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Re: 1v1 Mapmaking Challenge: Zak vs Olong2

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:52 pm
by Olong2
Oh. My God. Once again, I have laughed and laughed over Z's post(s). To tears, even.

Guys, is this some kind of parody? I read quite a bit of this entire thread, and I'm not sure if I'm on The Onion, or what!

Z, you truly have no grip whatsoever on anything resembling "reality". You're absolutely floating about in your own odd, canted world.

:roll: <sound of cuckoo clock> :|

Not sure what to make of you, Z: Some seriously maladjusted 11 year-old kid with unrestrained copies of Fear and Loathing? Some kind of Aspergers/homeschooler shut-in? Someone with English comprehension worse than my Japanese? Don't rightly know.

Whatever the case may be, you're going to be long-remembered in the Myth community for posting one of the most bizarre contest requests, ever. God, am I laughing over here!

Z, my hope is that one day you'll outgrow whatever weird stage you're currently in, and then look back on all this stuff with extreme personal embarrassment. Because I'm embarrassed FOR YOU right now, and if you ever get a reasonable grasp of reality, you're gonna be embarrassed for yourself, too.

Seriously, do you even remotely "get" how you're being (rightfully) perceived by your peer group? No, of course you don't.

Obviously, I won't be participating in your wacky-assed contest, although I really should. I'll tell you why I won't, though: First, I don't want to embarrass you any more than you have been; second, I'm too busy; third, I really, truly couldn't care less about your contest, challenge, honor, whatever...not one bit.

I do want to assure you that if I actually, truly cared, I'd participate…if only to bring you down several notches from your delusions, arrogance, insolence, and fantasies. Someone needs to, before you carry your askew, obtuse behavior too much farther into your life, and into the lives of others. For example, right now it's all kinda funny; in 10 years, it'll be head-shaking tragic.

Z, minus one or two things, your work is weak, bordering terrible. That's a fact. You're a thief, and your ideas of gameplay are base amateur fare. You lack originality, you lack vision. None of this would matter if you weren't such an absolute fucking asshole about it all: You shit on people's hard work by disrespecting their creations, you act as if you're some kind of gifted and ingenious creator (when you are far from it), and you have so little self-awareness that you just don't "get" the fact that your bizarre sense of "humor" and anti-social behavior turns people off and away.

Here's an example of a Myth creator with humility *and* talent: William Wallet. He and his crew put together those crazy "Freedom" series of plugs. Are they somewhat crude? Yes, and I find that part of their charm. But they are filled with fresh, original work, silly and funny twists and turns, kooky ORIGINAL characters, thorough READ ME files with credits clearly given, a semi-thoughtful storyline and execution, original sound samples and narration, and some great gameplay. Furthermore, Wallet and his boys don't even remotely take themselves seriously; they make no claims about the "amazing" or "ingenious" or "brilliant" chops they've used. However, QUITE UNLIKE YOU, the Wallet gang actually *do* hit the amazing/genius/brilliant chord over and over, in ways unexpected. Yet, they will be the first to publicly degrade their offerings, and apologize for things they feel "rough" or bad. UNLIKE YOU, however, they have nothing to apologize for, as their stuff rocks. It's not perfect, not always technically superb, but it's a great time, and heartfelt.

See the difference? No, probably not.

Again, Z, let me be clear that my entire reason for coming down on you is two-fold: That you steal other people's excruciatingly crafted original work, defiantly and sardonically and publicly refusing to credit them via a decent READ ME; that you are subsequently a completely delusional and publicly arrogant prick about this dishonorable, low-rent hybrid/mutant "work".

Thinking yourself a god don't make it so, Z. You ain't no god, trust me. More like a minor league piss-ant who managed to catch his reflection in a funhouse mirror and mistook it for reality.

Z, please either GET HELP or GROW UP. Whichever applies. This is my final word on the matter.

Your dear and loving friend, Olong2.

Re: 1v1 Mapmaking Challenge: Zak vs Olong2

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:24 am
by Zaknafein
Olong2 wrote: Obviously, I won't be participating in your wacky-assed contest, although I really should. I'll tell you why I won't, though: First, I don't want to embarrass you any more than you have been; second, I'm too busy; third, I really, truly couldn't care less about your contest, challenge, honor, whatever...not one bit.
Sounds like you're trying to convince yourself more than me. Whatever Olong2, obviously you are a sock puppet for some other myther, your sole purpose being to talk trash behind an anonymous dummy account on the forums. Go find another community to troll.

And anything you say about the quality of a plugin should obviously be taken with a grain of salt considering you obviously know nothing about mapmaking. You're probably even worse at myth or I would just challenge you to a 1v1 on there.

Now why don't you let a couple of men with a pair of balls do the talking, and stay out of the 1v1 Mapmaking Challenge: Zak vs Gizmo HB thread.

Re: 1v1 Mapmaking Challenge: Zak vs Gizmo HB

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 12:53 am
by Pyro
For what it is worth, I don't think Zak believes everything he is saying. Maybe its just me, but Zak seems to like to stir things up. Not in the traditionaly troll way. More like he does something as a sort-of-joke and when he gets a reaction he doesn't quite like... instead of ignoring it or disolving it somehow he tends to feed it more. For example, if you tell someone to stop doing something, there are some that would purposely keep doing it just because they were asked not to do such things.

So while Zak didn't like Olong's reactions, he seemed to want to provoke the situation a bit more and maybe get someone out of it. It's weird... like doing more bad to get some good and defying others at the same time.

Then you have Giz, who seems to want an excuse to stir things to have some good in the end. (Whether shuting up Zak or finding the excuse to quit mapmaking.)

:| You know, I thought I had more of a point going here but I feel I've said almost nothing. I was tempted to just delete what I just typed. How about you all keep the mapmaking challenge but throw away the contest part. I don't think you'll be able to find terms both sides will agree on.

Re: 1v1 Mapmaking Challenge: Zak vs Gizmo HB

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:39 am
by Khadrelt
Not to mention there is NO WAY to ensure no one would cheat.

Re: 1v1 Mapmaking Challenge: Zak vs Gizmo HB

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:44 am
by GizmoHB
Pyro wrote:Then you have Giz, who seems to want an excuse to stir things to have some good in the end. (Whether shuting up Zak or finding the excuse to quit mapmaking.)
I see... yea didn't look at it like that... atleast I want something good in the end... go me!... I guess... Pyro and his psychiatrist ways confuse me...
Zaknafein wrote:If you aren't willing agree to my terms you are more than able to back down. Sorry if you're scared of losing to me. I need all of your tags, from every recess of your hard drives. That also includes things you've uploaded.
still don't really get why you'd want those files... but yea, it's not worth it for me to make a map, lose because you convinced more random people to blindly vote for you (assuming thats what will happen), and after that spend a week sorting through files/uploading them, and another week playing/reviewing all your maps... seems like a lot more work that simply deleting your Tain account and doing something else with your life... it has very little to do with my fear of losing to you (as in you actually producing a better map, if you would, that would be great!), I just can't be bothered doing all the extra work...
Pyro wrote:I don't think you'll be able to find terms both sides will agree on.
I have to agree, but for what it's worth, you really tried Zak, I'll give you 5 stars for your efforts, and I believe I gave it a fair shot too... it's just all getting way too complicated (getting all the mechanisms in place to even make this all possible, fairly, make sure no-one cheats etc.)... guess we'll have to go do something else with our time...

good luck with your mapmaking efforts Zak...


Re: 1v1 Mapmaking Challenge: Zak vs Gizmo HB

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 11:55 am
by vinylrake
no need for an official challenge with huge consequences for the loser.

if zak wants to prove he can create a high quality map of his own from scratch, and you want to show him what your skills are and why you judge things the way you do, you can both just start working on a project and in a month or month and a half you can release what you have and everyone can evaluate the results.

make the deadline valentines day, then after the release of your maps you can both kiss and make up.

heck let oolong make a map too and you can make it a 3-way. contest.

Re: Zaktorious: Zaknafein 2, Mapmaking Community: 0

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:07 am
by spongefile
Mapmakers in general, it would be nice if you could add some screenshots to the Tain when you post your stuff, would make it easier to browse random maps, be more likely to download AND rate.

Also, it would make rip-offs easier to spot, if they're a problem.

Re: Zaktorious: Zaknafein 2, Mapmaking Community: 0

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:15 pm
by William Wallet
Can we just leak the unit models already? You owe it to my eyeballs after some of the retarded threads that've been posted on here lately.

Re: Zaktorious: Zaknafein 2, Mapmaking Community: 0

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 8:45 pm
by juliocpaes
William Wallet wrote:Can we just leak the unit models already? You owe it to my eyeballs after some of the retarded threads that've been posted on here lately.
retarded threads ?!

then, make us a good example, and write a worthy topic.

Re: 1v1 Mapmaking Challenge: Zak vs Olong2

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:30 pm
by DarthRevan555
GizmoHB something is happening, nice!...

since Olong2 isn't responding, how about I challenge you Zak? (since I agree with most things Olong2 wrote)

1 vs 1 mapmaking duel (Zak vs Giz):

If I win: you'll remove all your own (and your teams) creations from the tain (and you wont upload them elsewhere), you'll write an apology aimed at all the mapmakers and the community for those creations (a decent 1, posted on various myth related sites), and you'll give up on mapmaking for good.

if you win: I'll remove all my maps and delete all unreleased semi-public resources, I'll write positive reviews for all of your (and your teams) maps (meaning I'll download/play all of em) and I will rate each 5 stars (and basically ruin the tain), and I'll never create a map again.

all we have to do is agree on a deadline, how the voting will work, and some minimal requirements for the maps... lets say a minimum of 1 solo or multi, with an original colormap, minimum of 40 mapactions, 1 new unit (collection), 1 new ingame model (geometry), 1 new special effect type thing, and all has to be made by a single person (no cheating).

Pretty sure you're going to decline, due to your inferior level of talent and creativity, but I thought I would give you a chance to back up all the bragging you do.

Greatest. Challenge. Ever.

Re: Zaktorious: Zaknafein 2, Mapmaking Community: 0

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 3:24 am
by William Wallet
"then, make us a good example, and write a worthy topic."

Mate, if you think this thread or any of Krok's threads are 'worthy' then you've got pebbles in your noggin.

I'm sick of seeing this crap, honestly. As for me starting threads - I started one on the topic that I mentioned, and nothing much came of it apart from a couple of interesting PM's.

You could make yourself useful and help me bump the good threads back up to the top... like that Medieval 2 mod thread.

Re: Zaktorious: Zaknafein 2, Mapmaking Community: 0

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 7:41 am
by juliocpaes
William Wallet wrote:" ... you've got pebbles in your noggin ...



We need all members, if they were all very serious and erudite, the forum would be unfunny. :|

Re: 1v1 Mapmaking Challenge: Zak vs Olong2

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:10 pm
by Horus
Everytime I come back for a visit this place is running some new drama, it is like this place is stuck on the telenovela setting...
Olong2 wrote:You ain't no god, trust me.
I'm a god. :mrgreen:

Re: 1v1 Mapmaking Challenge: Zak vs Olong2

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:48 pm
by Olong2
Horus wrote:I'm a god. :mrgreen:
You may indeed be, by the name. :D

As for Z, all this stuff seems very important to him. To wit, he keeps trying to taunt others to action with score-keeping, claims of cowardice, et al, when the fact is, he's just projecting his own warped sense of reality onto the rest of us.

Clearly, he's not developed to the point where he understands there's more than one instrument in the orchestra.

Re: Zaktorious: Zaknafein 2, Mapmaking Community: 0

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2012 2:09 am
by William Wallet
"We need all members"

We really don't... if you can name me some actual benefit of having this nonsense going on, I'll give you a piano. Like I already said - enough of this yapping, start leaking some stuff guys.