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Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:18 pm
by Graydon
The shades are blowing my mind dude. Re-envisioned better than I could've imagined them, that's for sure! I don't have an account over at the TW Forums, but saw your post:
Briarus wrote:Yes. They'll be playing the role of the leaders until the Fallen lords arrive. I don't know yet how to balance their power, cause I'd really like to make them powerfull as hell. But I don't want them to be able to wipe out the whole enemy army with one blast! On the other side, it would be really disappointing if they'd die from the first arrows of the legion. But that's the downside of the 1/man unit thing. I think M2TW mostly counts the odds on unit numbers, so if one of these guys gets surrounded by a lot of enemies, their high HP and armour or shield value will protect them for a while, but they'll still die rather fast!
This wouldn't be far off from how Myth actually is... the best tactics for a shade were to take a line of maybe 3 or so warriors, stagger them so they're not close and not dream-targets, such that by the time the first one has arrived and engaged and then died, the other 2 are on top of him engaging... at which point you rush your mob in and surround the bastard before he gets a chance to kill your other 2 guys and dream your whole army. If you failed to approach them like this, they WOULD devistate your entire army with one attack, and force you to start the level over. In regards to balance, I think you've more or less nailed it, despite saying/thinking it's a problem :)

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:52 pm
by Jon God
ing, I wish the myth units looked like that in game, 3D and all. :P

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:21 pm
by Fury IX
yea, those shades do look really great, nice work!

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 2:56 am
by Briariuss
Thanks guys, I'm glad you like them.


You're right but in Total war terms, you wouldn't restart the mission after the Shades wipe out your army, but fall back, try to recruit some mercenaries, train some newbies as fast as you can , waiting in your castle for the approaching armies of the Fallen, and hoping that you can win the siege that is upon you! :wink:

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 2:35 am
by Briariuss
Hi people,

If you'd like to see the Trow in on this link below. ... st10478510

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 10:36 am
by vinylrake
i don't want to discourage you from working on this mod, but with the quality of your work, you should probably be working for a professional game development company.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2011 4:35 pm
by Jon God
That is amazing.

Briar, props.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 5:09 am
by William Wallet
"Is man to have an entry as well?"

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2011 6:07 am
by Briariuss
Thanks guys, I'm glad you like it.

It's pretty shame though that M2TW can't handle ripped (kicked) bodyparts and flying limbs with physics. :( What you've seen in the video is the closest I could achieve.

Of course it has other benefits, like the full scale campaign on the strategy map and thousands of unit in a battle. :wink:

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:13 am
by iron
With the snow & all, that so reminded me of ... there were satchel charges, hidden in the debris! Hahaha ... thump thump Thump ... wind blowing.

Nice to see Trows bleeding too, very TFLish :) Great job Briar.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 1:07 pm
by Briariuss
iron wrote:With the snow & all, that so reminded me of ... there were satchel charges, hidden in the debris! Hahaha ... thump thump Thump ... wind blowing.

Nice to see Trows bleeding too, very TFLish :) Great job Briar.
Hi iron,

Yes, that ingame cinematic is absolutely amazing. In fact the whole 2D animated cinematics from Bungie were one the reasons I ended up in the 2D animation business. It took quite a big impression on me. I was thinking of adding a 2D animated intro cinematic as well to the mod, but that's a whole lot of work! About the bleeding, unfortunately I can't prevent them from that effect. :( It's not very TFLish I know but that can't be changed.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Sat Oct 22, 2011 2:14 pm
by Tireces
Wow, amazing stuff, keep up great work Briar :D

Maybe you could randomize Trow skin color a bit and make some of them less blue and more grey - like in this m2 cutscene: ... re=related

Bleeding Trow are very tflish indeed - in TFL Trow bleeded just like all the other living units - Bungie removed that in Myth II and replaced Trows blood with some "stone-dust" ::pooofff::

Shades look awesome as well.
Cant wait for TFL models :)


Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 3:25 am
by Briariuss

Oh, soo bleeding Trows are indeed TFLish. That's good. I misunderstood you comment iron, sorry. :(

About the randomized colors of the Trow. As far as I know there were blue, grey, orange and even green variant of the Trows in TFL. I added five kind of variants but they 're separated by the Fallen lords default faction color I'm using.
Blue - Soulblighter
White -Balor
Green-The Deceiver
Orange-Red-ish- The Watcher


Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 6:44 am
by Graydon
But within those different factions, can't you still have slightly different tints on them? Similiar to how the warriors have all sorts of different facial hair and hair colour? It'll look better if you can.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2011 7:01 am
by Briariuss
Graydon wrote:But within those different factions, can't you still have slightly different tints on them? Similiar to how the warriors have all sorts of different facial hair and hair colour? It'll look better if you can.
Hi Graydon. Unfortunately I can't really have different tints within factions. I do have facial variatons though, and breechclout color variatons and some skullbelt variations as well. Just to don't feel like clones. It's also random that has earrings or not. :wink: (based on theTFL comic book.)