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Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 3:44 pm
by DarthRevan555
lawl, maybe when I actually stop being lazy I'll code up some new pages for MY own personal website. post some stuff there (ad-free so no free wiis ) and such like an optional music player. I actually haven't checked my site in a long time. mb I shud. :D

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 4:43 pm
by remedial
hahaahah What the HECK is going on?

Also, this falls well within the bounds of a thug life.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 5:12 pm
by GodzFire
Falcon wrote:
GodzFire wrote:So wait, Falcon took crap from both Gizmo and Revan without their permission and took it as his own?
Either you havent seen website OR u are trying to solely pin me .
FFS dont reply to topics when u dont know what is happening .
No, I have seen your website but I also heard that it was the same material from Gizmo and Revan, so I'm trying to get the facts.

How about you straighten it out then?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:11 pm
by vinylrake
Apparently Falcon is quite enthused about DarthRevan's Myth3 to Myth2 conversion, so much so that he created a site in support/homage to it - including screen shots, forums, etc. There were comments made that Falcon was tryign to claim credit for both REvan and Gizmo's work, but that I believe was a misunderstanding both of Falcon's intent in posting the site, AND abour who the actual author of the maps the screenshots Falcon posted are taken from.

Falcon's wording isn't the clearest, and unless you know who is who and who is working on what it might appear he's taking credit for other people's work or that HE is the one creating the conversion, but I don't believe that was either his intent (to mislead or claim credit), or that the web site explicitly says that.

Maybe everyone should give Falcon a break and let DarthRevan handle any issues or problems he has (if any) with fan sites devoted to his work.

ps. Maybe in the future anyone too lazy to get off their figurative butt and click a link should refrain from jumping into the fray.

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:53 pm
by Soulblaster
heh, i gotta say although some things in the site are ok, there're some aspects that annoys me a little. Things like the advertisements, the sound style (perhaps would work better in a medical or dental clinic website - I'd suggest a medieval style sound, like battle sounds, etc), and finally the forums page background...I believe that map picture is from myth TFL. Well, mb you should try to keep the site theme all about Myth III TWA. you can find some myth III promo material here:
Please, don't take me wrong, I'm just saying what I think should be worked more in the site...besides these things, I like it. Keep it up!

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:16 pm
by DarthRevan555
A misunderstanding that even I'm confused about is how some people are claiming that there is Gizmo's work on there.

The 14 screens I saw are of the new cmaps I drew myself. The evidence is on IX forum that I created those custom first few levels from scratch because at the time I didn't have my copy of Myth III so I couldn't extract cmaps.


Thx for the enthusiasm Falcon.

Thx Viny for some support and such and for putting a lot of this in perspective.


Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:54 pm
by Falcon
vinylrake wrote:Falcon's wording isn't the clearest, and unless you know who is who and who is working on what it might appear he's taking credit for other people's work or that HE is the one creating the conversion.

Why The Hell would I be taking credit >: (
Notice Red Boxes >>



These are public forums For Revan's Myth3 plugin , which I know and as being a party to hear a myth3 on myth2 I made these Public forums so people can know about PLUGIN stuff .

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 9:57 pm
by Falcon
Revan , keep me up to date on facebook , I want to keep News page running , Also send some videos of your work "The website got QuickTime running" so we can put it to use .

If anyone can tell what level music from a myth3 level is good for homepage , I will appreciate it . :)

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 10:19 pm
by Falcon
Soulblaster wrote:heh, i gotta say although some things in the site are ok, there're some aspects that annoys me a little. Things like the advertisements, the sound style (perhaps would work better in a medical or dental clinic website - I'd suggest a medieval style sound, like battle sounds, etc), and finally the forums page background...I believe that map picture is from myth TFL. Well, mb you should try to keep the site theme all about Myth III TWA. you can find some myth III promo material here:
Please, don't take me wrong, I'm just saying what I think should be worked more in the site...besides these things, I like it. Keep it up!
Soulblaster's website is cool , Gona keep it in external links . I will make a page about it , P~S not getting anything out of his work .

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 10:52 pm
by vinylrake
Falcon rather you laugh your ass off or not, obviously despite your credits to revan there was some confusion as to whose site it was or whose map the site was about. And with your sometimes less than perfect English (not a criticism just an observation) even I (who already knew Revan was working on a M3 plug for M2) had to reread your text a couple of times to determine whether your site was about HIS plugin, or was some new plugin/project BASED on his plugin, etc.

As an example of less than clear communication about the credits on your site, in the previous post you say ROFLMAO and post 2 pictures saying 'notice the red boxes', when in fact, NO RED BOXES on the first picture have ANYTHING to do with who made the plugin. The red UNDERLINED text does have some credit info, but what is in a red box on the first picture is the (completely irrelevant to this discussion) word/link 'HOME'.

I am not intending to criticize you here, just pointing out that what you THINK is very clear is often not - and sometimes is downright misleading or inaccurate - which causes confusion. I am sure it's unintentional and is more due to language translation issues more than anything else, but the difficulty in communicating clearly does exist.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 12:28 pm
by Deqlyn
Myth 3 is dead next topic please.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:13 pm
by vinylrake
This isn't Myth 3, it's NEW solos and units for Myth 2!

If you don't want new stuff for M2, please go back to playing Gimble, Raid and Killing Grounds 24-7 and leave the discussions here for players who are still enthusiastic about new fings for myff.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:53 pm
by GodzFire
Deqlyn wrote:Myth 3 is dead next topic please.
In your small mind maybe. There's a lot of untapped potential with M3 material still.
vinylrake wrote:If you don't want new stuff for M2, please go back to playing Gimble, Raid and Killing Grounds 24-7.
No no Vinyl, you mean that cool thing of 4 player Mazz.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 2:01 pm
by vinylrake
Mazz IS a new thing, or at least the latest version is a new variant of an older (but still newer than gimble/raid/grounds) thing, so criticizing Mazz in a comment I am making about people disparaging new things for Myth would be a little hypocritical, don't you think?

I view the 4 person Mazz challenge like the Myth Done Quick or Myth with No Casualties ideas - new ways of making the familiar interesting. Not every plugin or map everyone makes can be my new favorite, but I am very happy that people are thinking of and making new things for Myth.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 3:12 pm
by GodzFire
I don't see how it would be hypocritical. If you think about it too, how old is this version of Mazz, 3-4 years now?

It would be nice to see ChrisP release Mazz 7 to celebrate the new features with 1.7, but unfortunately he's been completely taken over by the entity that is World Of Warcraft, which consumed about 2 years of my own life before I was able to see the light and break away.