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Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 2:21 pm
by brill852
Hey all, I was wondering if anyone knew how I might be able to extract the myth music and level intros into mp3 format. Preferably each intro would be its own mp3 and each song as well, but if they all happen to come out as one huge one that can be hacked apart later in audio editing programs. Thanks much!

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 4:57 pm
by Graydon
No you cant do it, but they are available elsewhere.

Get an account, or go to hotline server, and I'll point you the way. Or should I not be around, others will be able to also. I'm just not sure if it's politically correct to post the link here, since the said files in question did have a price tag at one point..

Edited By Graydon on 1131314283

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 9:59 pm
by brill852
alright, registered. The way I see it, I've bought this product already. I bought tfl and soulblighter when they came out, and many other times as I slowly destroyed the cds, taking them in and out of the computer far too often. I've kept my total codex cds out of sheer sentimentality, despite that I can't install from them anymore, they're too scratched. I want the music to listen to while I do homework, and I want the intros because they are in my opinion some of the most amazing fiction ever written and they make me aspire in my writing to such a level as they have already achieved. I'm not planning on using this stuff for anything other than listening to, something I do whenever I replay the game, so I have a hard time thinking someone from Bungie is going to hunt me down and kill me in my sleep. Thanks very much for the info, Graydon.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 3:19 am
by brill852
Alright so I checked that site and grabbed the soundtrack to both Myths, thanks very much. But it turns out they don't have some of the music on there. The music I think I like the most in all of the myth series is what plays when you beat Across the Gjol. Anyway. One or two of the level intros were on that site, but besides that just the soundtracks. Should I rig a clever recording system in order to get the rest of the intros, do you think? How is it that there is no way to disect whichever file contains the sounds? Would have to have been a bungie technician and have whatever software they used to write myth? Thanks for the help.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 3:43 am
by lank
you can extract the sounds from the tags, if you have a mac with classic os support, but the level intros are mixed music and speech, which you can't extract without very professional tools as far as i know (if at all).

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 3:53 am
by Killswitch
The journal readings with music are indeed a single sound file. If you want to extract the sounds anyway, you can use an old app called the Fallen Sounds (classic Mac only) or try SoundBlighter. See this post.

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:28 pm
by brill852
thanks much, everyone