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Re: screen shots and youtube

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:38 am
by Zeph
I think this camera angle could be great for coop/single player cutscenes at the begining of a map! It could also be used ingame only if a few features are added.

Re: screen shots and youtube

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:04 am
by vinylrake
steelaxe wrote: ...and their is nothing wrong with showing something like that off. it shows off things that are possible and gives more depth to it.
I think if you want to add sky and effects to Myth screen caps that's a cool project and there's potential for some really cool images to result from it.

But, No you are not showing "things that are possible" you are showing a vision of what you would like the game to become. I have no problem with that either, but that's two completely seperate things. And if you are using these doctored images of what you would like the game to become - what it might one day become - for PROMOTIONAL purposes - to get people interested in Myth - I believe it is misleading - e.g. you are lying to people about what to expect when they try Myth. I don't think lying to people about what to expect in Myth is going to help promote the game. MAYBE a person or two will be lured in and hang around after they find out the images in the video weren't accurate, but as many or more will badmouth the game after the letdown/dissapointment at the game being less then they were led to believe from the doctored photos in the video. And this would be tragic because the game IS so good there's no need to raise people's expectations unreasonably high.

[note: I am basing my belief that your images are intended for promotion because you mentioned making a video for youtube and Graydon's comment that the customized build you have is "specifically for publicizing Myth content". If I've misinterpreted your intent for this project let me know.]
steelaxe wrote: so don,t be so quick to judge and rain on peoples parade. because just because you think something is stupid and or retarded doesn't mean others (especially the creator) thinks the same. so in a friendly way, watch what you say. :)
I didn't say your idea was stupid or retarded, neither do I think so. I like your basic idea of adding images to the low camera angle screen shots, it's interesting and creative and I think i t It's a potentially cool kind of fan-art. (I'd consider adding some of them to the MythGallery) My OPINION is just that Myth will not be well served by showing people photoshopped screenshots to get them interested in the game.

"In a friendly way"? rofl. You say what you want, I'll say what I want. Deal?

Re: screen shots and youtube

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 1:43 pm
by Doobie
I'm inclined to agree with VR on this.

That said, this would be an awesome (and feasible) 1.8 feature.

Re: screen shots and youtube

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 2:44 pm
by steelaxe
yes. but who said anything about saying "this is what you see if you play myth" no one. so have a little note saying "screen shots taken with a special build and background/sky added afterward. i see no problem. then you would not have the issue of false advertisement. win win.

Re: screen shots and youtube

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 3:58 pm
by vinylrake
Sounds like a reasonable solution Steel, go for it!

Hopefully helpful feedback: The only thing I noticed in your first attempts at adding sky was the edges beetween the foreground objects and the sky seemed a little too noticeable/abrupt to look natural. I am not a PS expert (and you learned the basics WAY faster than I did when I started playing around with it) but one simple way to make edges between layers a little obvious is to select the layer in front (in your case the one with the myth screen shot objects on it), then apply the "Find Edges" filter (I forget the filter submenu this is under), then while the edges are selected apply a slight gaussian blur . (You might be able to 'grow' the selection once or twice to make the transition even smoother but that might mess up your unit pixels) I am sure you can find some more effective/professional tips on how to make those edges less obvious if you do a search on Photoshop and 'compositing images' or 'blending layers'.

Good luck, I am looking forwards to your sky enhanced Myth composite artwork!

Re: screen shots and youtube

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 4:10 pm
by Renwood
Ok Myrd and Melekor lets see a SKYBOX coded within myth, that way these new horizen images can REALLY BE in myth. Im not a programmer, but making a skybox that can handel 6 applied textures to it to show sky wouldnt be too hard (i think).

awesome stuff guys!

cant wait to see what comes of this

Re: screen shots and youtube

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 7:21 pm
by vinylrake
Renwood wrote:...Im not a programmer, but making a skybox that can handel 6 applied textures to it to show sky wouldnt be too hard (i think).
I bet it's a lot more complicated than removing the existing units and adding news units onto a pre-existing ffa map.

translation: WHERE'S the TWindA ffa maps we were promised by Christmas?