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More diversification in combat units or non-combatants

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:34 pm
by juliocpaes
Hello all,

More diversification in combat units or non-combatants:

I can not create units or scenarios, but I know there are people here who know. in my opinion, he wanted more combat units in the view of the medieval era, for example: For Myth 2 - Warriors, Bersekers armed with axe, or a villager armed with a scythe.
I ask the mapmaker (builders of units) to think fondly about this my petition. see photo attached, it would be a great diversification as well.


Re: More diversification in combat units or non-combatants

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 5:54 pm
by Graydon
If you look into the plugin "Homeland" and "Homeland II" by Creation you'll find some "northmen" units that look very similiar to that warrior in the picture. They're not horse riders, but sort of norse/viking looking warriors. Some other enemy units in those plugins are cool too, sort of like other versions of Stygian Knights, but slightly more badass looking. ... urmaps.php

Re: More diversification in combat units or non-combatants

Posted: Wed Aug 24, 2011 7:29 pm
by juliocpaes

Yeah! I loved playing plugin "Homeland" and "Homeland II;

but, I want is warrior, bersekers or Viking armed with axes. (very badass).
