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Myth wont show up...

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:29 pm
by Sonixboom
I just got a new comp sorta

my old one is dying and it only have a half a screen so i jsut got an old monitor and hooked that up to my comp so i have a full screen. When i open myth it only shows up on the back screen and I cant seem to change it

i changed the size and everything :(



Re: Myth wont show up...

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:52 pm
by GodzFire
I just got a new comp sorta
You either DID get a new computer or you didn't. There's really no room for debate.

Re: Myth wont show up...

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 1:51 pm
by Pyro
Update your graphics card drivers. If the monitor has an auto adjust option as most LCDs do, use it.

Re: Myth wont show up...

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:15 pm
by Melekor
Sonixboom wrote:I just got a new comp sorta

my old one is dying and it only have a half a screen so i jsut got an old monitor and hooked that up to my comp so i have a full screen. When i open myth it only shows up on the back screen and I cant seem to change it

i changed the size and everything :(


Moved to tech support.

Can you clarify a bit? Are you trying to use multiple monitors? What do you mean by the terms 'half screen', 'full screen' and especially, 'back screen'?

Re: Myth wont show up...

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 6:54 pm
by vinylrake
Melekor wrote:What do you mean by the terms 'half screen', 'full screen' and especially, 'back screen'?
obviously he has one of those new android flexible flatscreen monitors that you get surgically implanted into your back.

All Saint needs to do is sit with his back to a mirror and look over his shoulder into the mirror and he'll be able to see his 'back screen' just fine.

Re: Myth wont show up...

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 6:47 am
by Eddaweaver
Sonixboom wrote:I just got a new comp sorta

my old one is dying and it only have a half a screen so i jsut got an old monitor and hooked that up to my comp so i have a full screen. When i open myth it only shows up on the back screen and I cant seem to change it

i changed the size and everything :(


Can you please try to explain the problem clearer? How can you have half a screen? Are you saying half of the LCD died? I can't tell which computer has what monitor status. Do you mean to say you have two monitors plugged into one computer? Is that the computer Myth won't show up on? If so, try running Myth in Windowed mode and see what happens then.

Oh and install this on your new computer:

Re: Myth wont show up...

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:08 am
by Sonixboom

I got an old imac desktop its got 1gb of ram and stuff

the graphics card is dying and only the left half side of the screen lights up any more, so i plugged in a NEW, LCD monitor to it so i can prolong the life of my comp

thats what i meant by back screen :)

myth only shows up on the computer itself NOT the new monitor like everything else does even though they are connected. I want to be able to play myth through the monitor NOT the comp since the screen is dying


Re: Myth wont show up...

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 12:21 pm
by Myrd
If you use the universal binary version of 1.7, then holding Option key on startup will let you select which monitor to use.

Re: Myth wont show up...

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:28 pm
by Sonixboom
ya i use universal... i didnt think of option :)

