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Sheep Saver?

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 12:02 am
by £N
Could someone walk me through the process of accessing amber via sheep shaver?

Thank you so so much in advance!

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 9:37 pm
by iron
Step 1: Install Sheepshaver

Step 2: Get it to the point where MacOS is booting up in Sheepshaver. For this you'll need an old-world ROM file and a CD with MacOS9 or earlier. There's plenty of help on various sheepshaver-related forums if you run into trouble.

Step 3: Install Amber - this is easy.

Step 4: Copy across the Myth plugin/foundation tag/collection files you want to edit - this is easy

Step 5: Run Amber.

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 3:30 pm
by £N
I think the problem is copying in a system folder from my OS9 CD. I'll try this later tonight.