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Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:39 pm
by dac
if you want a featureless server, you can have it up in running in 5 minutes.

if you want rankings, website, integration of any sort, logins, etc then its a lot more work.

if you want to automate creation of accounts/orders/whatever, you have to setup some process for taking that info and making the account. if you dont automate it, well, you'll be sifting emails and have a lot of frustrated people.

mariusnet was obviously developed/maintained over many years and is feature-rich. its only drawback is that its being moderated by a perennial forum troll with a supremacy complex and an axe to grind against many people (self included, deservedly for sure but i had my reasons).

it's annoying to say the least, and it fractures the community and blah blah blah, but what's really to gain setting up another one? it would be much better for everybody involved if the current moderator just... stopped being such a douche and lifted bans/gags/etc but i'm relatively sure that wont ever happen. it's just one of those things you learn to live with, but i still exercise my right to bitch. the rules arent so horribly offensive that nobody can enjoy the game anymore, its just that the lobby cant scroll and you never know who joins your games becuase so many names are locked and people are gagged.

but whatever. nobody cares and blah blah blah i get it, but thats really the only reason to setup a new server. then i'd have to register a domain, find a box to put it on that was always on, give up bandwidth at home if i just tied the domain here, pay for a static ip, and all sorts of other headaches. or i'd have to go the ppe route and share the ip address of my machines that exist in cyberspace hosting my income sources and that's not going to happen anytime soon.

oh, did i mention that the metaserver is a HUGE security sinkhole? did you know that i'm 95% sure i could ungag myself on mariusnet right now? it's kinda ridiculous, especially for something i would theoretically be hosting off of my personal machine.

but the people who try to dig at me know most of these things. if it really got bad on mnet i'm sure id find a way around it, or id just play tcpip since i only play once a week or so anyways with a certain group of friends.


Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:43 pm
by dac
ozone wrote:You could get back on you know... I mean, all you have to do is become somebody else. How happy you'd make so many people if you could just do that man. Or is being who you are more important then myth?

this isnt true for kirk either. unless you play through a proxy, move or get a new ISP (not always available) its not really doable. plus kirk is really good and has lots of friends and its hard to stay down with people you know. a much better solution would be for administration not to be so butthurt and get over the bullshit that happened years ago, but holding on too long seems to be a big issue with a lot of people around here. and id consider myself part of that group too if it wasnt for the fact that ive been forum banned and gagged for well over a week now and that my name's been locked for more than a year, its getting close to a year and a half now actually, so I guess id consider myself still being targetted as opposed to holding onto something that happened years ago.

i sleep well at night.

oh kirk i have a question for you - unrelated. im a city boy but thinking of hiking later, is it safe for a 35 year old to wear sandles in the woods? i mean i guesss it depends on the woods right? they're just more comfortable than my other shoes.


Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:45 pm
There is nothing wrong with being who I am.

1. I am permanently banned from marius, effective January 2009.
2. The ban is upheld despite my efforts to get back on.
3. Everyone always figures out who I am anyway.
4. Admin OM finds me based on ISP regardless.

dac i didn't know you were 35...


Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 5:47 pm
by dac
well okay. its probably a bad idea anyways.


Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:45 pm
by matthewgoddard
Hi All!

Matthew Goddard here. I'm know to some as OM and to others as Vinylrake. My father however just used to call me stupid. Little did he know that my first job as a paperboy at the age of 12 would become a lifetime passion. Ahhhhh, I love the look on my 90 year old neighbor's face when I bring his copy of the Bumblefucknowhere Times every morning. To be honest with the internet and all, the only people I deliver papers to on a regular basis anymore are over 65 which isn't many people in my neighborhood :(

During my time as paperboy I decided to become a programmer as well, also getting a degree in education which has led to me teaching retarded kids finger painting at the local community center. Oooooh I'm loved by my community and my family loves mom and dad anyway....or maybe just mom. I was married once, but after the tequila wore off and she saw that her prince charming looked like data from Star Trek: The Next Generation in the official wedding photos, well it was only a matter of time before the divorce papers landed on my door errr my parents' door.

It was around this time I discovered myth. My true passion in life. Most people don't know it but there was a time I was 2 balls. Me and my friends used to rip it up on bnet in the old still sends shivers down my spine, all those nights spent on the internet in the dark, one minute shooting my own clumped melee, the next jerking off on of my dad's old early 80's issues of penthouse. Those were the best days of my life. Then suddenly.....oh nooooooos BNET IS GONE!!!!!

My life was over....l was depressed for days....weeks even. I thought of throwing myself into oncoming traffic, I would have gotten drunk all the time, but I was afraid of taking one of my dad's beer out of the fridge for fear he might throw me over his knee like in my youth and....anyway one thing led to another and I didn't kill myself, I discovered Babylon 5 and it saved my life along with playmyth.

I'll skip playmyth just on the basis that it was when I was preparing myself for the greatest undertaking of my life: ADMIN OF MARIUSNET. I'm so exited to talk about it, let's just skip to the present and talk about my accomplishments:

Pretty impressive if you ask me. Not only do I do society and the internet a great favor by banning people for saying bad bad naughty words, but I also am in charge seeing to it that good players and myth legends like Kirk are banned forever while I let people like Melekor and Pukeuser who almost never play myth have big egos like myself. Yes, we are: THE INTERNET TOUGH GUYS

The great thing about the internet is that people who always got their asses kicked in real life like myself and never got a decent looking girl under 200 lbs WE ARE THE BOSSES! THIS IS OUR GAME! YOU MAY HAVE STOLEN THE PUSSY AWAY FROM US, BUT WE OWN MYTH! THIS IS OUR PLAYGROUND, THIS IS OUR FRIDAY NIGHT IN THE VIP ROOM AT THE NEW CLUB WITH THOSE SUPER HOT WAITRESSES, SO DAC AND KIRK YOU WILL NEVER BE RID OF US. BAHAHAHAHAAHA!

I would now like you all to take time out of your busy day to look at my second favorite thing in my life, my blog.....oh oops, I seem to have forgotten my password for the site oh well. I just realized I don't want the whole world to see what a loser I am.

Good Mything,

Matthew Goddard


Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 7:55 pm
by Melekor
Kirk: I lock your thread and warn you to keep the crap off our boards, and your response is to open a thread called "ATTN: MELEKOR"? Nice one.

At least dac was smart enough to confine his complaints to PM. That is at least, until he started copy pasting quotes into this thread.

Enjoy your ban guys, you earned it! :wink:

Edit: And wrote the above post using a dummy account while I was typing this very message. Brilliant!