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The Myth Wikipedia Article

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:58 am
by haravikk
Hey folks,

I recently popped by the Myth Wikipedia article, and while it has improved a little bit from last time I saw it, it could still use some work.

Now, I may hack and slash my way through it and try to tidy it up at some point, but I'm kind of hoping some other folks might be interested in taking on the task.

From what I can see, the main problem is still that a lot of the information could do with being pulled out into separate articles for each game, so that the Myth Series page is a summary of the world of Myth (couple paragraphs) and it's history as a game. With each game article describing more in-depth history/plot, and gameplay descriptions.

Units as well could probably be pulled out into another article, with recurring units in one section that are common to all three games (briefly noting any important changes), followed by game-specific units.

The last thing we want is for a Wiki mod who doesn't know the series to come in and mess things up or even remove the pages!

Anyone interested in working on this a bit? Don't even have to have much writing skill as a lot of the information is all there, it just needs broken down and re-organised a bit :)

Re: The Myth Wikipedia Article

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:36 am
by Myrd
There's already a separate article for Myth II which is quite good.

Re: The Myth Wikipedia Article

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:11 pm
by Deqlyn
needs info to promote game. How to get started etc... IMO

Something like

"Copies of Myth are found on EBAY and people rejoin the game all the time. Over 500 online players."

Re: The Myth Wikipedia Article

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 5:45 pm
by vinylrake
there was a lot more info, but wikipedia has guidelines about how much content they will allow about a game. elfoid had tons of stuff in the myth section (admittedly in a single article which breaks their guidelines) but there were whole sections they didn't want in their at all - unit guides, detailed tournament history, etc.

back when wikipedia proposed the major trimming i made backups of the content and put it into a wiki on a little more logically divided up into relevant articles and had offered elfoid editor privs but he was either busy or didn't like that i divided up the massive article or some other reason got in the way so the info has been gathering dust for a few years now. (

i don't have the time or interest in editing and keeping the info up to date, but would be happy to give editing privs to trusted people interested in updating the content. i don't have any limitations on how much info gets put into a myth wiki so it wouldn't run into drastic amputation like the myth wiki (almost?) did.

Re: The Myth Wikipedia Article

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:24 pm
by Autumn Demon has some info, mostly pertaining to tournaments.

if you're worried your work on wikipedia will be deleted then post backups on mythwiki. would probably be good to have the info on their regardless.

Re: The Myth Wikipedia Article

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 9:24 pm
by Horus
Autumn Demon wrote: has some info, mostly pertaining to tournaments.

if you're worried your work on wikipedia will be deleted then post backups on mythwiki. would probably be good to have the info on their regardless.
Lol one look at the God Cops article there shows how seriously that effort should be taken (ie not at all).

Re: The Myth Wikipedia Article

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2010 10:48 am
by Sonixboom
the myth wiki does need more info like where the maps are found

the hotline app and just more general info that it seems to be missing

as for the godcops article... lolz, I once remember him having a cafepress page with T-shirts you could buy. it was hilarious
