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enable uPnP

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:44 am
by Nation
A number of programs have this "enable uPnP" (universal plug and play) feature that usually comes as a checked or uncheck option in the programs option. I have the for my torrent client, and a few games, including Aleph One which I use to host Marathon games.

Many a time, I have go onto play myth, and found out that a host is AFK, and a good number of people want to play a game.

is it possible to have this feature for myth so more ppl can host games and play?

Re: enable uPnP

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:18 pm
by Graydon
Port forwarding has worked for Myth for 10 years, why change it if it isn't broken? Most Computer gamers know how to forward ports, and if they don't there's a million google results that will walk someone through it :)

Re: enable uPnP

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 6:53 pm
by Zaknafein
Actually most players don't have a host because port forwarding is the only option. If port forwarding for your router requires ANY troubleshooting it is most likely to be too complicated for anyone to bother helping you.

Re: enable uPnP

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:10 pm
by Jon God
Graydon wrote:Port forwarding has worked for Myth for 10 years, why change it if it isn't broken? Most Computer gamers know how to forward ports, and if they don't there's a million google results that will walk someone through it :)
Not everyone CAN port forward, to be fully honest. There are people on school connetions, wifi, ect, where they cannot port forward.

Re: enable uPnP

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:38 pm
by punkUser
Jon God wrote: Not everyone CAN port forward, to be fully honest. There are people on school connetions, wifi, ect, where they cannot port forward.
True but uPnP doesn't solve these cases either. uPnP is basically just automatic and temporary port forwarding and it's a bit finicky at that.

Re: enable uPnP

Posted: Tue Aug 09, 2011 8:58 pm
by Nation
I can't host at all, and I'm using a home connection. I really don't know why. I plug my computer directly into the modem, and it still does not work.

and Graydon, I wasn't suggesting you change it so you don't portfoward and just enable uPnP instead. I was suggesting that the developers tack on a new feature that allows other people to host without portfowarding, such as people like me who's ISP won't let them, or other people who doesn't want to have to deal with troubleshooting.

Re: enable uPnP

Posted: Wed Aug 10, 2011 2:48 pm
by Melekor
It's a good idea, but not trivial to implement afaik.

Re: enable uPnP

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 4:07 pm
by Nation
well just because something is hard to do, doesn't mean you shouldn't do it.

I can't count the numerous times I've been on and there were only 2 games, 1 being mazz in session, the other being a host who is AFK.

A lot of people choose to leave, rather than sit around and wait for someone to host. The payoff to the myth community would be tremendous if such a feature was implemented in the game.

Re: enable uPnP

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 11:07 pm
by punkUser
Nation wrote:I can't host at all, and I'm using a home connection. I really don't know why. I plug my computer directly into the modem, and it still does not work.
Your modem is almost certainly acting like a router and you need to configure it. If it was provided by your ISP you should be able to get support from them.

Let me say this again though since it didn't register the first time: uPnP does not enable anyone to host that can't forward ports or is behind some firewall that they don't have control over. It is basically automated port forwarding.

Furthermore, ipv6 will fix it ;) :P

Re: enable uPnP

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 2:03 am
by Nation
punkUser wrote: Your modem is almost certainly acting like a router and you need to configure it. If it was provided by your ISP you should be able to get support from them.

Let me say this again though since it didn't register the first time: uPnP does not enable anyone to host that can't forward ports or is behind some firewall that they don't have control over. It is basically automated port forwarding.

Furthermore, ipv6 will fix it ;) :P
Well I've tried my hardest to port forward. I've followed every single step of instructions over at to no avail. I've asked for help on multiple IRC channels, and web forums, and nobody could assist me. I've called my ISP directly, and they were no help at all.

I don't doubt the fact my modem was acting as a router, that could be true, I don't doubt that I could port forward, but I'm not doing something correct. I'm just stating that having that option would benefit many players aside from myself, and the community as a whole by allowing more games to be open.

Just today, someone tried hosting a blue vs grey game, that I, and a few other people were interested in joining, but the person hosted it was behind a firewall, and we couldn't join in at all.

I'm not a developer in this community, so its ultimately up to them, it doesn't however hurt to suggest such a feature.

Re: enable uPnP

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 8:24 am
by Myrd
It's a good suggestion.

Re: enable uPnP

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:59 am
by Isolder

I can help with your port forwarding.

What is the layout of your computer network (e.g. modem > computer, modem > router > computer/computer/computer) + model numbers of the devices? Type of Internet connection?
What is the computer you are trying to host on? Mac or Windows, what version? Do you have administrator rights?

Re: enable uPnP

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:46 am
by vinylrake
can i play too? (seriously)

DSL ----->modem (Westel model 6100) > router(Netgear) ---- physical connection to----> mac (os 10.6)

i have administrator rights on the modem, router and hosting mac (OS 10.6).

Re: enable uPnP

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:44 pm
by punkUser
Yeah I actually just helped someone set up forwarding yesterday :) In any case I do agree that it's a good suggestion... I was merely responding to the comment that it would enable any people for whom it is "impossible" to host today to do so (due to being behind a firewall/NAT or other address manipulation that they do not control) .

Vinyl some quick googling indicates that your modem may be acting like a router as well which would put you behind a double-NAT (ugly). Is it possible to switch it to a "bridging" (non-NAT) mode at all?

Re: enable uPnP

Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2011 1:45 pm
by Isolder
I'm trying to do this all from the ground up, so don't feel offended if you've already completed a step. This is just to make sure we're all on the same page as far as settings go.

Added questions:

What is your ISP? (This helps when looking up configuration information)

If you know the ip address of your modem and of your router please list it.

Please post the output of the following commands, based on if you are Windows or Mac:

For Windows Users, get to a command prompt:
  1. 1. Go to your Start Menu > type in cmd and hit return or go to Run and type cmd.
  1. 2. Make note of what your prompt is (e.g. C:\Users\Username\>)
  1. 3. Type in the command "ipconfig /all > networkinfo.txt" without quotes and hit return
  1. 4. Go to the directory that your prompt is (from step 2) and look for networkinfo.txt. Paste the contents into a reply, preferably using the code BBCode.
For Mac users, get to a terminal:
  • 1. Applications > Utilities > Terminal OR search for terminal via Spotlight
  • 2. Type in the command "ifconfig -a" without quotes and hit return
  • 3. Paste the contents of the command results into a reply, preferably using preferably using the code BBCode.