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Urbarahz and Or'garnen

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 6:17 am
by Bou
Does anyone know when they are done?
I have the idea that these projects are dropped.

What's the status of these two projects? I'm waiting ages for these plugins.
The latest beta of Urbarahz looks almost finished to me.

Enlighten me plz.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2008 9:44 am
by A-Red
Which beta of Urbarahz are you referring to? The one called "Take"?

That was Teepens's last beta. More recently, he has handed the project over to me to finish. I've finished the scripting on a couple of levels that need it, and worked out almost all of the bugs that I know of. Unfortunately, it was left without a running bug list, and we're still trying to make sure we've found everything. We haven't been able to get a whole lot of testing done, in spite of having made the newer betas available to both Magma and Onyx testers. Another beta will be ready soon--if you want a copy, shoot me a PM.

We're also looking for an artist to draw a few screens. Unless they really want to draw for every single level, I'd be asking for three pieces--generic pregame, generic win, generic loss. Anyone who is interested, please let me know.

As far as I know, Or'Garnen is vaporware. There don't seem to be any betas anywhere, either.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 4:49 am
by lank
or'garnen has some work on my computer (you'd hope, seeing as it is/was my project), but needs a few particular things like custom models for the castle walls and keep, but largely scripting. scripting is the main issue, because it was extremely ambitious and khellek, currently AFM (away from myth) indefinitely, was going to pick up the scripting once LoE was complete, as LoE was his baby and or'garnen was mine.

IIRC i still have some test meshes where khel's squad AI script was being fleshed out, to see if it was behaving properly, etc.. this script is so incredibly complicated i don't know if anyone, even khel himself, would be able to figure it out exactly without his notes. possibly even with them... anyway, sad to say, or'garnen may have to be committed to the vapourware bin unless something huge turns around in my life and (a) i get a new(er) computer that actually feels slightly more responsive than either of my current rigs (each well over half a decade old, one nearly a full decade old) and (b) learn to script and figure out khel's work and complete it.

chrisp and a few other magma folks and i played a few games on the multiplayer meshes i'd made, to see how it might work at that level, and with the improvements since m2 1.4 has been released would certainly make or'garnen more viable in a number of ways (think scale of operations) - just not the one way that most matters to its progress.

a-red, i can't remember (i'm pretty sure, just not convinced) if all the urbarahz levels got the custom shadow maps i was meant to make for them. if not, let me know, and we can organise to get them done - i know i started and did several, if not most or all, and if they're not all done, i know i'd like to see them consistent and as good as possible for the cmaps that were made (we all know loathing sucks at shadow maps!). i can also promise to get them done, due to the nature of the work compared to or'garnen, and really, i need more projects of this type. :)

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 8:40 am
by William Wallet
I would love to help out with artwork, I'll audition!!!

I'll even use a pencil; whereas in Freedom I used a shitty mouse that wouldn't do what I told it to :/

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 1:59 pm
by A-Red
Hey, sweet!

I'll PM both of you.

Since this seems to be a good way to get help--I wonder if anyone wants to animate me a troop transport boat unit for the goblin level. :wink:
