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Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:08 am
by Eddaweaver
Killswitch, does it really come with no tags except .256 collection tags? The index in tags references many tags of all types.

Did you get it running and take that screenshot? It looks like Grave in there, that would be the "king of the hill" .256. There is another cmap collection present called "landscape", could someone please extract its contents?

Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 11:19 am
by Killswitch
Eddaweaver wrote:Killswitch, does it really come with no tags except .256 collection tags? The index in tags references many tags of all types.

Did you get it running and take that screenshot? It looks like Grave in there, that would be the "king of the hill" .256. There is another cmap collection present called "landscape", could someone please extract its contents?
No, it comes with tons of tags of all kinds (mesh, obje, proj, unit, etc). And yes, it actually starts up and that is the main menu (you need MacsBug installed to run it properly).

Like you said, the two maps it comes with are 'King of the Hill' and 'Landscape'. King of the Hill looks similar to Grave but there's some water variations (semi swampy areas, a small lake). Landscape doesn't look familiar though.



Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 5:26 pm
by GodzFire
No, it comes with tons of tags of all kinds (mesh, obje, proj, unit, etc)
That's weird, the version you uploaded only had 10MB's worth of stuff in the .256 folder. Everything else was empty. This was after using the visibility trick.

Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:55 pm
by devSin
It seems to all be there, but you're really not missing anything. Unit selection and control seem impossible (Tab seems to rotate through pre-selections of your forces by unit type; there's no double-clicking or band-selecting, there's no action feedback, and actions de-select the units). It's also easy to make crash or to trigger breakpoints or failed assertions (you also have to hit Return through all the .DS_Store "invalid tag" indexing errors that trigger MacsBug, like with Tag Edit and TFL Loathing).

But the second (landscape) map does have the skrael, and camera control is surprisingly good (the camera also dips down slightly as you accelerate forward, and lifts up as you accelerate in reverse). Wight explosions seem pretty much identical, and the pieces and projectile physics don't look to have changed all that much.

Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 8:09 am
by Eddaweaver
myrmidon flavor stlimyfl @ … mythDuring the Wind Age the combined armies of the dark cowered before the feared warrior race of the Myrmidons, but desirous of power and immortality they betrayed the light on the Plains of Tyr and joined Ashfear.
When still flesh and blood, the Myrmidons were most vain about their long hair and colorful body paint, often choosing not to sleep on the eve of battle in order to make ready for the next morningÕs fighting.
Flesh now held to their bones by bandages alone and hair having rotted out long ago, the MyrmidonÕs have set aside their combs and pigments in favor of whetstones, and now devote the same care to honing their wicked knives.
They're much better explained here.
warrior flavor (common) stliwafc @ g mythAfter the armies of the Great Southern Kingdom were finally broken at Juniper, the surviving soldiers scattered among the free cities of the North, taking their arms with them.
ÒMaeldunÕs only words on returning exhausted to Tyr from a long campaign in the East to find half the city burning after a raid by pirates from Leix were ÔShow me the way to Leix.ÕÓ
Could that may explain the origin of Creep's Juniper wall and what is being "Border"ed?
game names stligana @ € mythCarnage
Carnage Less Deaths
King of the Hill
Last Man on the Hill
Steal the Bacon
Capture the Flag
Fox and Hounds
My guess is "Royalty" is assassin, as mentioned at from a week later.
avatara names
Cu Roi
Forgall Manach
Fei Llawn
Cu Chulain
And there's their "last recording" still in reco. Does this play in the main menu screen?

I think it's funny "Landscape" isn't the lost winter Myth map seen in the pre-release screenshots but something completely different. I'd like to see this and the early version of Grave but I can't run the Mac excutable.

Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:48 am
by Killswitch
Can't replay the recording. MacsBug says:

Code: Select all

User break at 3F7FFDA8 _assertion_failure+00074
halt in recording.c, #229: recording_globals && recording_globals->state==_state_uninitialized
There's some data in there. Looks like a recording from the 'Landscape' map.

And don't ask about the 'myth.log' - there isn't one. :cry:

Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 11:47 am
by GodzFire
I did some digging in B.Org's Asylum and came across THIS thread series talking about a TFL Beta. From what I can tell, it has to be an earlier beta than 4. Here's some interesting tidbits:
This report comes from looking through the tags, as I have gotten the beta to run.
- While the units look about the same as now, the interface really sucked. I mean really.
- In the .256 collection, the Journeyman is refered to as a Shaman.
- The units have parenthetical statements after their names.

ents forest guardians
fir'bolg (palace guards, left)
ghol eyebiter tribe
journeymen (ce acatal)
myrmidons (gwar's rotten teeth)
skrael (mud dwellers union)
soulless (deceiver fist one)
thrall fodder
warrior queen's guard
dwarven suicide brigade
wights (103rd fighting scabs)
Here's some notes I scribbled down while looking through the tags (some of it is redundant with yours and Jenova's reports):

.256 tags
- zerk idle sprites are different
- main interface/dialogs are way different
- "king of the hill" level is I'll Dance On Your Grave/Spiderweb (not sure which)
- "landscape" level - I don't recognise this map. But there are colormaps and shadowmap in there; perhaps someone would like to turn it into a real working map? Perhaps some veteran hexeditor from the Good Ol' Days could decipher the differences in the mesh format (if any) and garner unit placement info from there.
- water was apparently implemented by having all water areas on a colormaps textured a certain shade of blue (cyan?), which was then retextured with a special "water" texture at runtime, and rendered from there.

- Metaserver config info is there. Could you run different (non-bnet) metaservers in the days of yore?
- Quit Dialog: "Do you really want to abandon your forces?"
- MELI tag called "grassland". What's MELI?
- REVA tag called "water". What's REVA?
- MESH tags "king of the hill" and "landscape"
- SOUN tags - only sounds are dwarf explosive sounds

STLI tags
- Wight flavor "The Dwarves before Stoneheim" instead of "The Dwarves before Myrgard"
- Warrior flavor: "After the armies of the Great Southern Kingdom were finally broken at Juniper, the surviving soldiers scattered among the free cities of the North, taking their arms with them."
- Note the Great Southern Kingdom instead of the Province, and Juniper instead of Covenant.
- Shade names: Gullveig, Falerina, Morgana, Medea, Circe, Amalthaea, Sycorax, Allison Gross, Grimhild, Louhi, Mazzarin, Nym, Morante, Andred, Damas (!!!), Phelot, Turquine, Herod, Cormorant, Sciron, Sinis, Sacripant, Galar, Black Annis, Cailleac Bheur
- Myrmidon flavors:
"During the Wind Age the combined armies of the dark cowered before the feared warrior race of the Myrmidons, but desirous of power and immortality they betrayed the light on the Plains of Tyr and joined Ashfear."
- All-new flavor - note the Plains of Tyr (not on map) and Ashfear instead of Balor.
"When still flesh and blood, the Myrmidons were most vain about their long hair and colorful body paint, often choosing not to sleep on the eve of battle in order to make ready for the next morning’s fighting."
Slightly different from release version
- "Flesh now held to their bones by bandages alone and hair having rotted out long ago, the Myrmidon’s have set aside their combs and pigments in favor of whetstones, and now devote the same care to honing their wicked knives."
- All-new flavor.
Journeyman flavors:
- "Told of the rearguard at Bagrada in 1158: “Not a palm’s breadth free of wounds on his body, Five Moon Heron knelt to kiss the earth, and drawing strength from her rose to charge the thickest gathering of the enemy."
- We have a date! But when was this, relative to current events? Before the fall of Muirthemne, when the Herons were absent and the Fallen sacked the Empire? Then that would make the current date (as of Chimera) around 1380 (1158 plus 50 years till TFL plus 60 years till M2 plus 10 years till Chimera). Also, isn't it Five Motion Bloody Jaguar in the release?
- “Returning to the ruin Llancarfan had become in their absence, the emperor’s deathless Heron Guards each tore nine gold tiles from the palace wall, every one the weight of a grown man ... ”
Llancarfan instead of Muirthemne.
- “ ... and hanging these heavy plates about their neck in penance for being absent when most needed, the Guard disbanded, each of the hundred choosing a different path into the waste.”
All-new flavor. Note "each of the hundred". Only 100 Herons?
- fir'Bolg were called fir'Bolgs (yes, with the 's'), not "archers".
- Dwarf flavors:
“The early dwarvish eddas always speak of heroes ‘having gone north into the mountains to slay Ghôls’, but most repeated is tale of Dvalin son of Alfrigg, third ephor of Stoneheim ...”
Note Dwarvish instead of Dwarven
- “Hours after the fall of Stoneheim, the dwarves defending Myrgard collapsed the barbican, entombing ten thousand of their number behind as many tons of shattered rock.”
Stoneheim and Myrgard reversed again.
- Avatara names: Caliban, Malagigi, Cu Roi, Forgall Manach, Hreidmar, Enkidu, Tfear (!!!), Fei Llawn, Cu Chulain, Diarmuid, Maeldun, Gilgamesh (!!!), Roland (!!!), Beowulf (!!!). Subtract Tfear, Gilgamesh, Roland, and Beowulf - all of which seem rather out of place - and you've got 11 names, not nine. Caliban is Alric, according to Josh Noel (a beta tester and former Myth's Story Page maintainer), and we know Cu Roi and Maeldun are members of The Nine, then there's also Rabican and Murgen - there's the five we know. Which, if any, of these names, are names of the other four Nine? I would but on Cu Chulain, just because of the similarity to Cu Roi, but the others?

- "warrior queen's guard" - queen who?
- "soulless (deceiver fist one)" - yes, it says "fist", not "first"
- "journeyman (ce acetal)" - that's remakably similar to "the acit el calendar" mentioned in the GURPS Myth Table of Contents. Any idea what it might mean?
- "fir'bolg (palace guards, left)" - whose palace?
And THIS one's just too long to quote.

Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 3:59 pm
by Killswitch
GodzFire wrote:And THIS one's just too long to quote.
That's funny - I thought the other post was too long to quote as well. :mrgreen:

I really enjoyed digging into these old tags. It was like getting just a little more info on the Myth backstory. Ashfear sounds like a pretty badass Leveler if you ask me. Makes you wonder what he (she?) did to get that name.

Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 4:03 pm
by Gleep
Regarding souless fist--fist i think is like a squad.

Queen? Interesting. Be cool if she had some crazy spells to sling around.

Dwarven suiciders. Wonder if they had dorfs that blew themselves up like wights. Almost made a unit like that for DoD(dark), but it was hard enough!

Cool that we have all those avatara names to draw from if we need some more down the road.

Skrael got dropped probably because the payoff for that unit was small. Considering their limited terrain movement and limited maps they could be on.

Just wonder what M3 would have been like if bungie made it.

Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:56 am
by Sonixboom
i uploaded the TFl beta4 to my udogs folder :)

it has both versions of it, the mac and the PC tags are all there ... 20Uploads/


-Saint †

Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:50 pm
by Killswitch

You sure do have some curly hair. :D

Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:51 pm
by Pyro
If only you saved it as a CD image file like an ISO.

Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 3:59 pm
by GodzFire
Sonixboom wrote:i uploaded the TFl beta4 to my udogs folder :)

it has both versions of it, the mac and the PC tags are all there ... 20Uploads/


-Saint †
We already know, you posted it everywhere. And even with my help, you still managed to not copy everything, since no one can do a successful install, Mac OR PC. You should just burn a duplicate copy and send it to someone so they can post a proper version.

Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:59 pm
by Sonixboom
i only posted it on my udogs folder. if its anywhere other than that its not my doing

and yes i do have VERY curly hair, ladies love it 8)

-Saint †

Re: Myth TFL Beta 3 Information Found

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 10:29 am
by Archer
Gleep wrote:Dwarven suiciders. Wonder if they had dorfs that blew themselves up like wights. Almost made a unit like that for DoD(dark), but it was hard enough!
You change the meaning here; it's Dwarven Suicide Brigade, which doesn't necessarily imply deliberate suicide. For example, the group in Sons of Myrgard are on what could be described as a suicide mission, but none of them blow themselves up as a primary attack.
