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Couple Questions

Post by Couple Questions »

I am trying to use the new propelled units feature. I cant seem to get it to work. In the monsters tags I have "can be propelled" checked. I have tried setting "propelled system shock" from 0 to 1.000". I have "damaged to propulsion" set to 1.00. I have given the unit a propelled sequences.(Tried a few) I still cant get it to work. Can some one tell me what I am doing wrong?

Second question. I am trying to get the projectiles (like dead bodies etc..) to dissapear after a short time. To keep the projectile number down. I have given the projectiles a life span. I have set them to be promoted at the end of life span. I have tried it with the "only destroyed by life span" on and off. I still cant get it to work. Can anyone help me with it?
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Post by ChrisP »

Propulsion: Sounds like you're doing everything right. The lower the propelled system shock number and the higher the damage to propulsion ratio, the more the unit should propel. The only thing I can think of is that not all types of damages will propel. Make sure you're hitting the unit with kinetic, lightning or explosive damage, though I think Slashing Metal works too.


In the projectile tag:

Detonation section:

At Rest and Remains After Detonation should NOT be checked.

Promotion Section:

Promoted at End of Lifespan SHOULD be checked. I think it's a good idea to set a Group Tag as well - Bloody Explosion usually looks good for most units.

Of course, Lifespan should be checked and lifespan settings given.

Now here is where I think you're having a problem. Open Edit Flags and make sure Becomes Dormant at Rest is NOT checked. If it is, once the projectile stops moving it turns into a dormant object and things like lifespan will not affect it. The drawback here is that Myth can handle a lot more dormant objects then it can active projectiles, so you'll have to time your bio-degrading accordingly. When testing your map, hit Ctrl & Page Down (I think, or mb it's Alt & Page Down) and this will give you a counter that tells you what's going on.

Don't bother checking Is Only Destroyed by Lifespan unless you don't want your projectile to be able to be blown up by explosions or whatever.

Have fun.
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Post by ozone »

It really all depends on what you want. If you want the projectile to vanish once it comes to a rest (stops moving) you dont need a time limit at all. You could just detonate "at rest" and have an empty detonation field. If you want the projectile to vanish once it hits somethign just set media and normal to 1.0 (meaning anytime it hits somethign it will detonate)and leave the detonation field empty(no projectile group). Leave the check boxes in detonation area unchecked.

There are more then a few ways you could do biodegraders and all seem to work well. Like I said before, it all depends on the projectile and its importance in the visuals and gameplay. Cp was right though, the #1 reason a biodegrader doesnt work is because the "remains dormant at rest" box is checked.
do it.
Sam The Butcher
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Post by Sam The Butcher »

Thanks Chris and Ozone. I have them both working now. You were right Chris. I had the wrong damage type, and I also had the "Dormant at rest" checked.

I tried the alt+pgdwn and control+pgdwn. Nothing happened. I am on a PC is that why? It doesnt matter much for this map now. Since I have the bio degrading working, I dont have the problem with to many projectiles.

Thanks again for the help.
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Post by ChrisP »

Glad you got it all working, Sam. And I apologize, it's Shift & Page Down. Very useful 1.5.1 feature.
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