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Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 2:12 pm
by spectral spirit
Do you visit

I'm BoneWeary Lich.

Posted: Thu Aug 26, 2004 1:25 pm
by spectral spirit
More like, I was BoneWeary Lich.

Posted: Fri Aug 27, 2004 2:43 pm
by skrew
hmmmm i too am a fan of bio ware games, fallout BG and IWD. im currently playing diablo 2 as myth has quietened down due to school starting bakc up.

pete ill assume total war is alot like legion, legion isnt very war based though more town/rescource management and the biggest battles you can get, if both sides have maxed veteraned armies is about 2000 vs 2000, but its standard interface is the same type as that screenshot.

i played stronghold for a while... its not all that good, though it beats AoE as walls and defences are actually useful and you actually need to manage your rescources wisely.

SW:GB *is* AoE its almost exactly the same engine, both games i find horrilble to play

Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2004 12:37 pm
by Nameless
How could you forget the god of RTS, WARCRAFT 3?!!!!!!!!!!!!
Myth is RTT and better than Warcraft but Warcraft is the all time best RTS game. :o

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 4:15 pm
by Pistol_Pete
Someone hasn't played Rome: Total War then. Sure, the campaign system is turn based, but it feels RTS enough to me. In that horribly-addictive-one-more-turn-until-it's-4am way

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 5:18 pm
by ElRay
The Elfoid wrote:Myth is RTS. RTS means Real Time Strategy and Myth doesn't involve resource management. I think u will find that Rainbow 6 involves Real Time and u must plan ur Strategy and tell ur units where 2 go. Just like WWII: Recon Patrol team games.
It's a mistake to call Myth a RTS game. The only 'strategy' involved is the initial unit selection and broad high-level strategies based on the map/game-type. That's why games like Alpha Centauri, Civilization, etc. are called RTS. Warcraft, Starcraft, etc. also get lumped in this group because there's a lot of resourse management, and the tactics are pretty minimal

The myth series really should be called a RTT (RealTime Tatical) game.


Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 8:20 pm
by lank
i think alpha centauri and civilisation are actually turn based strategy games (remembering that the 'rt' part stands for "real time").

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 10:28 am
by The Elfoid
I agree that Alpha Centurai and Civilisation aren't REAL TIME.

Also you just admited that Myth has strategy when you said that you choose units.

An example of TACTICS in a Myth II game would be defending any given flag in ctf, and how long till you run away. An example of strategy would be which flag you choose to defend, which flags you capture is strategy. Another example: Choosing to go all mid is a strategy, what you do when you get there is tactics.

You don't get much by way of strategy in ffa but you get a fair bit in 2-team.

It's a real shame no one voted for the Pikmin games. I understand Worms3D getting no votes cuz classic Worms (especailly Armagedan) are better but Pikmin (and Pikmin 2 for that matter) are classic games, more like Myth than many others that are grouped as RTT/RTS in one group. Think I'm wrong?

Unlike Civilisation, AoE, Starcraft and Warlords BattleCry games it is in 'proper' 3D, it has friendly fire (something that is also absent in the above games) and has AMAZING graphics (well Myth I and Myth II don't have great graphics but they did for their time and Myth III could only be run on it's top settings by a few (if any) computers when it was released) and each unit is very different. In many RTS games (AoE Series I'm looking in your direction) there is a distinct ranking of units. Unlike this, in Myth or Pikmin you take the right thing for the right job e.g in Myth a warr is overall less good than a zerk but can be better at defense because they can hold the enemy off with shields. In Pikmin don't take a red pikmin into water and don't take a purple pikmin into water. In AoE the best units are the best and the second best the second best - there is no particular use for different units.

Another thing about Myth and Pikmin is they both have a cult following even though most people don't like them. They both stand out in a sea of RTS games.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 4:29 pm
by Brainbug
The Elfoid wrote:and Myth III could only be run on it's top settings by a few (if any) computers when it was released
that doesn't necessarily have to do with good graphics,

if you make a crappy script to show a flying cube you can make even that lag on a brand new comp

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2004 11:39 am
by The Elfoid
They were competent map makers who actually CARED about the Myth community, because they were a part of it.

Man this topic has lasted a while...

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2004 10:19 pm
by ElRay
The Elfoid wrote:I agree that Alpha Centurai and Civilisation aren't REAL TIME.

Also you just admited that Myth has strategy when you said that you choose units.
RE: AC and Civ,
True, I was typing faster than my brain was running. I meant that these were nearly 100% strategy and 0% tactics games.

RE: Admitting Myth had strategy,
Yes, I said it has strategy, but strategy plays such a small part in comparison to tactics. That's why it shouldn't be called an RTS, much in the same way that we call them Chicken Pot Pies and not Carrot Pot Pies. :)
