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OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 11:10 am
by t o x y n

I just put Myth/Loathing/Fear on my new MacBook Pro running Lion. Fear and Loathing are apparently still PPC applications (per the warning message that came up when clicking on them) so I can't run them although on my old machine (older mac mini running leopard) they work when I tried there.

Nothing that can be fixed, but just wanted to note this.

Thanks PM

Re: OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 1:28 pm
by GodzFire
Yep, nor will they be updated anytime soon however. I suggest removing Lion and getting back Snow Leopard. Personally, the removal of Rosetta from Lion was a big mistake.

Re: OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:48 pm
by Graydon
This is the sole reason I havent upgraded to Lion yet.

Apple is pulling some shiesty bullshit and making all our old apps no longer work.

If you're into any kind of legacy style games older than a year or two, you need an older mac/macOS.

Re: OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:50 pm
by Graydon
And as an afterthought, everyone should be bitching and complaining to apple about this, so write them a really whiny sounding post on their support forums. It's bullshit they're trying to reshape my/our/anyones workflow after 10 years of establishing it. "Resume" sounds super fucking cool and would be a godsend for me, but until they fix compatability I'm boycotting Lion.

Re: OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 5:52 pm
by Jon God
Graydon wrote:And as an afterthought, everyone should be bitching and complaining to apple about this, so write them a really whiny sounding post on their support forums. It's bullshit they're trying to reshape my/our/anyones workflow after 10 years of establishing it. "Resume" sounds super fucking cool and would be a godsend for me, but until they fix compatability I'm boycotting Lion.
Same here.

Re: OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:15 pm
by vinylrake
imo Apple doesn't care about whether 10 year old game apps can run under Lion or not.

Seriously, they've made technology cut-overs several times in the past and pretty much ignored the cries from the old tech masses. they went from the original motorola to PPC chips, OS 9 to OX 10, PPC to Intel, they all had some transition period where old and new would run in some fashion, but all those cut-overs eventually broke old apps, and now they are finally cutting off PPC app support. Apple hasn't even made a PPC machine in over 6 years so it's not that suprising.

i can't say you won't get any results by complaining, but i just can't see why apple would even care about this issue. what are people going to do, decide to buy a windows computer next time you want a computer just because Fear and Loathing don't run on the latest Mac OS?

sorry if i seem cynical.

Re: OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:50 am
by Melekor
Apple doesn't make money from OSX anyways does it? Unless you start boycotting their hardware, I don't think they care.

Anyways, there are some Lion compatible replacements in the works. Unfortunately, Godzfire is correct, they will be a while coming.

Re: OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 6:46 am
by vinylrake
Melekor wrote:Apple doesn't make money from OSX anyways does it? Unless you start boycotting their hardware, I don't think they care.
not the kind of money MS used to make with their start-me-up-we-could-be-heroes-celebrity-endorsed-media-blitz OS upgrades, but they must make some money. Apple sold 3+ million macs in the last quarter of FY10 alone so even at the relatively low price of $30 for the Lion OS upgrade even if only 1/3 of the people who bought Macs that quarter upgraded that's 30 million dollars. but if you figure mac sales have averaged 8 million/year over the past 5 years, even if only 10% of all the mac owners upgraded who have machines less than 5 years old, that's income of around $120 million. (I didn't count owners of older machines because some older models aren't upgradeable)

oh and add in another $30/upgrade for anyone not currently running Snow Leopard.

Re: OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:00 pm
by Melekor
Income =/= profit. Apple has to maintain a large staff to build/maintain/support OSX. At such low prices I would be surprised if they come out ahead on OSX alone. Instead, the main purpose is to drive sales of their hardware, where the real profits are.

Re: OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:05 pm
by punkUser
Yeah I think apple mostly treats OSX as a reason to buy-in to the apple "platform". Now that their hardware is mostly standard consumer-level stuff, it's one of the main distinguishing features. That said, I don't think they are trying to make money on it alone, but rather just use it to get people to keep buying mac's (otherwise they'd have no real differentiation at this point).

Re: OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:34 pm
by TarousZars
I doubt people are likely to downgrade their OS just to install fear and loathing. Especially since it likely means buying a copy of an older version of the OS. If you can even find it.

Re: OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 12:41 pm
by vinylrake
agreed, new versions of the OS / new features are what Apple uses to lure customers in or keep customers coming back for newer/better.

but still even if the OS doesn't HAVE to make profit, 130 million will buy you a pretty large staff of OS developers. I mean you could have 100 OS programmers working 100% on the OS and pay them $250K a year for 2 years and give them really good benefits and still have 20 or 30 million left over to pay for the facilities to house their offices/labs and pay for their computers and electricity and AC. ( 2 years is I think about Apple's cycle of late. Snow Lion was two summers ago if I am remembering correctly.)

it's hard to imagine Apple could really be losing money developing the OS when you break it down. unless they have hundreds of people being paid more than 250K all working on nothing but the OS. -- even then my estimates are _really_ conservative for # of upgrades sold.

but i am of course just guessing.

Re: OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 1:13 pm
by Myrd
In the mean time, if you're on Lion and you really need access to the tools, you should be able to run the Windows versions using wine.

Re: OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 4:37 am
by Graydon
Have you confirmed this Myrd? Don't see why it wouldn't but are you unning Wine in Lion successfully?

Re: OSX Lion / 2011 MBP = No Fear, Loathing

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:04 pm
by Myrd
I have not confirmed this on Lion, though I have done this on Snow Leopard on the past.