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Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 8:10 pm
by Sectus
I'm a very big fan of the Myth series, but to be honest I haven't really played it all that much recently. I've played all the levels and completed almost all of them on Legendary. I've never been that much fan of the multiplayer modes in the game, they're fun and all, but I was never hooked on it (primarly because I miss the fun of singleplayer, if there were some kind of multiplayer mode with objectives and one side were light and the other dark, then it would be more interesting... but well, I digress :p ), so I've only really played singleplayer and coop. I'm really glad to see the Myth series is still being updated, and still has a very strong community.

So this leads me to what I really wanted to say. There's one thing I've always wanted to see in Myth which would in my opinion make singleplayer and coop play a lot more fun and give it a ton more replayability. A score system. Sure, you can right now play the levels and try to beat them the best way possible. But that would be so much better and so much easier if you just simply had a good old score you got by the end of the level, and it would be put into a high score list. And it would make it a whole lot more rewarding to see yourself being able to beat a previous score.

Implementing this shouldn't be all that hard. And defining what gives score or not isn't hard, give points for killing enemies (more points for bigger bad enemies), lose points for causalties, gain points for completing a level within a good timelimit, lose points for using way too much time, also have a multiplier based on game difficulty (1x for Timid, 5x for Legendary).

Now then, I'm not expecting anyone to actually bother to implement this, I can understand it's still a good deal of work. But I'm just throwing ideas around, especially now since I'm trying to find ways to get myself to play Myth again.

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 9:01 pm
by lank
there is actually a coop ranking system on i'm not sure of its exact implementation, but you get points for winning levels, more for doing it faster, perhaps more for damage you've done and less for damage against you, etc...

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 6:28 am
by Brainbug
I'm not sure if it is still working correctly though...

I know my games aren't tracked anymore, tx to remind me i have to bitch to PPE about it