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Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 11:58 am
by Platinum
GHOST® wrote:2 things, Everyone's desires cannot be catered to, and i do know that all considerations and great care are taken before any changes are made to Myth.

With that in mind, i must say, not a single one of Platinums *items* seems to be anything more than *he doesn't like it* issues as far as i've read. i have yet to hear anything reasonable as to why his suggestions should be taken seriously. All his *cons* are optional items, or don't effect anything except cosmetically (ie unit trading in center of screen, new game UI changes, etc)

Personally it sounds to me like nothing more than argumentative gripes against any change/advancement to Myth and just a whole lot of demands/whining for how he wants Myth to stay or be. i would also note that just saying 'lots of others' doesn't lend any weight to anyone's words. Have those plethora of people come post their concerns themselves if these things are so BAD, troublesome, or game play changing that they wont be able to beat up on nOObs anymore and therefore will quit playing myth.

As you are, (yet another), self proclaimed *Myth Expert*, i would have hoped you could provide better feedback on the 1.8 public beta other than your personal likes/dislikes list and a set of demands of how myth must be in order for you to keep playing it. If a single double tap *option* is a deal breaker for you, then i say enjoy playing 1.7.2, or whatever older version you're clinging to, the rest of us will adjust, accept, and even embrace the changes as we move forward into the future with our favorite game.
I am being a critic, this is my game, I represent the vast majority of competitive players who also feel the same way in regards to the changes that have been made. Stop taking personal attacks at me for no reason. I made this thread, and clearly indicated my intentions with it.

First I reflected on the changes personally, then as I continued testing with multiplayer, everyone else took note and were also complaining about the exact same things I said:

Move the trading screen out of the center of the screen;
Remove the double tap formation feature;
Make right-click through the status bar applicable again.

Just because I have superior analytic skills to anyone on myth doesn't mean it is for my own personal preference. I have and will continue to determine what suits the needs of the players, and if you don't believe me why don't you actually spend some time on the game and see what everyone else thinks? Stop posting in my thread if you are just going to continue to insult me for my work.

Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:28 pm
by Pyro
The last two posts have taken a step backwards. There is always going to be someone who dislikes it when someone self proclaims themselves as an expert or acts like they represent a majority. If you want to be taken seriously around here, being pretentious and whining doesn't help.

However, Platinum, you were starting to take a "more constructive tone" as PunkUser mentioned. If you can keep it up like you were starting to, that would be best for everyone. Ghost was simply reacting to your earlier posts and didn't take into consideration that you stopped posting like that after a while.

If others have issues, they must speak up. Simply saying it doesn't have the same weight as it is too vague. All players play this game differently and some of the complaints aren't even about real issues as they can already change it on their side of things.

Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 12:33 pm
by Platinum
I think most of the changes are great. I've even clarified that the optional changes are fine as long as they are optional. Me, and the myth community, i.e. the many players I was playing with last night, have all agreed on a few small things.

1. Move the trading screen to the top of the screen at least if being undocked.
2. Right click to move through status bar.
3. No double tap formation feature.

Everything else I commend, the guard feature being wonderful, as well as screenshots, and zooming out on replays. If there are anything else you guys are looking to do, or anything else not included in the readme, I'll be willing to test and see how that goes as well.

Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 3:13 pm
by Platinum
OH! Another issue, is drawing on the overhead map when being an observer. It tends to track movement even after you've unclicked on the map while drawing so it creates a mess.

Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 4:41 pm
by £N
Platinum wrote:I represent the vast majority of competitive players who also feel the same way in regards to the changes that have been made.
First of all, I find this highly unlikely. You represent a vocal minority, for all we know. It would be far more difficult to ascertain if you indeed represent a majority.

Feedback is great. Nothing is set in stone. Relax a little bit and try to focus on being constructive without taking the update as a personal affront to your sensibilities. There are good reasons for nearly every change and fix, so try to find out what the logic is first, before condemning it. Maybe you can help discover an amenable solution to problems no one knew were there.

Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 5:02 pm
by punkUser
Platinum wrote: 1. Move the trading screen to the top of the screen at least if being undocked.
2. Right click to move through status bar.
3. No double tap formation feature.
I think there's probably enough agreement on 1 at this stage. If it was easy, I'd say we should make it draggable then anyone could put it wherever they want it, but not sure how simple that is. I'll have a chat with the other folks, but I think valid points have been raising about moving it up to the top.

2 is a little odd (in terms of UI), but I understand the argument. I think we just need to track down why this ended up changing... I'm not sure it was something intentional per se, but it might be a side-effect of the new status bar stuff.

3 definitely this needs to not happen when holding any modifiers (alt, etc). I'm still not convinced one would invoke it accidentally outside of that case though, but I'll see what the other folks think.
Platinum wrote:OH! Another issue, is drawing on the overhead map when being an observer. It tends to track movement even after you've unclicked on the map while drawing so it creates a mess.
More details on this please?

Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:38 pm
by bluseychris2
Is there any way to modify things so we can have a total plugins list for what's actually in the plugins folder as opposed to just what M2 has listed that can be loaded? And is there a possibility of a maps only folder for separating multiplayer only maps? Those are additions that would be nice. I know there are issues with M2 only accepting so many plugins in a folder.

The only other thing I'd want added is a 'linking' list (someone did explain about the mouse options in another thread). A bit like a pre/loading database, letting you group plugins under one heading/name and enabling them to both be loaded by selecting the custom heading or name. As an example I'd block ROL/ROG under SoA and select the SoA 'plugin' when I wanted to play them.

Aside from, that loving the new interface work.

Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:48 pm
by Platinum
Only way to explain the overhead map thing is to host a game as a neutral observer and try writing out a word. It like auto-connects the drawing on its own. And yes, there are many instances where the double tap feature has already hindered on gameplay and that's why it needs taken out. I just dont see where this would ever actually be necessary.

Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 8:54 pm
by Platinum
Can people stop taking personal shots at me already, and actually read all the posts? I do a lot for myth and not just blowing smoke as to what I want. I'm addressing all the issues that may or may not arise that most people probably would never tell because they don't know changes have been made.

Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:02 am
by MindBrain
I agree about the unit trade being in the middle of the screen, it should be completely optional. I don't like it there because it obscures the view of the army that I sometimes like to have a clear view of while trading, and it just feels off.

Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 11:48 am
by GodzFire
I am being a critic, this is my game, I represent the vast majority of competitive players who also feel the same way in regards to the changes that have been made.

Just because I have superior analytic skills to anyone on myth doesn't mean it is for my own personal preference. I have and will continue to determine what suits the needs of the players, and if you don't believe me why don't you actually spend some time on the game and see what everyone else thinks?

Me, and the myth community, i.e. the many players I was playing with last night, have all agreed on a few small things.
When I first read this, I just had to laugh because I couldn’t believe someone could have that level of arrogance and complete utter delusionality.

This is not YOUR game. You don’t represent the majority of competitive players, and you sure as heck don’t speak for me as part of the Myth Community. You need to take a serious step back for a moment and realize that no matter how high you think of yourself, your feedback counts just as much as a someone who casually games with a few friends on weekends. Just because you personally don’t like how a change was implemented or something was made default, doesn’t mean that everyone else feels the same way. If they have an opinion on it, they will post it somewhere. I’m not trying to start a fight; I’m just trying to make you realize what you wrote and the way you wrote it was not the best way of going about it.

Anyway, we’re in danger here of splitting off 1.8 discussion in two threads so I suggest an admin either merges this thread with the main one ( ... f=2&t=6240), or locks this one with the last post pointing to the main thread.

Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:40 pm
by vinylrake
GodzFire wrote:
I am being a critic, this is my game, I represent the vast majority of competitive players who also feel the same way in regards to the changes that have been made.
...Me, and the myth community, i.e. the many players I was playing with last night, have all agreed on a few small things.
When I first read this, I just had to laugh because I couldn’t believe someone could have that level of arrogance and complete utter delusionality.

This is not YOUR game. You don’t represent the majority of competitive players, and you sure as heck don’t speak for me as part of the Myth Community.
Et tu Brutus?

Seriously? your indignation is severely misplaced.

Whether you think he really does speak for who he thinks he does is - since neither of you have any way of proving objectively or measuring it - just a matter of PERSONAL OPINION, which you can both disagree on. I am guessing you don't exactly hang in those circles of competitive players so you have no way of knowing whether the majority of competitive players agree with him or not. So unless you played with him the other night, you don't even know what the small subset he is talking about think and are just guessing at 'what the community thinks' and for some reason are translating that into your being qualified to comment on what the community does or doesn't want or think about the 1.8 changes.

But your indigation that he spoke for YOU? He never said or even implied that he spoke for YOU. It's really clear from the post you quoted that he doesn't imagine or claim he's speaking for everyone in the community and definitely not for YOU, unless you are one of the competitive players he played with the other night.

Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 3:51 pm
by GodzFire
Just call me Brutus

Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 4:17 pm
by punkUser
Guys let's just try and stay on topic and avoid the personal stuff. All feedback on the changes is welcome, just try to keep it all in a positive and constructive tone (and ideally with a dose of humility :)).

Re: My Thorough and Professional Thoughts on 1.8

Posted: Mon Apr 08, 2013 7:27 pm
by Zaknafein
Platinum wrote: I am being a critic, this is my game, I represent the vast majority of competitive players who also feel the same way in regards to the changes that have been made. Stop taking personal attacks at me for no reason. I made this thread, and clearly indicated my intentions with it.

Just because I have superior analytic skills to anyone on myth doesn't mean it is for my own personal preference. I have and will continue to determine what suits the needs of the players, and if you don't believe me why don't you actually spend some time on the game and see what everyone else thinks? Stop posting in my thread if you are just going to continue to insult me for my work.
People might treat you with more respect if you can:

A. Let people know who you really are. My guess is GKG, since you type a lot like him.

B. List the names of players who felt similar, maybe show some screenshots of the actual discussion or some films where people are stating complaints.

C. Stop claiming to represent competitive mythers, like you were voted in, appointed, or even nominated

D. Quit playing the martyr