okay, I'm going for now...

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:18 pm
by Pyro
Then it isn't a bug. Perhaps the plugin was already at some sort of limit and when you modified parts of it, it surpassed it and crashed. Check your myth_log located in your Myth II folder. It sometimes gives useful info on why a map may crash.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:20 pm
by Myrd
My guess is changing the name of certain tags may have changed the 4-letter ids associated with them. Then, all the tags that referenced the tags before can no longer find them.

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 5:10 pm
by The Vile
Then it isn't a bug. Perhaps the plugin was already at some sort of limit and when you modified parts of it, it surpassed it and crashed. Check your myth_log located in your Myth II folder. It sometimes gives useful info on why a map may crash.
My guess is changing the name of certain tags may have changed the 4-letter ids associated with them. Then, all the tags that referenced the tags before can no longer find them.
Hm, two new possibilities... I'm thanking both Pyro and Myrd for these, and for now I'll "work on" Myrd's one (the 4-lettered "headers") since I believe it's the most probable one. By the way, I remember there was some program which allows to "edit" these headers, but now I forgot the name, which is it and where can I get it from? Thank a lot for one more help!

Okay, I'm going for now...

Posted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 11:24 pm
by Pyro
Yes there is some program to do it, however, Myrd didn't mean for you to change them. For example this following example:

A monster tag is used on a map. You decided to replace that monster in the map so you made a copy of it and messed with it only to later delete the original and perhaps added the new unit with the new monster tag. Turns out there was some other tag say the unit tag which was linked to the monster tag you deleted. This unit tag is still being used on the map. So the map is trying to load a unit with a deleted monster tag and crashes.

What I'm saying is that there may be no need to change any of the header IDs. You just gotta find what tags are missing or find the ones that are linked to those missing ones.

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 12:05 pm
by The Vile
Yes there is some program to do it, however, Myrd didn't mean for you to change them. For example this following example:

A monster tag is used on a map. You decided to replace that monster in the map so you made a copy of it and messed with it only to later delete the original and perhaps added the new unit with the new monster tag. Turns out there was some other tag say the unit tag which was linked to the monster tag you deleted. This unit tag is still being used on the map. So the map is trying to load a unit with a deleted monster tag and crashes.

What I'm saying is that there may be no need to change any of the header IDs. You just gotta find what tags are missing or find the ones that are linked to those missing ones.
It's a good advice, but if you understood me wrong, I won't DELIBERATELY going around editing tags headers a la vonté. I'm simply specifying that IN LAST CASE ONLY, if the header is modified "against the default"of the game, I'll use the program mentioned earlier only to correct it back. Even so, relax Pyro... I won't crashdown with my Myth or similar! Even with your advices, I'd like to know which program edits these tags headers (for Windows) and how can I get it, only that!

Okay, I'm going for now...

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 2:40 pm
by Pyro
Headers don't change themselves, there will be no possible way you will see that happen unless you deleted the wrong tag or changed the header yourself. So there is no last case. No need to tell me to relax, I was mearly explaining so you know what you need to know so you don't have to learn the hard way.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 12:41 pm
by The Vile
After some time "working up" several tags in order to discover what could've been messing with the map, looks like I've partially acheived this goal: some plugins in general (not only this one) will base their units on the edited monster tags (presented by MONSTERS sub-folder inside LOCAL folder), instead of basing on their original ones inside the plugin. If you still didn't get it, I'll explain:

If you open um Fear, go to the MONSTERS folder and edit one of MONSTERS tags of the characters contained in the plugin, they'll be messed (to the plugin's point of view). Examples:

- HERON GUARD [header: JOUR]: if left unchanged, they'll have a mana bar which switches healing process with trademark healing roots; if modified, the mana bars are gone.

- ALRIC (EMPEROR) [header: ALEM]: if left unchanged, he'll have all his inventory items; if modified, he'll lose his inventory (i.e. having no Balmung Sword, Ibis Crown or Eblis Stone).

- ALRIC (KING) [header: ALRI]: if left unchanged, the plugin plays normally; if modified, even if I don't change a single detail on him but saving the tag only to mark it up as modified, the plugin crashes and the myth log text file shows these two error lines:

Code: Select all

1) Error: Data Mismatch in .\Myth2Code\unit_definitions.c, line #181: UNIT- 01 agemoralia unit definition has mismatched collection reference (gem1) and monster (alri).
2) Error: Data Mismatch in .\Myth2Code\definitions.c, line #589: unit definition postprocess failed on 'UNIT- 01 agemoralia'.
- ORLINO: still I don't even have an idea of why his "standard" fire projectile bugged (it was replaced by a smaller version of the Warlock's fireball with freezing properties)...

So, my doubt: do any of you have to me any solution to "restrict" the plugin to its own tags without messing around with the ones I edit on Fear, or even a solution that would be better than mine, if applicable?

Okay, I'm going for now...

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 1:38 pm
by Pyro
Your local folder will always be used when playing single player or TCP/IP. Only online will it not use your local. This is nothing new. What anybody messing with mapmaking should do is always rename your "local" folder if you don't want it to load in the game. When you want to mess around with those tags again then rename it back to "local" after getting rid of the empty new local folder that was made as soon as you loaded Myth.

You were even asked if you had tags in your local folder in the first page of this thread and you claimed not to. So it was an issue on your end after all. When we talk about tags we mean the ones in your local folder, not the tags folder.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:33 pm
by The Vile
Well, if so I'm sad there isn't a more practical solution for this... Anyway, thank you a lot for your help, dude! Since there's no other medicine, I'll do it!

Just one more thing for now (I don't know if it'll be the last for this topic, but I'll try it...): everybody knows that UnTag is used to extract tags from a plugin or a "monolithic" game tag, but how can I "re-insert" the tag back into the file? For example, I extracted a "string list" tag from the same tag of the plugin, translated its text via Fear, and then... I don't know how to put it back on its original place (inside the plugin). Don't take me badly with so many doubts, I'm only rather annoying with all this because I'm in search to learn it.

Okay, I'm going for now...

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 9:11 pm
by Pyro
The Vile wrote:Well, if so I'm sad there isn't a more practical solution for this...
What are you talking about, how is this not a practical solution? Why did you want that local folder? It is not like we are telling you that you had to delete it. Your local folder wouldn't be a problem if the tags you modified were modified correctly. Meaning they all link up correctly to the tags they need to link to and don't cause issues.
The Vile can I "re-insert" the tag back into the file? For example, I extracted a "string list" tag from the same tag of the plugin, translated its text via Fear, and then... I don't know how to put it back on its original place (inside the plugin).
You know this isn't needed right? I just get the feeling you think that just because you extracted it that it isn't in the plugin anymore. This isn't the case. When you extract stuff from a plugin you are making a copy of whatever you are extracting. You can't insert tags into plugins, but you can use Fear to make plugins. So extract all the tags from the plugin and make the changes (or replace tags) you need or want. To build a plugin with Fear, go to File and you will find what you want there.
The Vile wrote:Okay, I'm going for now...
You don't need to say this. I'm just making sure you know, not that you have to stop.

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 10:12 pm
by vinylrake
I have found a more 'practical' solution to the renaming local folder when working on projects issue to be just to have 2 installs of Myth2. One for playing online - with an empty local folder, and one for mapmaking - that has a local folder full of the things I have changed in my project.

Also - as far as how to put something edited in Fear 'back into' the plugin/map, you don't have to do that - when you have something you want to play with other people you will need to build a new version of the plugin/map (changing version# or name so as not to confuse people with 2 different maps/plugins with the same name and version#). The plugin will contain everything in your local folder - including the things you have modified. Give the plugin/map to other people and they will have the same modificaitons.