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Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:36 pm
by fildred13
I was playing through the Group of Coops 2 and wishing the built in bio-degrader wasn't there. Maybe I will regret it and realize my high-end computer just can't handle that many projectiles, but on the off chance that it can, I would love to see all those bodies littered on the ground. Is there any way to disable the biodegrader? I disassembled the plug and went into loathing but it isn't a map action or anything so I'm stumped as to where I can go to disable it. Any ideas?


Re: Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:39 pm
by Death's Avatar
fildred13 wrote:I was playing through the Group of Coops 2 and wishing the built in bio-degrader wasn't there. Maybe I will regret it and realize my high-end computer just can't handle that many projectiles, but on the off chance that it can, I would love to see all those bodies littered on the ground. Is there any way to disable the biodegrader? I disassembled the plug and went into loathing but it isn't a map action or anything so I'm stumped as to where I can go to disable it. Any ideas?

Im no mapmaker, so this could be lies, but I think the issue is not if your computer can handle it, but that the Myth engine can't. After 1024 projectiles (or whatever number of whatever they are called), they just stop showing up. Archers will stop shooting arrows, duffs will throw nothing, etc.

Re: Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:02 pm
by Soulblaster
bio degrs is basically the lifespan you set over a projectile, in this case the body parts...check out fear/projectiles and you will find it there. The only way to desable this bio degrs thing is to change the plug (mb creating a omni patch) and the projectiles correspondent to each unit within

Re: Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 5:10 pm
by Pyro
As mentioned by DA and SB, the biodegrader is just a modification of the projectiles so that they die after a certain amount of time. If this were removed (modified back to default), then you get what DA said about projectiles not being created anymore. Ever seen a dwarf or bowman attack but no bottle or arrow appear? This is because of the engine's limitations with projectiles and other tags.

Re: Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:11 pm
by Graydon
All this being said, since GoC2 was created, the limits HAVE been raised, so the current settings/timers for the biodegrading might be faster than it has to be for 1.7. You could always go in and tinker with the timers, extend body parts, mb leave or shorten weapons and other stuff.. to maximize the gore that stays around. Just an idea :)

Re: Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:18 pm
by Myrd
One thing to note, is that there's often confusion between the projectile limit (1024) and the object limit (8192)

Dormant projectiles (stuff on the ground) do not count towards the projectile limit - only things currently flying in the air do. Bio-degraders are meant to prevent you from running into the object limit (8192), not the projectile limit. Usually, they're often too aggressive and the number of objects on the ground never reaches anywhere near 8192.

Also, I think Group of Coops was made when the object limit was lower - so if you turn off biodegrading, it might still work and fall within the 8192 limit. You can use the mapmaking debug feature turned on by Shift-PageDown to see how much of the limit is being used up.

Re: Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 6:54 pm
by vinylrake
Myrd wrote:One thing to note, is that there's often confusion between the projectile limit (1024) and the object limit (8192)

Dormant projectiles (stuff on the ground) do not count towards the projectile limit - only things currently flying in the air do.
Dang, there goes my grand design for a level with an army of 1025 archers all firing at once. I can't scale down the size of the army, 1024 archers just wouldn't enough, the whole feel of the campaign would be completely different - it just wouldn't be as panoramic or awe-inspiring. Curse the limitations of the Myth engine!!! Hey wait - I have an idea - can we please bump up this object limit to something more reasonable - like say 8192 so I can scale the army up to entirely archer heroes - who could each have 3-4 arrows in the air at once?


Re: Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:51 am
by fildred13
Thanks alot for all the response. This community is simply amazing, easily the best I've ever had the pleasure to interact with. Is Marius supportive of newbie's to the multiplayer world? I've had Myth since I was tiny but I've only ever played singleplayer. Do they still lower themselves to players of my level? Or is everyone an expert now since the community is so small?

Anyways, I'll try working with the projectiles folder. Hopefully it isn't too painstaking to go through them all and edit each by hand.

Thanks again guys.

Re: Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:00 am
by fildred13
Well I tried it out and found the "Lifetime" checkbox in fear. I assume that is what I'm dechecking to git rid of the bio degrader, correct?

Assuming that is so, I can already see that getting rid of all these by hand is going to be tedious. I don't know much about omni patches or any of the like. Anybody got a way for me to do this in a less painful way? Or do I just need to suck it up and go through it?


Re: Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 1:48 am
by Pyro
There is no shorter way of doing it. Also, most of those projectiles will likely need the "Becomes Dormant at Rest" projectile flag checked. What happens is that when a proj with this flag stops moving, it isn't counted towards the projectile limit of 1024 just towards the object limit of 8192. A lifespan can't detonate or promote a projectile while it is dormant. This is why when mapmakers give lifespans for the purpose of biodegrading they uncheck the "Becomes Dormant at Rest" projectile flag.

Now as for the comment about OmniPatch. It is a program that helps update old versions of plugins to newer ones. Say you have a plugin and it is version 1 at a file size of 100 MB. The mapmaker of that plugin might have made a version 2 which is 120 MB in size. He can create an omnipatch from version 1 to 2 so people with the older one can download a smaller file and update to the latest. The omnipatch for that update could be 30 MB. It's file size will depend on what was changed from the earlier version of course.

As for the MariusNet server. You will find friendly people there, as well as jerks. It all depends on what you play and with whom. So don't give up if you happen to meet a jerk. Also, just because many of them have been playing for years does not mean they will be experts. Since there are so many plugins of so many types of units and attacks, lots of people will not be that great in certain maps. Also, some players will stick to what they think is more fun, which means if they play something else they are likely not gonna be "experts" in that. So give it a shot and join games. You will find out which people you prefer to play with and which to avoid on your own.

Re: Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:12 am
by vinylrake
yeah - what pyro said. if you find yourself overwhelmed with jerks don't take it personally, there are myth players who are really anal retentive about how they think Myth should be played. there are also a fair amount who are just out to have fun. fun is what keeps most of us coming back for more. if you tell people you are new to online mything most people will cut you some slack - even some of the more obnoxious players will take the time to give you tips if you butter them up or ask nicely. :)

Re: Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 1:28 pm
by Deqlyn
Dang, there goes my grand design for a level with an army of 1025 archers all firing at once. I can't scale down the size of the army, 1024 archers just wouldn't enough, the whole feel of the campaign would be completely different - it just wouldn't be as panoramic or awe-inspiring. Curse the limitations of the Myth engine!!! Hey wait - I have an idea - can we please bump up this object limit to something more reasonable - like say 8192 so I can scale the army up to entirely archer heroes - who could each have 3-4 arrows in the air at once?

Vinyl your plug wouldnt work. Limit of 400 units on the field at once. So you would get 400 Archers firing 400 arrows at nothing.

Re: Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 7:00 am
by haravikk
If you made some of the archers invisible and visible again you could in theory have far more. Assuming it takes them say 8 ticks to fire off an arrow, then you could tell the first batch to fire, make them invisible, make the next batch visible, tell them to fire, and repeat for a theoretical 1,600 archers per-second :)

I shudder to think what that would do to playability though!

Re: Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:28 pm
by Khadrelt
Heck, while we're at it, let's just remove limits entirely! 1025 archers? How about 10,000 archers raining down destruction on an army of Trowights?

Hey, I totally just came up with that. Trowights—wights made from Trow! I think I'll make some!

Re: Group Of Coops 2

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 10:48 pm
by vinylrake
Well, I was going to make all the archers invisible anyways, along with the entire enemy army so the 400 visible unit limitation wouldn't have been a problem.