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Using attacks from Charlie's Point

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:28 am
by rifthead

I have some more tag permission requests for a project I'm working on. Specifically, I'd like to use the machine gun attacks from Charlie's Point. Is Wod' still around to ask for permission about these? I really dig the tracers, and also want to use the airstrike attack for my plug.

Also, this one is reaching back a ways, but who made the Hind-D helicopter that appears in WWII: Urban Recon? I'd like to use them too.

I'd be modifying these from their original tags to make them fit my plug.

And a few more questions; what urban / city themed maps are out there? Has anyone experimented with large scale destructible buildings? I know about the outhouse model, but could something similar be applied to larger models? Is it possible to rescale models (like monsters, by adjusting object parameters)?

Re: Using attacks from Charlie's Point

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 11:14 am
by Pyro
I don't know about who made what, so someone might be of better help with that info. As for the model stuff, it can't easily be scaled up. A few Mac programs are needed to mess with models. Making it destructable would mean more work as you have to make each phase of it as a separate model. A scenery item is used to "detect" the damage the model receives. It works great for small things like the outhouse because no matter where you toss explosives, they will all be near the scenery item it has to damage.

Take a look at the multiplayer map Venice. It has walls with cracks at the top that can be blown up. The scenery object is on that area, so if you try to toss explosives at the bottom of the wall it won't damage it eventhough you hit it. Open it in Loathing, using band selecting (click dragging to make a box) select the area over that cracked wall. You will see a small item is selected. It is small and completely transparent but now you know where it is. A few other examples of destroyable models include the cracked walls on the single player map Redemption as well as the dam on The Wall.

Re: Using attacks from Charlie's Point

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:52 pm
by ozone
I made the Hind.

Go for it.

Re: Using attacks from Charlie's Point

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:42 am
by Point ... cpr#p47033

I haven't seen wod or crest fallen in a long time... i think crest might of done the original cp airstrike... though for my part I will say you can use anything I did for cpr

have fun make cool stuff...

Re: Using attacks from Charlie's Point

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 6:26 am
by rifthead
Point, is that Helicopter Gunship (Cobra, right) available as a unit in Myth 2? That would fit really well with my plug.

Ozone, thanks for giving me permission to use the Hind (my favorite military helicopter of all time!)

Re: Using attacks from Charlie's Point

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:03 am
by Point
yes it along with all the rest of the cpr stuff are in various released and unreleased versions of cpr that helo replaces the old boxy one that was in earlier test versions of the tagset. adding a compliment to the huey.

Vietnam Tagset
Charlie's Point
Chalies's Point v2
Charlie's Point Redux
-are available on udogs
as is a beta for CPR 2
though all that is mostly updated for
Charlie's Point Reloaded for 1.7 which is still on one of my hard drives...



Image ... PReloaded/

Re: Using attacks from Charlie's Point

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 4:00 am
by rifthead
Hey Point,
I have a slow net connection and I pay by the MB, so is there any way you could send me a link to download just the local folder of the gunship chopper unit? Like with Chaos extract unit?