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Deceiver Conversion Effect

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 3:11 pm
by £N
Any way I can make this effect temporary (i.e. unit is not converted indefinitely/for duration of game)?

Any insight would be much appreciated, thanks!

Posted: Fri Jan 04, 2008 6:28 pm
by A-Red
Yes, although you wouldn't be using the Deceiver spell, you would use a dummy projectile pretending to be the Deceiver spell. Test for that projectile over the entire map using a GEOM, and then make a second GEOM using the projectile's location as a centerpoint which finds any monster within a very small radius of it (which you can presume to be the target of the attack). Then you would MOMA in a "convert" unit to replace the original, and then use another delayed MOMA to re-replace the convert with the original.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 1:29 am
by £N
Thanks again A-red. Sounds simple enough but i know it will take some practice to get it to be fluid.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:49 am
by Zeph
its not simple. heh

scripting based attacks are never simple.

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 7:06 pm
by £N
You're right they're not simple, but I have done several already so I can sort of visualize what this one requires. Though I could always be wrong in my initial assessment!

Posted: Sun Jan 06, 2008 10:48 pm
by Zeph
why do you have to make it so complicated LN :P

I think it sucks to charm a unit for a short period of time, I mean, if I charm a trow and i know it will become enemy again in 1 minute, I'll simply suicide it.

It's much more intertaining to actually steal a trow and KEEP it!

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 1:46 am
by £N
Well the circumstances surrounding this are a little different.

For one, (spoiler) I won't be using traditional myth units, so conventional strategy does not really apply.

Second, I am trying to conform as much as possible to a sourcebook for an rpg universe I have in my possession. The spell itself is something like psychic or mental "possession", and it will (ideally) work something like this: Unit A casts charm on unit B, making the new unit usable by the player in exchange for the old one's functinality, that is until the player breaks off the spell. In other words, it's not time-based; the duration of the spell is dictated by how long the player would like to ignore Unit A in favor of using unit B, or until mana runs out...

Of course, if this is not feasible, there are other spells I can work on to take its place. :)

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 4:03 am
by £N
Ah I see. So this would be for a timed charm, A-red? I was thinking, maybe something along the lines of cloudkill, where it is 10000 repetitions and -2 reaction time. That way, when you break off from casting the spell on a particular unit, what will ideally happen is the charm will automatically reverse itself and the seized unit will "come to his senses."

So I guess my real question is: is there a way to "undo" charm using this schematic?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:57 pm
by £N
Just putting this up as a visual reminder.
Zeph: you know there is a charm map action ?
A-Red: what? madness!
A-Red: awesome madness
Zeph: :o
Zeph: its in attacks
Zeph: add custom, monster identifier - chrm
A-Red: nifty
Zeph: subj is owner team
Zeph: obje is the unit to charm to the subj's team
Zeph: the player owning subj will receive unit
A-Red: cool
o3 (): just add chrm, flag to an atatck
o3 (): make sure its one subject
o3 (): and all objects will become that players
o3 (): even from own team

Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2008 7:14 am
by haravikk
Bah, beaten to it on the chrm flag =)

Easiest way after that then is to make the switchable enemy monsters have a negative mana per tick delta (so any mana they have will drain away). When the map starts set their mana to zero, when they are charmed set it to 100%. This way you now have a mana bar acting like a timer, both for your script and for the player.

Then simply have a repeating GEOM to test for units of that type on your team with no mana left, and charm them back to the enemy's team. That way you can have multiple charmed units which switch back at different times.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:26 am
by £N
Pyro: okay there could be a script testing for units on the players team that are not the starting units... when a unit is found then another map action will test if the charmer unit is emmiting his "charm" and when it stops for whatever reason it will uncharm the unit it found
just a visual reminder, thx guys