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Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:11 am
by Lugas
How come no one goes onto MariusNet to play Myth? Is it not cool anymore?

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 8:42 am
by Eddaweaver
There's 5 players on Myth2 there right now

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:17 am
by Lugas
If one of them was Sardonic, I was there. What I'm asking is whether there are anyone else who goes onto MariusNet.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 11:50 am
by Myrd
Aleph One players play on Mnet. (Aleph One is the open source Marathon engine). Also, weekly gatherings happen there for some groups/clans.

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 12:16 pm
by Death's Avatar
No one goes on marius because of...playmyth?

Posted: Sat Sep 23, 2006 2:17 pm
by Zeph
whats ?

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 1:38 am
by Cobalt 7
While I wasn't around for all of the server "chaos" that was going on a couple of years ago, I personally think it's very sad that Mariusnet has more or less been abandoned by the Myth community at large.

It's a great place to hold weekly meetings (as groups like the Myth Jumpers can attest to) without the fuss or annoyances of PlayMyth. Infact, my first Myth games were on (Dl'd the 1.5 demo mind you.) Infact I swear the place was actually fairly full at the time...

But I digress... It's been explained to me that a good chunk of the Myth 2 players went to PlayMyth, where they have ranked play, while most of TFL community stayed at Mariusnet...And Mariusnet slowly lost players, while more and more updates came out for Myth 2

(I once heard it mentioned that vTFL is partly responsible for the Death of MariusNet, as Players didn't have to go to Mariusnet to find active TFL players, but instead could stay at PlayMyth. Considering this was just a conversation in a Lobby, and that I wasn't around when all of this was going on I cannot verify this, but if you add in that all of the Dev teams were developing updates and plugins for Myth 2, and along with vTFL, it makes sense that most people would regulary use Myth 2 over TFL and subsequently migrate to PlayMyth where the Myth 2 community is more established (and WW2 happy)

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 6:41 am
by The Elfoid
Considering how rare I see vTFL games I don't think it can be totally attributed for the survival of Myth II over TFL itself. I'm sure it affected a few people though.

Last time I was on MariusNet, McChazo and I met the most arrogant and annoying people I have ever met on Myth. When I've met guys like the Jumpers they seem fine though.

To be honest PlayMyth isn't nearly as nasty as it was when Marius had more players either - Blades went ban mad and people quit cuz their friends couldn't play anymore. Its become more or less a nice server.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:16 am
by Death's Avatar
You never see vTFL? When do you play?!

I'd say arrogant people on mnet is because it has been abandoned...there are just as many on playmyth.

Mnet had some pretty nutty ban-mad times too...It was a server with the same community, thats the point silly.


Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 10:30 am
by Zeph
the myth community isnt so bad when you compare it with medal of honor : spearhead's...

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 11:21 am
by The Elfoid
Or WoW.

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 12:58 pm
by mcchazo
The Elfoid wrote:Last time I was on MariusNet, McChazo and I met the most arrogant and annoying people I have ever met on Myth.
yeh :evil:

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 3:59 pm
by The Elfoid
Chaz and I pwnd their nub asses!

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2006 5:02 pm
by mcchazo
you suck at myth, but i still <3 you


move to my WoW server

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 10:51 am
by vinylrake
My memory can be fuzzy at times but what I remember about why people play where they play is:

1) Originally mariusnet was the ONLY place to play TFL games, because PlayMyth only hosted SB games. So TFL players went to mariusnet when closed (some before) so were used to mariusnet and had little reason to leave for playmyth when playmyth started offering TFL games.

2) PlayMyth offered ranked play so M2 players fond of ranked play went to playmyth when it opened (and later M1 ranked players (if any were left) moved over to playmyth when it started offering M1 ranked games). As a result after a short time there were generally more myth II players on playmyth than there were on mariusnet at any given time. Even for people playing unranked if you looked at the raw numbers of the two servers there were more players playing M2 on playmyth so it looked more appealing.

3) vTFL: For non hardcore TFL players, vTFL satisfies the desire for the occassional TFL units/map game.

4) There was a time before the server-selection option was added into Myth 2 that changing servers was a pain in the ass. (moving/renaming preference folders to get the right connections) Once that option was added most players had already settled into the server of their choice. [see above]