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Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 3:27 pm
by downtown
myth_crashlog- Sep 07 22.12.23 2011

2011-09-07 21:58:02
Myth II Build 374 running under Modern Windows 6.010000 ----------------------------------------------
Loading poweruser.txt... not found.
Scanning for software devices...
Found 1 to use
Scanning for Direct3D devices...
Found 1 to use
Scanning for DirectX 11 devices...
Found adapter: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GT
Found 1 to use
Scanning for 3Dfx devices...
Found 0 to use
Scanning for OpenGL devices...
Found 1 to use
GeForce 8800 GT/PCI/SSE2 | NVIDIA Corporation | OpenGL 3.3
Initialized for DirectSound3D using COM
Loading Patch Files...
Patch 1.2
Patch MariusNet
Patch 1.3
Patch 1.4
Patch 1.4 Interface
Patch 1.5
Loading Patch Files Succeeded
Establishing connection with metaserver at
Disconnecting from metaserver.
Running DirectX 10/11 at 1280 x 1024
Starting mesh "|iShadow of the Mountain 3|p" with 1 plugin...
Magma - Shadow III
Using 1.7.2 gameplay...
Attempting Stack Trace...
0 0x004907e6 ?create_texture@dx11_texture_cache@@AAEPAUID3D11ShaderResourceView@@PAUID3D11Device@@PAUbitmap_data@@PAK@Z + 0x001a (myth2code\hardware\directx11\dx11_texture_cache.cpp:122)
1 0x004908be ?lookup_or_create_texture@dx11_texture_cache@@QAEPAUID3D11ShaderResourceView@@PAUID3D11Device@@PAUID3D11DeviceContext@@PAUbitmap_data@@PAKI@Z + 0x00e2 (myth2code\hardware\directx11\dx11_texture_cache.cpp:30)
2 0x00489329 ?render_surfaces@dx11_context@@AAEXPAPAUrender_surface@@I_N@Z + 0x00a7 (myth2code\hardware\directx11\dx11_context.cpp:1059)
3 0x00489dc1 ?rasterize_scene@dx11_context@@QAEXPAUview_data@@PAUrender_surface_list@@PAE2_NPAPAX3I@Z + 0x000f (myth2code\hardware\directx11\dx11_shaders.cpp:13)
4 0x00490d7b _rasterize_scene_dx11 + 0x0015 (myth2code\hardware\directx11\render_dx11.cpp:228)
5 0x00477ae4 _rasterize_scene_hardware + 0x004c (myth2code\hardware\hardware_rasterizers.c:997)
6 0x0046b8e9 _rasterize_scene + 0x00c7 (myth2code\render\render_rasterize.c:260)
7 0x00461ea3 _render_scene + 0x001d (myth2code\render\render.c:155)
8 0x004a4124 _rasterize_myth + 0x001c (myth2code\main.c:1265)
9 0x004a4f53 _idle_myth + 0x00cd (myth2code\main.c:1161)
10 0x004a78cd _main + 0x0073 (myth2code\main.c:376)
11 0x004ecb7f _WinMain@16 + 0x0011 (myth2code\shell_windows.c:273)
12 0x0051255f _WinMainCRTStartup + 0x0051 (crt0.c:251)
13 0x75213677 ? + 0x0000 (?:0)
14 0x77599f02 ? + 0x0000 (?:0)
15 0x77599ed5 ? + 0x0000 (?:0)
Stack Trace Complete
Recording Buffers Flushed
Saved Recording To 'Crash- Sep 07 22.12.23 2011'


.rar of the guilty game attached.

explaination: i was playing just to spend some time and WHEN MY MORT SUICIDED (circa 9 min) it was because of a strange lag wave, then it turned to desktop without a warning, myth was still running but "not responding", its window appeared like a thin rectangular black shape in top left corner of the screen.
i was downloading microsoft updates, but i guess it was already finished when myth crashed, i actually dont know.


Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 7:17 pm
by punkUser
Looks like a crash in the graphics driver... could certainly have been related to windows updates, or also just a bug there. Have you updated your drivers recently?


Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 2:18 pm
by downtown
nope, i didnt update any driver...


Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 11:36 pm
by Graydon
Maybe try updating them then.