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Posted: Thu Jul 22, 2004 6:32 pm
by Martin
I wish:
1 a resizable (or larger) window displaying the map.

2 a larger dialog displaying the units (when u double click the units tool)

3 a way to make multiple meshes from a single one, very usefull for WW2 maps that usualy have S2, Patrol, Elim

maybe this could be done by allowing to import trees/ammo, etc from other meshes.

right now i use a "master" mesh, that contains the units for all meshes, every time i build a new test version of my map i have to duplicate the master mesh, and remove the units i don't need.

it's very time consuming.

importing/exporting the displacement/reflection (etc) maps is a usefull function, but it's just not sufficient.

4 a list view of all objects on a map, with flags. (or a function to export/import a list of objects to a text or xml file)

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 12:06 pm
1 a resizable (or larger) window displaying the map.
This ability already exists, either click on your OH map in Loathing then use your numbers pad + and - to increase or decrease its size, or . . .

In Loathings Menu Bar, Windows>> Zoom In + / Zoom Out -

Id like to request/ask, if at all possible for the new Uncontrollable Paramter in the Unit Control Map Action to actually block out units tied to an MA with this Parameter from showing up in the end game stats.

If not possible, mb a new parameter flag could be added to the CTRL such as Maug suggested, Does Not Score ??[/color]

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 1:07 pm
by Orlando the Axe
honestly the entire unit placement and management as well as the flag/ball placement is much more terious than it needs to be. Being able to duplicate units then change their team would save hours upon hours. Generally the interface is very counter intuitive.

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2004 1:25 pm
by mauglir
I want to be able to open the model list as a seperate window that I can resize, and I don't want to have to close in order to get to another list (e.g. scenery).

Make model placement easier by showing the actual model instead of just the virtual boundary box.

Add a Find Cell function so if you open a mesh and you get an error message "Cell 374, 127 contains more than one model!" you can quickly find the trouble spot.

Make the Set Model Location function easier to use by adding X and Y coordinates to the overhead map window.

Add a window that gives feedback about markers placed on the mesh so you know when you're approaching limits. The most important in my mind of course is the 128 model limit (including the 8 animated model limit). Other useful info could include total units placed, total observes placed, maybe even total map actions, etc.

Fix the Filter Brush bug (this may have already been done).

Make the Drop Observer function respect your current zoom value.

Add a help list of hot keys (since I can never remember them).

And perhaps most importantly, make Loathing play the Dwarf celebration sound every time you save and the Ghol death sound every time you use Undo. =D

Posted: Mon Jul 26, 2004 9:49 am
by Martin
GHOST® wrote:
1 a resizable (or larger) window displaying the map.
This ability already exists, either click on your OH map in Loathing then use your numbers pad + and - to increase or decrease its size, or . . .
i mean the 3d window :)

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2004 1:40 pm
by The Elfoid
A more user friendly scripting system. I don't think plugins should have a simpler script but it would be nice to have the option. Perhaps in preferances there could be a simpler scripting option.

I make maps for Timesplitter 2 on Gamecube, Xbox and Playstation 2 and that has a map maker that is a little simple but does all most noob map-makers need. You can set enemy movement patterns, triggers/timings and objectives very easily. Maybe the next Loathing could have a similar option for the less good map makers?

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 2:58 am
by Taelactin
All I want (and am seriously dying for) is the "deathmatch" respawning of units…… is their a specific date set to when Loathing 1.5 for mac (with this great ability implemented) will be released?


Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 3:06 am
by Taelactin
Sorry for posting up two times in a row like this, but I just had a question……

If I were to script this "deathmatch respawning units……etc" on my map with a PC using loathing v1.5... and gave it to somebody using a Mac, would they be able to play the map?...or would they just crash?

Thanks for the help!


Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 3:32 am
by Orlando the Axe
all you have to do is put the units on normally then in the game click the deathmatch option (note you can only play deathmatch in unranked)

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:17 am
by Taelactin
I already know about the deathmatch option via multiplayer... is that what you are talking about or am I just confused...?

What I was hoping to benefit from the new "deathmatch" option in loathing 1.5 is to be able to respawn for instance, a group of thrall continuously, without having to actually CREATE the thrall groups (having 1000 thrall all around the map invisible and turning visible via script like in mazz) I mean, it would be so nice and simple to make a group of 20 thrall, and just have them respawn, over, and over, and over again without the hassle of creating 50 groups of 20 thrall (ALL THAT CLICKIN'!!--NOT TO MENTION THE SCRIPTIN'!!).

Am I getting the whole context of this new implementation in loathing wrong, though? Is what I am describing above really possible or did I just exaggerate it a bit too much? ::crosses fingers and hopes::

Again, if I scripted a map via windows on loathing v1.5 and implemented this respawning deathmatch feature, would for example, a mac user crash when he played my map?

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:38 am
What I was hoping to benefit from the new "deathmatch" option in loathing 1.5 is to be able to respawn for instance, a group of thrall continuously, without having to actually CREATE the thrall groups (having 1000 thrall all around the map invisible and turning visible via script like in mazz) I mean, it would be so nice and simple to make a group of 20 thrall, and just have them respawn, over, and over, and over again without the hassle of creating 50 groups of 20 thrall (ALL THAT CLICKIN'!!--NOT TO MENTION THE SCRIPTIN'!!).

Am I getting the whole context of this new implementation in loathing wrong, though? Is what I am describing above really possible or did I just exaggerate it a bit too much? ::crosses fingers and hopes::
Yes, the above can be accomplished, though you will have to double click each unit you want to respawn and check the appropriate flags in the Options Box that appears.
Again, if I scripted a map via windows on loathing v1.5 and implemented this respawning deathmatch feature, would for example, a mac user crash when he played my map?
No it WONT crash Macs, otherwise folks like me on a PC would never be able to create maps that our Mac brothers can enjoy as well.[/color]

Edited By GHOST® on 1091210911

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 7:41 pm
by Taelactin
That is a really big relief, thanks for the help GHOST, looks like I'm gonna have to grab up my ancient PC from up inside the closet.

One more question about the scripting, this is my whole plan-->

I'm just going to script a group of thrall (about 20 or so) and then double click each one and check the "respawning via script" so the thrall group is going to mozy on down on their way. Now... do I HAVE to have the thrall die? I basically am trying to respawn the thrall, without having the original units in their places actually getting blown to pieces.

My other question is, to "respawn via script" If the thing I said above doesn't work, do I have to use the good ol' Test to check if the thrall are dead, activates on success--> unit control make thrall respawn.… and is respawning just making the thrall visible again via the unit control I just described?

Thanks for all the help, I should probably test out all these things by myself... but I'm a very lazy person and it's gonna take a while for me to trek into my closet to find the remnants of my old PC if also to only find my long journey into it was all for naught seeing as some things I'm asking about might not even work out exactly the way I'm visualizing them……


Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 10:11 am
Taelactin wrote:
That is a really big relief, thanks for the help GHOST, looks like I'm gonna have to grab up my ancient PC from up inside the closet.
No problem, now start digging in that closet mb. ;op
One more question about the scripting, this is my whole plan-->
::wonders where he has heard that before ?? "One more question about scripting"::

Theres ALWAYS 1 more question when it comes to scripting. Hell I've been doing it for over 5 years now and I still havent answered all the questions *I* have. ;op
I'm just going to script a group of thrall (about 20 or so) and then double click each one and check the "respawning via script" so the thrall group is going to mozy on down on their way. Now... do I HAVE to have the thrall die? I basically am trying to respawn the thrall, without having the original units in their places actually getting blown to pieces.
Hmmm, seems youre thinking of using 20 units to create more than 20 units at once ?? ie "I basically am trying to respawn the thrall, without having the original units in their places actually getting blown to pieces."

If this is the case, youre thinking in the wrong terms for respawn. It works the same as Deathmatch in Multi-Play, (with a few extra options of course via script/flags), where as when a Unit is killed, it then reappears at its starting location.

So basically if you only place 20 Thrall, you will only ever have 20 Thrall to attack with/respawn.
My other question is, to "respawn via script" If the thing I said above doesn't work, do I have to use the good ol' Test to check if the thrall are dead, activates on success--> unit control make thrall respawn.… and is respawning just making the thrall visible again via the unit control I just described?
OK, some Respawn Basics . . .

1: Double clicking a unit pulls up the option box for that unit. Inside are 4 new Flags.
A: Respawns
B: Respawns via Script
C: Respawns at Death Loc'n
D: Use Monster Entrance

2: Checking Just A: Respawns, will cause the unit to immediately reappear where it was originally placed in Loathing via the Tain FX.

3: Checking A: Respawns and D: Use Monster Entrance, will cause the unit to immediately reappear where it was originally placed in Loathing via it Monster Entrance PRGR. ie Thrall/Ghasts rising out of the ground.

4: Using C: Respawns at Death Loc'n with any of the other 3 flags will cause that unit to respawn where it died and not where it was placed originally in Loathing.

5: Using B: Respawns via Script means none of these units set with this Flag will respawn until a Unit Control (CTRL) is used to make them visible again. In which case youre gonna want to set up a Test Unit (TUNI) to see when they are all dead, then activate a CTRL to make them visible again. The reason for this is if you make them visible while some are still alive, they will ALL appear via the Respawn or Monster Entrance FX.

6: Using B: Respawns via Script will override D: Use Monster Entrance, so there is no need to check that flag in the Mons Option when using B: Respawns via Script.

So, if you want it to use the Mons Entrance, you will then have to set the Use Monster Entrance Parameter in the CTRL making them visible.

Respawn basically has the advantage of reusing the same units over and over without having to place hundreds/thousands as well as Respawned units carry on with the last orders they were given, so if they were told to attack, died, then respawned, they will pick up on attacking again until scripted to stop.

I am not totally sure what youre trying to accomplish, but this should give you enough to mess around with to do what youre attemtping to do.
Thanks for all the help, I should probably test out all these things by myself... but I'm a very lazy person and it's gonna take a while for me to trek into my closet to find the remnants of my old PC if also to only find my long journey into it was all for naught seeing as some things I'm asking about might not even work out exactly the way I'm visualizing them……

No Problem, kinda ran into a brain fart while scripting, so I needed the diversion. And yes, its much easier to help someone who has tried to do things for themselves first. Saves time and effort trying to explain some of the basics that are easily learned on ones own.

As for things not working out the way youre visualizing them, welcome to Myth Map Making. :o) We all run into those situations and at times theres nothing you can do, but most times, there is a work around *somehow* to *make* things work close to how things were originally intended. ;op

GL, HF, Die Well !![/color]

Edited By GHOST® on 1091287007

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 6:21 am
by The Elfoid
U r right about things not working out the way they should. I modded 'If I had a Trow' once so it had a load of wights, deer and satchels in a loooooooooooooong line cuz I wanted 2 c a big explosion. I make it in Loathing, fire up Myth II and what happens? half my wights don't appear in game and it doesn't work.

I think Fear works fine as it is but Loathing 1.5.1 should be less buggy, less crashy and less EVIL. There should be a choice of simple or hard scripting. Simple u could just type in a trigger 'Baron is killed' and then the reults 'Mission A complete or enemy's spawn and attack'. Like I said before, if any of u ever played Timesplitters or Timesplitters 2, they have a very simple scripting system that works fine. Solo maps suck cuz of the way units are limited to 10 enemy spawn points and no allies but the basic scripting is a really nice system.

Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2004 8:31 am
by lank
the problem with a basic scripting system is that it's basic for the end user, not for the programmer, who has to write something incredibly complex to understand high level language (which we find so wonderfully familiar an easy).

i honestly have my doubts (to say it one way) that scripting will change in myth 2 any time in the foreseeable future, sorry.