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Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 8:52 am
by Martin
Instead of penalizing droppers by taking 60 points away, the host should just keep the dropped player in the list, in other words, dropping out of a game should have no effect at all.

this would make pnet so much more confortable, instead of waiting 5/10 minutes for a game to end, u could spend that time chatting, or looking for another game.

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 1:06 pm
by qwerty2
thats actually a good idea, problem is though you'd need server side co-operation too for it to work and at the moment the guys here arn't on the best of terms with the guys at pmnet

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2004 2:55 pm
and at the moment the guys here arn't on the best of terms with the guys at pmnet
Actually I have no issues with the guys at PMNet, it appears as usual though that 2 certain individuals ::cough blem cough clades cough:: over there still have major issues with us as most of us have been banned for, apparently, posting in their forums.[/color]

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2004 8:27 pm
by Martin
why is a pnet server modification needed ?

is this because a player cannot be in a game, and in the lobby at the same time ?

the host could just set a flag (dropped) for the player who left, keep him in the list, post the scores, and delete him from the connected players (but not the scoreboard) before postgame, to avoid showing players that are not really there anymore.

whatever the technical problems are, there is a solution :)