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Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:36 am
by DarthRevan555
Yeah I remember I made a lil "Siege of Llancarfan" level, heavily modified and quite dissapointing but I had fun playing it and made me even more wanting to port the rest.

I remain determined to see this through.

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:36 pm
by GizmoHB
yea for once I agree with Ren, well, almost, there are plenty of things you can do with 512ish triangles...

the problem with me giving you files is that this is something Ive spend a lot of time working on, and it was meant to be a really precise port, all the scenery is in the right place, high res units, optimised colormaps that work with mythIIs lighting system and everything up to my high standards, and I would really like to work on it myself (if I ever have the time to) but at the same time you seem motivated and excited and you should have the chance to make something great...

But I honestly think you don't seem to understand how much work this will really take, and basically make the same mistake as all of us have made many times (including myself, thats why the port isnt done)...

pick a map, any map of the solo campaign that isnt level 1 to 5 and Ill give you the mesh/colormap for you to work on (if I have it), see how much work it is, if youre still motivated after that 1 map (and I think the quality is decent), I'll be glad to give you the rest of the stuff i've done myself so far, since I just dont have the time to work on it myself right now...

as far as information on how to reconstruct colormaps and getting tags from m3 etc. I'll be glad to tell you all I know...

I hope thats fair enough...


Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 2:56 pm
by vinylrake
GizmoHB wrote:as far as information on how to reconstruct colormaps and getting tags from m3 etc. I'll be glad to tell you all I know...

I hope thats fair enough...

That's awfully reasonable and generous of you Giz.

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:58 pm
by Killswitch
To echo Giz, there's two sides to porting maps: the big, easy chunks and the various and sundry tiny details. For instance, getting a cmap and units placed doesn't take very long. It's getting the water masked properly and reacting/looking like it should. It's getting the scripting to trigger just right. It's getting the physics, projectiles, models, etc all working in unison.

To repeat myself, I would love to see M3 maps ported to M2, but just make sure you do it right or the whole "M3 ported to M2" thing will get a black eye. (And you'll get a reception like "Oh please, another M3 port?? ::groan::" )

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:30 pm
by DarthRevan555
GizmoHB wrote: pick a map, any map of the solo campaign that isnt level 1 to 5 and Ill give you the mesh/colormap for you to work on (if I have it), see how much work it is, if youre still motivated after that 1 map (and I think the quality is decent), I'll be glad to give you the rest of the stuff i've done myself so far, since I just dont have the time to work on it myself right now...

Siege of Llancarfan is one I would really have fun making.

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 10:42 pm
by DarthRevan555
If not, Rod of Callieach

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 11:36 pm
by GodzFire
2 of my favorite M3 maps.

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 10:48 am
by DarthRevan555
Alright, thanks to everyone for help and for the failed attempts of discouragement :O (jk :D)

I got my copy of Myth III back and now I've started extracted the hell out of it. I now have all the colormaps and other useful tags

I've also begun taking tutorials on how to properly animate so I'll be working on a Moagim and Oghre unit (unless someone beat me to it)

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 2:46 pm
by Jon God
Hey good luck on it, I'll be glad to see anything you come up with. :)

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 9:37 pm
by DarthRevan555
Thx :) I kinda skipped ahead and started work on 3 of my fav levels :P Children of Bahl'al, Siege of Llancarfan & Rod of The Callieach. I'll prob post screens somewhere by end of week. I spent almost the whole day on them :O.

Demo TBA :O need testers!

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 4:06 am
by Jon God
DarthRevan555 wrote:Thx :) I kinda skipped ahead and started work on 3 of my fav levels :P Children of Bahl'al, Siege of Llancarfan & Rod of The Callieach. I'll prob post screens somewhere by end of week. I spent almost the whole day on them :O.

Demo TBA :O need testers!
I'll help if I can.

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 6:55 pm
by DarthRevan555

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 7:09 pm
by Baron LeDant
While I am pretty skeptical about this (would rather see the multiplayer m3 maps ported), I would happily test

Posted: Sun May 03, 2009 10:11 pm
by Jon God
Nice stuff, 'look forward to seeing more.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 1:04 am
by Graydon
Bleh. Terrain looks worse than myth 1 with no graphics improvements. :(

This isn't going to meet gizmo's standards I don't think.

Yea, it's great to see myth 2 units on a somewhat familiar environment... but... I certainly wouldn't label that as 'port' quality.

Did you/Do you have any intentions on spending some quality time in photoshop making these meshes look beautiful like they do in myth 3?