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Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:11 pm
by vinylrake
Sonixboom wrote:I have seen dawn of the dead and I thought it wasnt accurate they should have left the gun store operator to fend for himself (gun store DUH) and there were WAY to many people you need a small number like 3-4 not 9-10 even though it didnt help them in the end...
I don't think 9/10 people is too many for an entire mall(especially since you want some cannon fodder who run slower than you so when the zombies attack you don't lose everyone but yourself) , but that's a minor point.

I was referring to both the remake (which you mention) AND the original Dawn of the Dead movies. While the reasons the zombies end up getting into the mall are different in each case, it reinforces my point - that eventually the zombies will get in - you just can't keep hiding forever in a place with a fixed amount of resources.

Also for the ocean liner - you might want to rethink your idea to just drift. i am not an expert on seafaring but i don't believe ships do all that well if just left to drift. you WILL run aground or capsize in a storm or have any# of bad things happen to you.

ps. maybe we are getting panicky for nothing. maybe zombies will be more docile than we expect. ... r_embedded

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 12:41 pm
by Sonixboom
ok even if we do hit land were on a boat and that boat has people and those pepole (if there smart) have guns so we are safe for the time being and how many zombie movies have you seen where the zombies can make it through a bulkhaed door :) and if my ship sinks i can go live on an island as you say or live in a submarine WOOT like a captain nemo sorta guy


Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 9:52 pm
by Renwood TWA
Well water the is well below freezing temps WONT freeze if it is kept moving. If the movement of zombies wasnt enough to keep them from freezing you would have a bunch of zombiecles, that allthough still a threat would only be so when/if they ever thaw out.

The island thing isnt a bad idea, except that many other people will have the same idea (see end of the new dawn of the dead)

BTW if you havent seen the 1978 Dawn of the dead go rent it.
Its awesome and my favorite zombie movie of all time.

BTW ZOMBIES DONT RUN! I dont know whats with directors of newer zombie movies, they seem to think zombies are only scarey if they can run, THEY CANT RUN! they are fucking dead and have very poor motor skills, so they ARENT going to be running anywhere.

Besides being able to outrun slow zombies wont help much, since they will be everywhere you go.

I was looking at Wake Island with google earth, got a nice airplane runway and looks like it would support crops well.

now if only i new something about navagation by the stars......

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:18 pm
by vinylrake
I agree Zombies don't run, the zombies in "Dead Set" (great reality TV meets horror film combo released online last month) for example break that cardinal rule. boo. still, scary as all S&*&^ though.

The most oft complained about 'fast zombie' films I can think of are the 28 days/weeks films. However, the director is quite clear that the zombie-LIKE people in those movies are not actually zombies. To me the difference is pretty clear: Zombies are dead and require no sustenance to stay animated,in the 28 films the creatures are LIVING humans infected by a 'rage virus' who still need to eat to stay alive.

ps. agree on the island popularity thing, but still think an island provides a more finite # of zombies to battle with than the mainland does.

Posted: Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:50 pm
by Renwood TWA
Yea the fact that there is a finite number if any on an island is very attractive indeed. Just dont assume there wont be any there when you arrive hehe.

ANother interesting thing if you like zombie lore is the semi famos book "The zombie survial guide" its pretty good in its reasoning of zombie apocalyplse matters.

Yea zombies would seem to exist in 2 groups:
A truely dead version, and an infected but still alive version.

The infected but alive version just seems like an exscuse to make them be able to run. I like the Gorge A. Romero versions of zombies, Slow and only destorying the brain kills them.

Im getting sick of shooting zombies in the chest or blowing their arm off and having them die as they do in Left4Dead the video game.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:56 am
by William Wallet

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2008 7:44 pm
by vinylrake
not to beat an (un)dead horse to death, but the fast moving 28 'zombies' aren't zombies at all.

They are similar to zombies in two ways, But very different in regards to certain crucial tests of zombiehood. For similarities: First their condition is caused and spread by some kind of virus or other biological contagion. Second, they are both wired to kill humans.

BUT But bUt they are different. Zombies are DEAD. They are humans who were infected with zombie disease WHILE they were living, then they die, then they reanimate and come back to unlife as zombies. 28-day sprinters AREN'T zombies. They are living humans infected with a virus that makes them go all homicidal crazy WHILE THEY ARE ALIVE. When they die they die they don't 'come back'.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 5:19 am
by Renwood TWA
Its funny 28 days later is still considered a "Zombie genre" film
The first poster i saw for 28 days said "Reinventing the zombie horror genre"

Damnit now why the hell did the zombies in the new dawn of the dead remake have to run? damnit! ZOMBIES DONT RUN!

I allways like the idea of NOT knowing what is causing the zombies to get up and kill. "When there is no more room left in hell, the dead will walk the earth"

Thats much more distirbing to me, its like the universe broke, and now your fucked.

Virus?!?! = weak

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 9:17 am
by Sonixboom
ya that is true if hell ran out of room i think that THAT explains the zombies SO MUCH better than the virus crap there trying to push on us in movies like 28 days later or even that movie with Will Smith *i am legend* that was a terrible movie in my opinion


Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 11:38 am
by vinylrake
Ren. I imagine the advertising was the studio playing loose with the 'facts' of the movie. dead=zombie, alive NOT=zombie. no way around it.

Sonix. If the reason zombies walked was that hell was full, then ALL people who died would become zombies NOT JUST the ones who were bit/scratched/infected by zombies before their death. right?

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:15 pm
by Frumius
In other news, Night of the Living Dead just called. It wants its zombies back.

Link is to the full movie at

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:52 pm
by vinylrake
Which Night of the Living Dead? The 1968 Original, the 1990 Remake, or the 2006 3D 'reinterpretation'?

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 12:54 pm
by Sonixboom
the 2006 sucked it was on the sci fi channel recently and I HATED IT


Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 2:52 pm
by Pyro
I guess you can call the infected in 28 Days/Weeks Later zombies because they lose access to their normal minds. So if you lose all your memories and patterns of behavior... you are dead in a way.

Speaking of different types of zombies... the Half-Life series has another type of zombie. For the people that don't know of them, there are these alien animals they call Head Humpers. They somehow take control of the body of a person by attaching itself onto the head... killing the person in the process I imagine. You can even severe the zombie in half and the top half will still come after you. Enough damage to the body renders it useless as a host so the head humper goes after another. Or you can kill the head humper and the zombie collapses.

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 4:05 pm
by vinylrake
yeah the HL head humpers are pretty freaky. interestingly(?) when i first played Half Life they reminded me of these creatures from one of a series of books set on a fictional Mars - written by Edgar Rice Burroughs (also created/wrote the Tarzan books) back in 1911. (seriously. How creative was this guy?)

Basically there are these creatures that are just heads (and crablike legs) that sit on top of (and control) a headless/mindless race of humanoid creatures via a bundle of tentacles that connect to the host's spinal cord.

Here's the description from wikipedia.
The Chessmen of Mars introduces the Kaldanes...whose form is almost all head but for six vestigial legs and a pair of Chelae, and whose racial goal is to evolve even further towards pure intellect and away from bodily existence. In order to function in the physical realm, they have bred the Rykors, a complementary species composed of a body similar to that of a perfect specimen of Red Martian but lacking a head; when the Kaldane places itself upon the shoulders of the Rykor, a bundle of tentacles connects with the Rykor's spinal cord, allowing the brain of the Kaldane to interface with the body of the Rykor. Should the Rykor become damaged or die, the Kaldane merely climbs upon another as an earthling might change a horse.