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Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:00 pm
Yes, let me tell you, here's the reason why I was banned, or at least one of the reasons.

1. I don't have photoshop nor own any photoshop type programs other than microsoft paint which is the basic edition.

2. I don't know how to photoshop.

3. OM locked my name because it was "um sadmin"

4. When I pleaded that I changed my name and told him to unlock it, he changed it to "N###ER BEATER" and kicked me instantly. I even posted the screenshot of this on my marius account in the forums shortly after I was banned. You can see me typing as the locked name, then the next line of type it shows up as such. I'M PISSED BECAUSE HE CHANGED MY NAME TO THAT AND THERE WAS PROOF OF IT TOO.

Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:04 pm
by Melekor
I'm completely unconvinced that you're trying to make things right. Everything you've said is just a big rant about how this is all OM's fault, you're just a victim and you never did anything wrong. You don't show any remorse or take any responsibility whatsoever. You continuously flaunt your ability to circumvent your ban.

Anyway, suppose for argument's sake that you are. In that case I think punkUser has the only real solution here. You'd need to get in communication with OM, make a convincing apology, then ask what you need to do to make things right and be unbanned. Then follow the rules to the letter once you are. Also, stop circumventing your ban because that demonstrates your insincerity and lack of respect for mariusnet.

Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 6:13 pm
by Graydon
The more posts you make Krok, the more you look like an immature little bitch.

Seriously, go wholeheartedly review everything you've written in this thread, and come back and tell me it doesnt sound like a 6 year old who isnt getting his favourite toy.

You had a good run on myth. You fucked up hard. Nobody wants to forgive you. Sort of like the boy who cried wolf, you stir enough shit up often enough, eventually it wont matter to what degree the shit smells like, everyone is blindly going to hate it by association of the fact it came from you.

10 year old game. Man up and leave. Forever. that's how you beat your ban. Myth is over for you, you made it so. Or take up Melekor's suggestion and start your own server to play alone on, that sounds great too actually.

And as a post script, I'm not a Vinylrake supporter, in fact I can openly note that we've had some pretty nasty verbal quarrels ourselves in the past, I can't say I like the guy, but I definitely tolerate him. But I'm definitely a Krok hater. Go back to the depths you came from, do us all a favour.

Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:02 pm
by vinylrake
Graydon wrote:... I'm not a Vinylrake supporter,... I can't say I like the guy,....
Now I feel sad. :(

Oh well... at least my mom still likes me.

Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:12 pm
by GodzFire
I'll give you a huge hint here how to make yourself look a lot better in one single step: Stop patronizing VR and making claims that he's OM. He's not. Get it through your head and you'll already be better off.
Please, show me where in these forums I TROLLED, or I intentionally posted about someone that showed me being a dick?
No, just no. Even Stevie Wonder could see you troll on this board.

Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:32 pm
Never heard of you before graydon.

Godzfire, go suicide and drop some more team games.

I'm not done with myth. This is the only game I play. I didn't "mess up hardcore." I was framed by the same guy who is keeping me banned. Why do you think I make such an argument about all of this? Because I'm right. He won't even give me a chance for reconciliation because he knows he got away with it. Godzfire making such a big deal about how OM is not vinylrake. I never said in this thread that he was. Nor I don't think anyone else did. Why are you so obsessed with defending someone?

Talk about 6 year old behavior.

Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:36 pm
by punkUser
Seriously though, on a practical front, you really need to consider getting together with like-minded mythers (you say there are many) and just starting your own metaserver. MariusNet is not going to change so if you don't like it, there's really no reason to stay. Any claims about "splitting the myth community" are off-base, as if really the majority of the people that you want to play with agree with you, then you can all just switch to the new server. Do you really care if the people that you already never play with and hate continue to play on the old server? That seems like a win/win for everyone frankly :)

Really... all the whining is getting tiresome. As many years of MariusNet demonstrate, that's the way they are going to run their server, period. You don't like it, and that is perfectly fine. What is not fine is continually crying about it - to people who have nothing to do with it I might add - when a perfectly viable alternative exists.

Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 7:39 pm
by Graydon
Rregardless of whether or not your highseated ass has ever heard of me before or not, I've got 1500 fucking posts here mate, I'm here a lot and have been since the start. You have not, and the day you did show up, this place got less peaceful.

So you're complaining about Magma being supporters of VR and how they're in partnership with Mnet.... I'm openly stating that I am one individual who does not "support VR", who is not in lieu with Mnet, and is an advocate hater of you and you only - Based on your personality and how you've portrayed yourself over the 300 someodd posts you've made here. Admittedly I don't know you outside of here cause I don't visit outside of here. The fact that I feel this strongly about your actions purely based on your exposure on this website alone certainly says something about how you deal with people. You come off as whiny, immature, stubborn, and deaf to all counts of common sense. For these reasons, and these reasons only, I speak to you and treat you the way I do. I think you're worthless, and I think you have no place on these forums. Obviously that is my personal opinion and not openly shared by everyone else here, but it stands none the less. I really hate you.

Please get the fuck out. Cheers.

Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:04 pm
Graydon wrote:Rregardless of whether or not your highseated ass has ever heard of me before or not, I've got 1500 fucking posts here mate, I'm here a lot and have been since the start. You have not, and the day you did show up, this place got less peaceful.

So you're complaining about Magma being supporters of VR and how they're in partnership with Mnet.... I'm openly stating that I am one individual who does not "support VR", who is not in lieu with Mnet, and is an advocate hater of you and you only - Based on your personality and how you've portrayed yourself over the 300 someodd posts you've made here. Admittedly I don't know you outside of here cause I don't visit outside of here. The fact that I feel this strongly about your actions purely based on your exposure on this website alone certainly says something about how you deal with people. You come off as whiny, immature, stubborn, and deaf to all counts of common sense. For these reasons, and these reasons only, I speak to you and treat you the way I do. I think you're worthless, and I think you have no place on these forums. Obviously that is my personal opinion and not openly shared by everyone else here, but it stands none the less. I really hate you.

Please get the fuck out. Cheers.
u mad?

Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 9:07 pm
Oh by the way, I have been around here, longer than you actually. Check out the only thread I was able to find that I made back in 2004. My username and every single other post associated with that name has been deleted by the moderators. My username still resides in the link funny enough. ... verado3500

Huh, according to when my account was made, I should have had a userid under or right around 10. Still trying to compare shit with me? Been mything since October 1998. When was the last time you even played a game?

Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2012 10:06 pm
by Pyro
BIG KROK V8 SS wrote:Huh, according to when my account was made, I should have had a userid under or right around 10. Still trying to compare shit with me? Been mything since October 1998. When was the last time you even played a game?
That account might have been the one you used after your ban. The admin who deleted probably assumed it was a new account and deleted it. Looking at the member list that would have made your user id 158. When user accounts are deleted their user id aren't reused. So graydon's account (id 40) was around before your's, but no one cares who was around first.

Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 12:59 am
No one cares? Apparently he does. Never seen him around before ever but he's got a pretty strong opinion of me.

Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:12 am
by Pyro
This isn't the first thread he has replied directly to you. Even the first thread you made has a reply by him when you asked about resolutions and big monitors. There are several posts where he replies right after one of your posts to answer your questions or comments on what you said.

One way to look at your old posts is by clicking your username and then next to the total posts number shown click on "Search user’s posts". It will bring up all your posts. I just went to the last pages and clicked on posts of different threads and saw graydon replying to some of them.

Besides, he doesn't care how long you've been here, the point he was making was that these forums are normally peaceful with some minor exceptions and you tend to make a lot of posts about complaints or insults to others than other people.

Just because you don't remember him or don't know other forums members, they can still read your posts and get a bad impression without ever replying back. Some will then just ignore you while others will call you out on it.

Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 2:15 am
by William Wallet
Alright! Not only am I better at Myth than this guy, but I've also been playing longer. October '98? You nublet!

Re: Why am I still getting banned?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2012 9:26 am
by dac
Melekor wrote: I had to extend your ban - what else would you expect to happen?
I have an idea.... a crazy, revolutionary, insanely good idea. how about NOTHING? you act like you had a gun to your head when what you really had was a bug up your ass.
I guess you're referring to the OM=VR meme again? I'm so sick of that stupid conspiracy crap. I've warned and banned people for promulgating that in the past and I won't hesitate to again. Cut it out.
Cool story bro. Where in the board rules does it discuss no conspiracy theories again? Care to explain why people like DA dont come through here and ban people for these discussions? Let me guess, you "had" to do something to stop the talk. I mean, talk is dangerous you know?
Contrary to what you seem to believe, the ability to troll the mnet lobby is not a fundamental human right.
And neither are conspiracy theories apparently.
Those are nice sentiments, which I'm sure lots of mythers share. But I would ask you to consider what the real cause of that poor treatment is. I don't know the answer, but based on your posts on these forums I would guess it's because you don't play by the rules, you like to troll people, and you generally come off as being a dick.
Your speculations sound like a conspiracy theory about Kirk's treatment of others. I hope Melekor bans you for this.
Have you ever considered waiting for your ban to expire, and following the rules from then on?
I've had my name locked in the lobby for more than a year. Vinylrake isnt exactly the quick to move on type, but that's okay. I see from the quotes above that logic isnt going to get me anywhere with you, and not that it matters. Enjoy banning this account too for daring to question your absolute authority - it's a great life skill.