Passability Editing

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Passability Editing

Post by fildred13 »

So I've made 3 levels of a solo campaign and they function well, one is in fact quite a bit fun to play. The problem is, unit pathfinding on my maps tends to get sticky in tight places, places that AREN'T that difficult on other people's maps. I took a look at their passability maps, and they are very smooth, where as mine are jagged with half-filed triangles and such. I know I'm supposed to be able to hold option and click to edit a single triangle at a time, but that hasn't been working for me for some reason, no matter what I hold down while editing, it fills in the whole brush. Not a big deal if the brush is only one square wide, but I really need the ability to fill in a single triangle. Any ideas why this isn't working?

Seperate, related question: From a design aspect, when I'm editing passability, how important is it that I get sloped/steep correct? And what If I have a sloped sand section, like a sand dune? Do I forsake the "sand" definition in favor of steep or sloped? I don't know their affect on the game world right now, so I don't know hot to approriatley designate which is which.

Thanks alot!
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Re: Passability Editing

Post by A-Red »

Slope and steep are the most important terrains to get right, because they determine passability. You can't set them to anything else without allowing units to walk on them. If you want a slope that acts like sand (e.g. bottles will detonate well on it), you can make the outer edge of the sloped area "steep" type so that walking units can't get on it, but fill in everything in the middle as sand.

Also, few people use "sloped" at all. Mapmakers generally opt for steep only. The one difference is that Ghols can run on sloped but not on steep. Other walking units pass neither, and floating units pass both.

Not sure what to tell you about the terrain brush. To edit one cell at a time, I just use right-click.
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Re: Passability Editing

Post by Graydon »

If you're on a Mac with a 'Function' key (fn, in the bottom left corner of the kb), in Loathing, many of the hotkeys need to be used in conjunction with holding function.

If this is the case with your keyboard, try holding fn + option and see if you get get 1 triangle at a time?

Another thing to point out which is very worthwhile in a time-saving sense, is that if you paint a 1 worldunit-wide 'outline'... say a band of steep terrain around the base edge of a big rock or boulder that you want impassable. Make sure it's a continuous solid line of steep, then simply shift+click in the middle unpainted part, and it'll 'paint bucket fill' the rest (up to 256 triangles at a time... if you're filling a massive area in this style, you may need to paint bucket fill a handful of times.)

One more cool trick that's worthy of note: Say you're playing on a beach level... You want the sand to show tracks so you set it all as sand... but you want the sand that's 'wet' right next to the water to not catch fire, but you still want it to leave tracks. Set a band of 'snow' terrain around the edge of the water, then progress into sand terrain. The transition of units footprints on the ground will not change, but dwarf bottles or flame arrows thrown too close to the 'wet set' are more likely to extinguish themselves.

Hope this is useful information.
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Re: Passability Editing

Post by Pyro »

I'm on a PC and I use right click to paint single triangles. For the fill bucket effect Gray mentioned, for the PC it is Shift-click or Shift- right click. (both ways work)
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Re: Passability Editing

Post by Graydon »

Another valid thing to note, is that all units in myth 2 have 'defaults' as to what terrain types they can walk on. For example, a thrall can walk in deep water while a warrior cannot. By default, most units can't walk on 'sloped' terrain. This terrain type originally came from TFL and was used in areas where 'giants' (trow and forest giants) could walk up a hill where other units couldn't. This made the giants even more fearsome opponents.

In fear, you can custom edit all the monster tags that appear on your mesh. You can make them go slower in sand, faster on stone, slow on sloped etc etc. Play around with it, you can yield some great results.
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Re: Passability Editing

Post by Killswitch »

I can confirm that Option-clicking on a Mac in Loathing 1.5.2 does NOT fill individual triangles.

However, you should try the new version of Loathing 1.7 (comes with the Myth 1.7 update). Option-clicking in the new version DOES work. ;)
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