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Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 2:25 pm
by GodzFire
Don't try to start so many things at once Briar, otherwise you will become quickly overwhelmed. I suggest to first focus on completing the unit models, as that will then open you up to other areas.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 2:33 pm
by Briariuss
You're right..I did rushed myself into too many things..:(
I started to being skeptical about a total war mod without I made a map, but then I realized how much work I have left with the I got back the right way and now I'm just taking small steps... :wink:
that's the way to go....

thanks for your advice..I take it...and I'm gonna finish the models first...nothing else....

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 3:12 pm
by vinylrake
if it were available for the Mac I would buy it as well.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Fri Oct 01, 2010 9:52 pm
by Jon God
vinylrake wrote:if it were available for the Mac I would buy it as well.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Sat Oct 02, 2010 11:37 am
by William Wallet
I had MTW2 on my Mac (on my XP installation) but got rid of it because it just wasn't that enjoyable.

I'll totally be reinstalling it if this mod goes well. Best of luck, it's brilliant work so far!

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:20 am
by oogaBooga
Jon God wrote:
vinylrake wrote:if it were available for the Mac I would buy it as well.
Get a mac.

Oh wait :)

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:42 am
by vinylrake
well obviously macs suck because my 2009 mac chokes when i try to play TWindA-units or any other high res units.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:08 pm
by Jon God
oogaBooga wrote:
Jon God wrote:
vinylrake wrote:if it were available for the Mac I would buy it as well.
Get a mac.

Oh wait :)

Har har, Mac users are the only one who talk about how great their hardware/software is.... Oh wait.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 11:40 pm
by William Wallet
"my 2009 mac chokes when i try to play TWindA-units or any other high res units."

I must be desensitized to choppy performance because I thought it ran fine.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 7:23 am
by vinylrake
William Wallet wrote:I must be desensitized to choppy performance because I thought it ran fine.
it's not true for all recent macs. the 2009 era mac mini appears to have a graphics chip that despite meeting the recommended spec (at least for what works on the PC side) doesn't like huge hi res myth units. at least some mac books have reported perfectly acceptable performance.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:38 pm
by William Wallet
Ah true! I was somewhat covering my arse with that comment, however - I truly don't bat an eyelid at choppy FPS. I play a lot of Rise of Flight these days, and my iMac struggles a bit with that game, even once I turn off all of the HDR junk.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:53 pm
by vinylrake
it's typical annoying apple behavior of releasing a computer that has nice specs for the price but then you find out once you have it that there's one crucial place they skimped on to save a buck or two and screwed the customer.

they do it so often i really should be used to it, but i specifically waited until this model of the mini before i bought one because i knew they were upgrading the graphics chip and speed of the io ports (firewire) which were both things i didn't like about the previous version(s), so it was doubly frustrating to slam face-first into this wall a few months after buying it.

on the other hand, factoring in that i'll most likely be purchasing a new computer sometime in the next 18 months, and the length of time all these hi-res unit projects are taking, i'll probably have a new computer by the time any of them are released. (good natured prod to project developers, not meant to insult)

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:17 pm
by carlinho
no insult taken, probably by the time they get released your computer will talk to you and make coffee and clean the house for you...

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:36 pm
by Jon God
carlinho wrote:no insult taken, probably by the time they get released your computer will talk to you and make coffee and clean the house for you...
I'm always up for at least helping with dtex, not sure what else I could do that would be up to standard.

Re: MYTH total war at TWC forums

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2010 5:06 pm
by William Wallet
No one slap me for this -

but isn't it about time the trees, rocks and grass got hi-res as well? It probably goes without saying that whatever models or resources that they were created from were not as well preserved as the unit models, but surely there is some solution out there ...

Just feels funny to have super hi-res guys, super awesome ground textures ... and super blurry scenery items. Maybe I've missed a memo and this has already been done.