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Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 4:45 pm
by luckylegs10
adrenaline wrote:I haven't even watched the video, so I have no idea who your opponent was, and can't really comment.

You probably haven't heard of him.

Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 6:44 pm
by vinylrake
adrenaline wrote:I haven't even watched the video, so I have no idea who your opponent was, and can't really comment.
I think you are underestimating yourself, I have a feeling you could comment reasonably well even without seeing the film.

Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 2:08 am
by luckylegs10
vinylrake wrote:
adrenaline wrote:I haven't even watched the video, so I have no idea who your opponent was, and can't really comment.
I think you are underestimating yourself, I have a feeling you could comment reasonably well even without seeing the film.
I'm told by him he is the best so he should know old school creep?

I was given the honor of recording his creep tactics in a game he originally challegned me on, a low ranker, but told him Viking bob was willing to take him on who was also more around his skill level. That way he will believe who is right and who is wrong?

Video in 1080P

Did Adrenalines gholing tactics pay off? Click link above to find out.

Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:23 pm
by luckylegs10
adrenaline wrote:you're kidding, right? i can't even take you seriously anymore.

No, I'm not kidding. I think I'm ready to play you now.

Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 6:25 pm
by vinylrake
can I please watch?

Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:28 am
by luckylegs10
vinylrake wrote:can I please watch?
Yes you may watch me.

This is what I'll do to Adrenaline if we ever meet up on creep. Haven't seen him in a few days.

You will get a chuckle on this training film, and I'm reflecting back on Adrenaline recommending dorfing on creep? PS, this is a random game over in 5 minutes.

I doubt Adrenaline shares units like I do with other players. Kimbo told me he doesn't share units. I was told he maybe gives 10% and keeps the rest for himself because he doesn't want other people losing the game.

In this match I'm just archers, 7 ghols, unlike Adrenaline 20 ghols, and few wights, and achieve better results with ghol confusion tactics.

Funniest Creep game ever for me in 1080P

I hope Adrenaline dont start adopting these tactics.

You can see that Viking Bob and I have 2 different styles of playing. He is conservative, and I'm aggressive.

When I see Adrenaline again I hope he keeps on a pussing.

Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 3:18 am
by luckylegs10
Here is a 3x3 with viking Bob as the captain and you can see how disorderly and benign the game becomes when there is players acting like rambo. I think there could have been a chance to sink more than 2 wights for sure. Legalis shows you what not to do at the start of creep, and I would have wiped out his little middle excursion.

Creepers with Viking Bob in 1080P

There is no laughs this time like in my last game. I was for sure bob would have gotten max wights???? Bobby is known for a bunch of laughs, but not this game.

Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 12:22 pm
by Pogue 2.0
Do you seriously think anyone is going to watch a couple of 1 ballers play myth? Uhhh no.

Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 1:38 pm
by luckylegs10
These one ballers play with same tactics that Adrenaline uses. I doubt he would do a random game. Some funny videos.

They all thinking they will puss me.

Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:09 pm
by vinylrake
I am getting tired of all the comments criticisizing luckylegs strategy with no one doing anything - if it's so easy to beat him why doesn't someone who finds the strategy so laughable actually step up and play him?

I'll volunteer to be neutral observer and save the film and post the results.

note: I am not implying anything about long-time rank players vs. luckylegs or their relative skill levels, I am just commenting on the amount of hot air vs. the distinct lack of actual action.

Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:12 pm
by luckylegs10
These guys don't know how to use puss. When I use pus its not on what they use it for. Adrenaline is going to pus my thrall? Eww I'm afraid.

Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 12:18 pm
by luckylegs10
Everybody has a weakness and I wont say what mine is.

Asmodian is probably the best I have seen so far he beat 'us' 3 times with Viking bob as the captain. After that, Viking bob agreed to let me team cap so I can employ the tactics that work against him. Be very mindful these tactics leave you very vulnerable to ghol swarm, and that is why I dont use it. My tactic used is in the first video.

What happened?

Asmodian folds to Soldiers archers
Video in 1080P

Someone was saying pus does work, I agree, all Im saying is most people dont know how and when to use it.

This is how I use it.

My main target is the archers. 2nd target is warriors. Pussing warriors is only good for one thing.. to stop.

Solider pussing in 1080P

PS: I'm playing as Aeon Flux

Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:27 pm
by punkUser
Any chance you can post the films of these games along with the videos? Youtube is nice and all but some of us don't have massive amounts of bandwidth to spend on this ;) Also I'm curious to navigate around myself.

Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:21 pm
by Khadrelt
Yeah. Whenever I watch Myth on Youtube I keep finding myself trying to move the camera. :)

Re: Creep on the borderland tactics discussion

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 3:21 pm
by adrenaline
lol @ this kid and his youtube videos...

the game between me and viking - i got about... 7 thrall i think, for tagging wights.
he got max thrall (45?).
originally i had the game set to 10 min, he asked for 6, so i made it 7.
all he did was camp until the last minute and then thrall rush... yes, there is not much i can do with less than half the mellee that he has in that situation, since he is able to basically block me from contesting the flag.
that "tactic" is about as boring as watching paint dry, which is why i never use it.
prior to his thrall rush, i was slowly picking him apart with ghols/bows.

too bad you didn't stick around too see what happened in the following few games, where camping until the last minute and thrall rushing was not an option.

hint: i won in convincing fashion.

and as for asmodian being the best you have seen so far... LOL. we played a creep lmoth minutes before that game with viking bob, and i won with 85% left.

i'm not really able to get on myth this week much because my girlfriend is visiting.. but when i do, we will play... i will gladly show you how flawed your logic is. also, i recall challenging you to creep lmoth 1v1 last week and you refused to join the game.