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Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:09 pm
by luckylegs10
adrenaline wrote:well, you are not a threat to those players either way, but think whatever you wanna think lol... you better get used to this kind of shit if you wanna last on mnet long. happens all the time.

Yeah i dont know anyone who can beat 6 trow with 3. To beat me they had to use that many to be sure.

Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 1:41 pm
by adrenaline
Don't kid yourself... either of them would have destroyed you with only 3.

Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 2:09 pm
by luckylegs10
Yeah, they probably should have tried. I have killed two by myself. But not 2 team at the same time.

The dummy acct told him in game before that they wanted to knock me out.

Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 2:42 pm
by adrenaline
You need a reality check, man.

Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:16 pm
by luckylegs10
Adrenaline, aren't you one of the players who tried to dummy me to get first or 2nd?

I think I remember having this discussion with you in the forum. Hadiez right?

Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:57 pm
by adrenaline

Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:58 pm
by luckylegs10
I suppose it happens all the time with good players.

Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:36 pm
by Pogue 2.0
A) You can't cheat at myth.
B) Adren is right, either one of them would have destroyed you 3v3 trow.

I've played you before in a gimble koth game, I clicked on your units once, went afk to get my phone, then came back and you were dead, and I still had over 70% with one click. That is just sad, don't think you would beat either Hadiez or Kirk with an equal amount of units. Move along kid.

Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:16 am
by luckylegs10
Video removed.

Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:40 am
by Kimbo
Yes people gonna cheat myth games. People cares so much on they stats... Kirk so often of cheats so he even drop games of the guest acct to save pts but guest acct dont evr COUNT ANY. Adren he s a cheater, every body check ip say adren his dummy account tis called DOG i think, only one is any way. Pogue is a cheater and also he is many dummy account. Pogue gotta so many dummy he has no real one left! I has dummy account to join games where I was wank. Evry one person tells i am toe. This makes me happiest. Also I share 2 account with toe cutter on myth and also diablo account we share once but I get WOW account alone so he HATE WOW. He gives me my first myth game, evry one think we each other every tiome its cool so I always feel I am the spy and noboddy gonna get the anonymous marco in disguise. So dont worry about dummy account, every person has extra account in case they gotta jerk host and u wanked. Many ppl gonna wank u and cheat u and call names. they dont got any else way theycan feel well about them self. SOme person gonna wank u for u win a game. Mangohead drop host and makes me wank becase I shoot him with rpg. SOmetimes cheater gonna not let u play if u win. Adren gonna only play game he thinks he gonna win. he afraid so much to lose. Pogue is worst of adren. Pogue is wet rat, he join any winner team and shsout at loser all day. He dont got a skills to beat u or any person. Adren has a litte skills but he plays myth always for 15+ years, still he is a terrible person. He calls u name, he cheat, he run away dropping etc etc. He is just sadly. Adrenalin he cry a woman tears every game he loss. Can u imagine the ganme myth means so much of u that you gotta cheat and u too frozen of fear to play FFA or afraid and shake in u chairs before u can team with stranger? Can u imagine u so upset your trow pixels dies to such pixel dust that u gonna drop? or call winner horribl names for many year to come? U dont gotta imagin it. this is real life for adren for pogue for kirk and for any person who treat other playr poorly and cheat and run and hide from any real challeng.

Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 3:11 am
by luckylegs10
Kimbo knows this place like general hospital. Kimbo that was deep.

Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:43 am
by punkUser
You really have to give up on mariusnet stats and not take everything so seriously. It has been many years since the community was big enough for the rankings to mean anything... the fact that anyone still bothers to pad their stats (let alone check them) is a little bit sad, but don't let it bother you.

Seriously, you need to chill and just enjoy the game. If you want a bit more competitive experience, join one of the tournaments.

But most importantly, this is not the place to discuss it. Take any such concerns or discussions to MariusNet forums please.

Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 11:53 am
by luckylegs10
Punk user, someone all ready said they won't do anything about it but my post was mainly to show that the cheating has really never left.

It has been years since it meant anything?

I remember clans offering to pay for your 2nd game to help them cheat in 1999. I'm guessing people really believe there is a number 1 player in myth.

Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:07 pm
by punkUser
luckylegs10 wrote:Punk user, someone all ready said they won't do anything about it but my post was mainly to show that the cheating has really never left.
Right, and no one disagrees with you. Just no one cares and hasn't for a very long time.
luckylegs10 wrote: It has been years since it meant anything? 1999

Re: A recent youtube film of cheaters on Myth 2 in 1080P

Posted: Sat Aug 18, 2012 12:14 pm
by luckylegs10
I care. People who stop caring let bad things happen to good people. Bungies ranking system was an ingenious scheme to sell more copies of the game.

I'm surprised people are still doing it.