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Myth II 1.7

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 5:14 pm
by Killswitch
Just read through the change log. One item popped out and got me all excited:

-Support for Quicktime cutscenes

Maybe it's the video person in me, but this has been a long time coming. I've always felt that there's been a disconnect between units and their emotions strictly because we could never see their faces (unit icons don't count :P). I'm hoping that the next "Epic Plugin" has some cutscenes that help the player get 'connected' to the characters.

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:30 am
by William Wallet
Absolutely! A big part of the reason I stopped working on cutscenes for my old campaigns was that I couldn't find a good way of making SMKs out of them.

They would've looked like this ... scene.html

But as I'm no animator and the Freedom campaigns weren't exactly top notch stuff, I pulled the plug on it.

I'd like to see what other people come up with, though! Would be cool to see TWA and/or TFV with cutscenes. Maybe the Greek plugin too! Ha!! And if anyone gets a hold of the Bungie models, it'd be sweet to see those used in a sort of retro Interstate 76 fashion.