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Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 3:49 pm
by Spike
I wanted to start a thread with the intention of bringing ppl and ideas together to help make the game we enjoy better, without major overhauls. So if you have ideas plz post here.

Here are some ideas I wish were a part of M2.

1. I wish there was an easier way to direct units to attack a specific unit.

Is it possible to create a key, not shift dbl-click, to have a unit/units attack a specific unit and have it not run around like a chicken with it's head cutoff only to get pounded?

2. How kool would it be to shoot fire arrows and have them land in a vanguard, long line or circle in a type of volley shot.

3. Better stabbing for arcs and souls

4. Love to see the addition of more debris from battles.

5. A scalable in game player list with clock like the current scalable overhead map.

Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2009 7:12 pm
by Archer
Define "better stabbing"? Is this something distinct from "stabs that do more damage"?


Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 6:18 am
by Avatara
If better stabbing means more damage, please god no. Myth 2 is already very artillery focused, and I already think the stab is too good. I miss TFL punches : (.

What I want to ask Magma is about a feature that only works on TFL and vTFL (at least I never managed to do it on Myth 2 gameplay). In TFL or vTFL, suppose you have a group of dwarfs or archers selected. If you click normally on an enemy, all of them will attack a single unit, just like in Myth 2. Cool, but if in vTFL or TFL you do the same thing but SHIFT+click, your artillery will attack all enemies in a group, just like melee does. This does not seem to work on Myth 2, or I'm just to n00b to know the command.

Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:35 pm
by Redcoat
Nice list Spike. =)

I think "better stabbing" means that when you double click, your archers actually stab. If that is what Spike is going for, then I fully agree. Whenever I try to get my archers to stab, they first try to run away. Same thing with WWII:recon.

I have another addition to the wish list: As host, I would like to know my game's IP address (I play a lot of TCP/IP).

Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:41 pm
by Pyro

Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 2:46 pm
by Redcoat
hehe, I prefer myself, but I'm not sure either solution works with something like hamachi. Maybe I'm spoiled, but I like to know what the game client is doing (as well as have solutions that don't involve web browsers).

A guy can dream on a wish list, can't he? :(

Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:51 pm
by WazzaMouse
Why not use Magma's Battlewatch?

Gives you your IP, info on TCP/IP hosting for myth, and allows you to list your game if you want for others to easily have that info available. There is even info on having it display within your own web page.


PS: People have forgotten about it since it has been broken for a few years, but I have since updated it.

Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2009 6:57 pm
by WazzaMouse
Redcoat wrote:(as well as have solutions that don't involve web browsers).

A guy can dream on a wish list, can't he? :(
Easiest would be to have the machine grab your IP, however since most people are behind routers, having your own NAT address isn't going to help you get the right information to people. I guess the long approach would be to setup a service the client connects to to try and get your outside IP but then it would have to differentiate between whether you wanted the intrAnet ip or your intErnet ip. Not sure that it is worth the time to build since there are other options ;P

>>>Battlewatch Plug<<<

Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:19 pm
by The Elfoid
Largely good points, I'd agree with. I think debris would be a hard thing to make more frequent though. And also...
2. How kool would it be to shoot fire arrows and have them land in a vanguard, long line or circle in a type of volley shot.
That'd change arc combat FAR too drastically.

Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:37 am
by dac
i have one that i do not think is doable

i want a pseudo-vtfl mode that only changes how fetch and dwarves interact.

if you shoot your own bottle (airborn or on ground) it blows up like m2.

if you shoot an enemy bottle, it affects it the way normal vtfl does.

i know, pipe dream.

let me add to thsi wish list.

1) zoom out farther from the battlefield, although it will never be far enough until trows look as small as mortar duds on the ground.
2) a health bar view command that allows you to see enemy health as well as your own, since you can click individual units to see if they are hurt this shouldnt change things except ot save a little monotonous scouting (much like what is by default hte caps lock boxes, except with red boxes for enemies like watching film)
3) a game option to eliminate certain unit types from being tradable - like.... raid without MGs - it might even be playable! (pipedream #2)
4) extension of the .wank command to .wank the ip of the player being wanked so you can hit his extra accounts too(since mnet isnt wonderful about preventing dummy accounts etc, tho this may only be controllable with the mnet code)
5) plug n play functionality with plugins and saved games and recordings - no restarting myth to get them to work. itsa minor inconvenience but its still an inconvenience!
6) captain of the team should have the ability to disallow drawing/erasing on/of the overhead map
7) in game and pre/postgame lobby mute commands (pipedream #3!)
8) ability to set max # of teams without turning teams on
9) ability to message people in game, and of course aility for the ppl in game gto block these messages and/or reply to them in game
10) ability for neutral observer to chat in game.
11) in game easter egg where typing .dac displays profane insults about deqlyn's mom
12) a time machine

Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:24 pm
by Deqlyn
Alot of these wishes can be done via fear and loathing, just copy the map and make the changes u want like a volley of arrows, no MG on Raid. call it v2 and walla there you go. Or even easier create a mod that changes the archers and u just turn it off and on for the map. Like trebuchets and what not. There you go DAC hop to it.

Stabbing damages can also be cranked up too

Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:33 pm
by dac
i fail to see how fear and loathing will give me a time machine or an easter egg.

you suck deq!

and the point is to have them available without using a plugin, the problem with plugins is you hav eto publish them and everybody has to download them.

the disallow certin units on trade would be a fun, useful tool that wouldnt require this crap!

Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 4:36 pm
by Zeph
1) zoom out farther from the battlefield, although it will never be far enough until trows look as small as mortar duds on the ground.
I like the idea, it would be fun if this was a custom value entered in the mesh tag that you want to use instead of the default.
2) a health bar view command that allows you to see enemy health as well as your own, since you can click individual units to see if they are hurt this shouldnt change things except ot save a little monotonous scouting (much like what is by default hte caps lock boxes, except with red boxes for enemies like watching film)
Bad idea, some plugins have cloaked and or invisible units that would be visible using that idea. Plus, it makes melee fights more interesting when you have to find the weak units yourself.
3) a game option to eliminate certain unit types from being tradable - like.... raid without MGs - it might even be playable! (pipedream #2)
That could be done easily with a 3rd party map. I'm pretty sure there's a version of raid with no G somewhere.
4) extension of the .wank command to .wank the ip of the player being wanked so you can hit his extra accounts too(since mnet isnt wonderful about preventing dummy accounts etc, tho this may only be controllable with the mnet code)
I like the idea as long as you block a single IP, blocking a range of IP is bad as you can wank players you didn't want to wank. The problem with IP banning though is that its quite easy to have your IP changed. If someone takes the time to make multiple account, i'm pretty sure they know how to have more than 1 ip.
5) plug n play functionality with plugins and saved games and recordings - no restarting myth to get them to work. itsa minor inconvenience but its still an inconvenience!
Love that one
6) captain of the team should have the ability to disallow drawing/erasing on/of the overhead map
I like drawing penis shapes
7) in game and pre/postgame lobby mute commands (pipedream #3!)
Mute command is in almost every games these days. Good idea. We have this in the lobby, and I doubt it would be easy to implement ingame.
8) ability to set max # of teams without turning teams on
That makes no sense ?
9) ability to message people in game, and of course aility for the ppl in game gto block these messages and/or reply to them in game
That would be awesome, but games are separate from the game server and it would be very hard to code I think
10) ability for neutral observer to chat in game.
At least let the people in observer's team to chat together.
11) in game easter egg where typing .dac displays profane insults about deqlyn's mom
12) a time machine
Welcome to

Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 5:47 pm
by Pyro
Zeph wrote:
8) ability to set max # of teams without turning teams on
That makes no sense ?
He means so that teams can remain random and not let people join others, while having a different max team value other than default.

Re: Soulblighter additions Spike's wish list

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 8:56 pm
by vinylrake
dac wrote:1) zoom out farther from the battlefield, although it will never be far enough until trows look as small as mortar duds on the ground.
Or just make a plugin that shrinks the visible size of all units, models, projectiles and scenery so it LOOKS like you are zoomed way out.
dac wrote:2) a health bar view command that allows you to see enemy health as well as your own,
No, this would suck and would feed into all the "OMG NEW VERSION TAKES AWAY MICRO SKILLZ NEEDED TO BE GOOD!"
dac wrote:4) extension of the .wank command to .wank the ip of the player being wanked so you can hit his extra accounts too(since mnet isnt wonderful about preventing dummy accounts etc, tho this may only be controllable with the mnet code)
That seems like a good idea.
dac wrote:10) ability for neutral observer to chat in game.
So you want to eliminate the neutral OBSERVER and make it a neutral CHATTER? Not needed. If you want a neutral chatter just have the player join a team and don't give him any units - wallah - a neutral chatter. As long as he doesn't repeat private team chat.
dac wrote:12) a time machine
Don't need it to be part of Myth, every new mac comes with a Time Machine.